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Artwork of Looker from Platinum.
Real Name Unknown
Species Human
Affiliation International Police
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Debut Pokémon: Platinum Version

Looker is an agent of the International Police who is featured as a supporting character in Pokémon: Platinum Version and later makes a postgame appearance for Pokémon: Black and White Versions.


Looker described himself as a "globe-trotting elite" of the International Police. He kept his real name a secret and went only by his code name of Looker. He rarely participated in Pokémon battles and seemed mostly to work on espionage and disguising himself, although many of his attempts at stealth wound up failing.


In Platinum, he went sent to Sinnoh to investigate a rash of Pokémon thefts. He first met Lucas/Dawn as well as Dawn/Lucas at Jubilife City, where the latter spotted him trying to hide behind a set of lampposts. Looker then revealed himself and complimented their powers of observation. He told them some information on his mission and gave them a Vs. Recorder that he had bought to be trendy but did not really need. Looker asked the trainers not to speak with him the next time they met to help him keep his cover, but he then went back on that in case the trainer wanted to report information on suspicious figures (and also because got lonely).

Looker confronted Lucas/Dawn when they returned to Jubilife City from Oreburgh, telling them about Pal Pads before leaving the city due to not finding any signs of shady activity, although it seems that he just missed Team Galactic's attempted mugging of Professor Rowan. Looker later heard of Team Galactic activity at the Valley Windworks and came running to help, but Lucas/Dawn had already taken care of them. Looker congratulated the trainer and then left to investigate a tip that Team Galactic had a headquarters in Eterna City. He managed to disguise himself as one of Team Galactic's grunts to infiltrate the headquarters. When Lucas/Dawn stepped by to challenge Jupiter, he briefly dropped his disguise to warn him about one of the building's traps while remaining confident that the young trainer could handle them. Lucas/Dawn was indeed successful, at which point Team Galactic cleared out of that particular building, and Looker departed as well.

At Veilstone City, Looker spent some time looking for leads at the local Game Corner. He once more met with both Lucas and Dawn after they had already beaten a pair of Team Galactic grunts. Looker mulled over how Team Galactic was committing minuscule crimes but that this also made them more sinister. They investigated the nearby warehouse together only to find a locked door, although Looker discovered an HM02: Fly that he let the trainer keep. He was troubled by a rumor he heard from the Game Corner about Team Galactic moving something into Pastoria City. Looker was on his way to investigate this when he ran into Lucas/Dawn on Route 213. Looker learned that the cargo was a Galactic Bomb, and it was being carried by a grunt who was on the run. Looker felt foolish for not having noticed the Team Galactic agent and raced off to pursue him. Looker lost their trail at the Grand Lake Hotel, however, and the Galactic Bomb was eventually set off, draining Lake Verity.

Looker later obtained Team Galactic's Storage Key and met with Lucas/Dawn to sneak into Team Galactic's Veilstone headquarters through the storage warehouse entrance. Looker went in ahead, and the trainer eventually caught up with him eavesdropping on a meeting of Team Galactic members in which the leader Cyrus spoke to them about their plan to use Dialga and Palkia to destroy and remake the world. Looker was left confused about Team Galactic's goals, but he then went off to continue investigating. Looker then wound up going to Mt. Coronet after Cyrus traveled there to awaken the legendary Pokémon. Looker saw that they had destroyed the painting that had blocked the path to Coronet's summit and acknowledged that they were out of his league. He also saw how great a trainer Lucas/Dawn was and pleaded with them to take down Cyrus, giving them a Black Flute he had found in a previous investigation.

While Lucas/Dawn took care of Cyrus, Looker returned to Team Galactic's hideout for further investigations. He found the notes of the scientist Charon, which helped him to figure out Charon's plans to resurrect Heatran as an extortion scheme once Charon took control of Team Galactic in Cyrus's absence. Looker made his way to the cave in Stark Mountain which contained the Magma Stone and spent hours on stakeout disguised as a boulder until Charon arrived with the last few Galactic grunts, being pursued by Lucas/Dawn and Buck. Looker revealed himself to reclaim the Magma Stone and called in a pair of officers who arrested Charon. Looker brought Lucas/Dawn and Buck outside to explain what had happened, but he then realized that by removing the Magma Stone from Stark Mountain he may have inadvertently caused Heatran's awakening. Buck then returned the stone to its resting place to prevent this while Looker continued to speak with Lucas/Dawn.

With Charon's arrest, accompanied by the rest of Team Galactic's members going missing or reforming, Looker saw that his work in Sinnoh was done and it was time to leave. He left the trainer with a quote that he had heard from a distant land and understood better now about the sadness of parting ways.


Looker was later sent to Unova in Pokémon: Black and White Versions to search for the straggling members of the recently-defeated Team Plasma. His main priority was finding the team's Seven Sages, particularly their leader Ghetsis. The local Pokémon League champion, Alder, recommended that he ask Hilbert/Hilda, the young trainer whom had defeated Team Plasma, for help. Looker went to the trainer's house and flaunted his abilities of disguise by disguising himself as the trainer's mom. He then dropped the disguise to disclose his true purpose and asked Black/White to help search for the Seven Sages. Looker also gave the trainer a Super Rod for an unrelated reason.

Looker showed up every time that Hilbert/Hilda found one of these Sages shortly after they started talking to each other, and he took each of them into custody. However, there was no sign of Ghetsis. After the sixth Sage was arrested, Looker departed to investigate reports of a person resembling Team Plasma's former king N in a distant land with a Dragon-type Pokémon (likely Reshiram or Zekrom).

Pokémon Roster

Looker is never shown in battle (he mentions that he rarely battles), and his only known Pokémon is a Croagunk that he uses to swipe the Magma Stone from Charon in Platinum.

Other Appearances

Other Media

  • Looker has appeared in the Pokémon anime, initially in Team Galactic-related episodes of the Diamond & Pearl series. His first appearance had him on a train with Lake Acuity with Ash's group as well as Team Rocket and distributing box-lunches because he had too many. Because he shared lunch with Jessie and James as well, they became fiercely loyal to him and wound up helping him in the cause against Team Galactic. He disguised himself as a Galactic grunt in one episode, and although at one point Team Galactic held him captive in Fuego Ironworks, he wound up arresting most of Team Galactic's members at the end of their arc. He is set to return in the Black and White series.
  • In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Looker was introduced at the end of the Diamond/Pearl arc, where he tried interrogating several Team Galactic members to little success. He was then featured in the Platinum chapter where he accompanied Platina in her challenge of the Battle Frontier so that they could learn information about the Distortion Zone and Team Galactic's new movements from the Frontier Brains. Looker was portrayed as fairly competent yet occasionally bumbling, and he was armed with a variety of gadgets which he numbered and declared the identities of as he used them.


  • His Japanese name is "Hansom", a play on "Handsome", and "Looker" is his American name due to being synonymous.