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Old 09-16-2004, 10:29 PM   #1
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ooc: Yep, a Mario/Zelda cross-over. Please don't kill me.

ic: Mario sighed as he walkd into the castle.

"G'day, Mario," one of the Toad gaurds.

"Hey," Mario answered, remembering how utterly pathetic the Fungi guards were. How many times had someone kidnapped the Princess? Oh well, it didn't matter. Peach had told Mario this was "a night he was going to remember." He didn;t know what that eant, but he would be happy to find out. He ran up the four flights of stairs and went through six hallways. Finally, he reached Peach's room.

Mario knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Princess Toadstool (or as she liked, Peahced) said gently. She obviously knew who it was, Mario always kncoked to a "Do the Mario" theme. Without answering, Mario walked in.

Peach laughed, "I love how you do that 80's song knock."

"Hey, just because we're not in our teens anymore doesn't mean we can't be 'groovy'," Mario joked. they both laughed. "So, what's up?" he asked.

"Glad you asked," and old man's voice said. Mario was schocked to find Toadsworth, Peach's most loyal servant sitting ina chair. Mario didn't even realize he was there. That was Toadsworth: always silent unless he was directly spoken to, and then he started rambling on and on.

"Professor Gadd has discovered an inter-deminsional warp in the remains of the Dry Dry Desert Temple," Toadsoworth carried on, gesturing his way through.

"Like a Warp Pipe? You mean thre are three pipes that go to Earth now?" mario asked, not surprised. When the Star Spirits created this world, they had made seven warps to the planet Earth. So far, only two were known. One in Yoshi's Islnd going to Veniece, Italy. And one in Toad Town going to New York City. Bith were under guard.

"Not exaclty. I literal tear in time and space, going to a different dimension than Earth," Toadsworth grumbled.

"Okay, I'm gone," Mario sighed.

"Mario!" Peach almsot yelled than got up to kiss him. "Good luck," she whispered.

In Hyrule, Link I was seemingly caught in time. Ever since he became the Hero of Time and defeated Ganondorf, Zelda sent him back in time to defend Hyrule and stop this apocalypse from ever happening. What she didn't know was that she was actually created two Links. One to follow through the legend of The Ocarina of Time, and one to do whatever he pleased. The Link that was doing whatever he wanted realized that the other Link would pull the Master Sword, wake up seven years later, and then be sent back seven years to do exaclty what "free" Link was doing now.

Ever since Link had returned from the parallel universe of Termania, he noticed his other self had disappeared. He had pulled the Master Sword and accidently let Ganondorf obtain the Triforce of Power and let him control Hyrule. Link had decided to lay low as Ganondorf did as he pleased. He knew his current hideout, the Lost Woods, were doomed to be overtaked byMorlocks, but Link would wait until they came to go somewhere else. Tongith, Link was talking to his friend the Skull Kid.

"So, how's it been ever since you were freed from Majora?" Link asked vaguely.

"Oh, it's been great. The wife and kids have been wonderul," said Skull Kid sarcasticly.

Link's mind wandered. How long was it until Ganondorf would 100% take over the country? A year? Month? Minute? Link felt tempted to go out and find Shiek, the alter ego of Princess Zelda who had been in hiding. But he wouldn't do it, if he did Zelda probably would of told him in the future.

"Link? Link, do yuo see that?" Skull Kid spoke up. He pointed at a sort of blue tear in the air, barely noticable through the trees. "What do you think it is?"

Instinctvely, Link ran towards it. Ignoring Skull Kid's shouts and a couple of Deku Scrubs, the thirteen-year-old whinced when soem thorns scraped his ankles. He just wanted to see what was happening.

Back in the Dry Dry Temple ruins, Mario gasped as he found a blue streak of air in a giant room. Mario chomped on a Fire Flower and turned into Fire Mario. Just in case. Tip-toeing, he approached the tear. Mere inches away, he was sucked into it.

Link saw the tear. A Deku Scrub was already there. "Hey, dude, what is this thing?"

"I don't know, but stay away from it!" Link yelled as if he was in his early twenties. Which technicly, he was.

"I'm going in!" the Scrub yelled walking foward. The warp pulled him in. "No! You idiot!" Link yelled running after him, being sucked in also.

Hours later, Mario opened his eyes. He was in the woods. His first guess was the forest by Toad Town, but it wasn't. It was too light. Several brown small creatures with leaves for hair waere looking at him. Mario jumped up. Really high. About twelve feet. Where was he?

Link opened his eyes simantaneously, as well as the Deku Scrub. He was in ruin. He imagined the Spirit Temple, but no, it wasn't that. It was compeltely different. He unsehathed his knife. Where was he?

Mario was in Hyrule.

Link was in the Mushroom World.

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Old 09-17-2004, 01:03 PM   #2
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Link looked around. The place didn't seem too strange to begin with. A large desert temple, similiar to the Spirit Temple, but also wildly different. There were strange heiroglyphics (sp?) on the wall, depicting mushrooms, stars with eyes and some sort of wierd flower.

