Tesla Chapter 2
Tales of the Speeding Scrivener!


"Is he....... dead?" Eileen asked as he gazed