He stepped cautiously around the Temple, sword drawn, shield raised, eyes darting. He began to wonder how far he was from Hyrule. If this was further into the same desert that the Desert Colossus stood in, then he wouldn't be too far from home.

He stepped outside and was momentarily blinded by the sunlight. He held his arm up to shade his face, his shield now aloft. His vision faded back, but he wasn't convinced that he was seeing clearly. The desert appeared to be populated with cacti that bore eyes.

'Eyes on cacti?' he thought, 'this is NOT hyrule'.

Determined to get some answers, he followed what seemed to be a path through the sand in the hopes of finding someone.

Mario's initial reaction was to back away from these strange creatures. He was aware that even he did not know about every creature that dwelled in the Mushroom Kingdom, but these... things were too weird, even by Mushroom Kingdom standards.

He instantly thought about firing his fireballs at them but he didn't want to anger them. Another creature stood behind all of them, but this one was different. This one was more like a person, albeit one made out of wood and dressed in leaves.

The ugly person-like creature waddled towards him.

"Who are you?" it said, "And where is the fairy boy, Link?"

"I'm-a Mario," he said, "What-a the hell are you talking about?"
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Old 09-17-2004, 04:08 PM   #3
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The Moblin groaned. Of course, Moblins are not exaclty ht esmartest race, but they do know an idiot when they see one. The Moblinpicked up his spear and tossed it at Mario's heart. Mario jumped and advanced towards the Moblin's head.

A little closer and if this thing is anything like a Goomba it'll be gone, Mario thought. He bounced off the creature's thick skull and fell right into its arms. "Oh, shit. That didn't work!" Mario screamed as it grabbed him by his ankle and through him away.

"Now for you," the Moblin grunted, turning to the Deku Scrubs. As he picked up his spear, the Scrubs screamed. The Moblin's glorious face was the last thing they saw.

Mario landed with a thud. "Oh, I don't feel so good," he groaned. He grabbed his arm; it felt broken. Just like Earth compared to the Mushroom World, this placed had different physics. Mario remembered when Bowser took Peach's castle into the sky and Mario was psuhed out. He fell miles to the ground, and all he got was a bruise. Caught up in memories, Mario almost didn't hear a girl's scream. Different universe or not, someone was in trouble. And it was up to him to save them.

Mario ran, clutching him arm. It wasn't long until he found a girl, looking about ten years old being chased by more of those creatures. She fell to her knees in front of him and pleaded, 'Help." Mario felt around his pocket. He remembered picking up something on his way to the ruins...aha! He took a bite out of his Golden Mushroom and grew twenty feet tall. "Whoa," the girl gasped.

Mario stepped on the creatures. He saw that they were wearing kelvar and he barely tapped them. Thye would be all right. He picked up his foot and expected them to retreat and tell the rest of their kind to stay away. But they didn't. they went after the girl again. Stubborn things. Mario thought of Peach. How many times had he been helpless to save her? Sure, she was always rescued, but half of those adventures wouldn't have even happened if he and Luigi has saved her the moment she was in trouble.

Worse than that, most of the time it was Mario's fault. The time they went on vacation to Dionsaur Land, Peach and Luigi didn't want to go, but Mario insisted they did. Bowser took her when the brothers weren't with her. The time when Peach first got her castle and invited Mario over for cake. Bowser had intercepted the letter and took her when Mario wasn't there. Mario re-realized what was happening and kicked the creatures away from the girl. He was mad now. He didn't care now if they were dead or not. Actually, he wanted them dead.

Mario shrunk down back to his normal size and greeted the girl. "Um, hi? I'm Mario. Where am I?"

"Oh thank you!" she yelled, hugging him. "I'm Saria, and you're in the Lost Woods."

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Old 09-23-2004, 08:44 AM   #4
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OOC: Looks like it's just me and thee, 12-year-old.

"Well," the plumber replied, "That makes sense - I'm lost."

This girl was quite pretty for someone so young, but he couldn't stop thinking of Peach. Every minute he was here, she was unguarded from Bowser. He didn't want to count on his younger brother - poor Luigi had barely saved him from incarceration in King Boo's portrait!

"Do you know the way to the Mushroom Kingdom?" he asked.

She shook her head. I've never heard of it. The only Kingdom around here is there Kingdom of Hyrule. These woods are on the Southern border of that kingdom. You could go to Hyrule Castle Town in the north and ask someone there."

Mario thought about this. It was unlikely that he would find any answers in this wood!

"Which way is it?"

Hours later, he managed to find his way out of the woods and emerged on Hyrule Field.
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Old 09-30-2004, 05:02 PM   #5
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ooc: Yep, looks like that. Hey, let's check up on ol' Link eh?

ic: Damn, it's hot, Link thought. This was obviously not Hryule. These bizzare cactus were territorial and kept on throwing parts of their body at him. But then he saw.. could it be? Hyrule Castle in the middle of the desert? It was! Link ran as fast as his feet could carry him to the Castle. Zelda stood waving at him.

"Zelda!" Link yelled.

"Link, where have you been? Ganondorf was slayed before he could take over Hryule!" Zelda proclaimed. It was then Link realized that Zelda was an adult, like when he saw her seven years into the future. What was going on? This wasn't right. How could this work... unless he created an alternite reality? Zelda picked Link up... and kissed him.

It took Link by surprise. What was going on? He blinked and gasped. Zelda wasn't there, and neither was Hyrule Caslte. In Zelda's place was a man who looked like a younger version of Ingo, wearing a green hat. He wore a green jacket and blue jeans, but Link couldn't help but think that he should be wearing overalls for some reason. Maybe because he reminded him so much of Ingo. Wait, what was he thinking? He was making out with a guy!

"Oh, Daisy, you're great," Luigi moaned. He blinkeed. Instead of Diasy, there stood a kid in a green tunic, with a small sword and wooden sheild. Luigi through the kid off him, surprised. The kid kciked him in the balls.

"There, take that, you pervert!" Link yelled. He was obviously seeing a mirage (sp&#33 and hopefully, so was the Ingo guy. "Who are you?"

Link, in pain, shoved one of "Dr." Mario's pills down his throat. It still hurt, but at least now he could stand. The kid was standing there, speaking in some weird language. (ooc: Hylian, or course. I forgot they don't speak Engilsh in Hyrule.) "Wait, hold on," Luigi hesistated, pulling a Game Boy Maximum SP out of his pocket. Gadd had put some kind of Engilsh translator on this thing, hadn't he? Luigi scanned the kid, who was still blabing on. The Game Boy was loading... loading... loading... This was taking a long time. As if this kid was talking a language not known on Earth and the Mushroom World! Ah-ha! It was done. The kid should undertand and speak English now.

"Who are you, kid?" Luigi asked firmly.

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Old 10-14-2004, 07:44 AM   #6
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"My name is Link," the Hylian said with exasperation, glad that he finally understood the strangely dressed man. "Now, where in the name of Din, am I?"

This man was dressed completely in green, like himself. Could this be some sort of parallel universe where Heroes dressed like this? Was this man another sort of Link?

"This is the Dry Dry Desert of the Mushroom Kingdom," Luigi answered, making sure the GBM SP kept working. He couldn't think of anything else to say. This conversation ought to be dealed with one step at a time. "Where did you come from?"

"Hyrule," Link answered simply.

"Where's that?"

This question stunned Link for a second, since he had wanted to ask directions to Hyrule. If this man didn't even know where Hyrule was, he was going to be of no help to him.

"From here? I have no idea," the Hero replied.

'One thing's for sure,' he thought, 'That's the last time I jump into some strange portal.'

"Look, who's in charge of this 'Mushroom Kingdom'?" he asked

"Princess Toadstool," Luigi replied.

As alternate universes go, this was a wierd one. To Link, the most likely possibility was that this was some warped form of a Hyrule-like country. It had a kingdom, temples, guys in green... and a Princess to boot! The fungus theme was a little disconcerting but, hey, so were eyes on cacti!

"Can you take me to her?"
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Old 10-20-2004, 07:14 PM   #7
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"Oh, of course, Luigi answered bluntly, "but you have to fill out some paperowrk."

"Paperwork?" Link asked. How in the Sacred Realm could paper be work?

"I was joking, kid," Luigi sighed. (ooc: remember, Link's only about 14 here.) "What, kids from- Hyrule- not have a sense of humor?" he asked not expecting an answer, and started talking again when he noticd Link was about to talk, "Peach- thta's her first name, which she insist everyone calls her- loves company, as long as there not, y'know, turtle dictators determined on marrying her to control the county or witches from a long-lived race of bean-like creatures, or a giant toad from some guy in Africa's dream, or a gaint sword that-"

"Okay, I get it!" Link screamed. This man's joking personality was really getting to him. "Juts get to the point!"

"Alright! I guess the princess is just a nice woman, no wonder Mario fell for her," Luigi groaned.

Mario? Where had Link herad that before? He suddenly remember some memoies he has definetly not experienced... being an infant on a green lizard's back going acorss an island... being a child punching some deformed kid with a yellow hat and Hylian-shaped ears... jumping on buildings toward a blonde woman in the clutches of a massive gorilla... being in an ampartment undressing himself as the woman he had seen with the gorilla laid naked on a bad...

"Get out of my brain!" Link found himself shouting outloud. He was in a cold sweat, forcing this man's thoughts and feelings out of his head. What was going on?

"Uh, okay over there?" Luigi asked, taking a freakishly large feather out of his back pocket.

"Just get me to the princess. Now." Link said as firmly as he could, hoping Peach Toadstool would be anything like Zelda, with all the answers at her disposal.

"Fine! (Thanks for asking nicely, by the way)," Luigi sighed yet again, squezzing the feather as hard as he possibly could. From out of nowhere, a yellow cape appeared over Luigi's shoulders. "Just be thankful I had a Super Cape with me." Luigi grabbed Link into his arms, and began to fly over the desert.

ooc: Yes, those are Yoshi, Wario, DK Sr., and Pauline refrences.

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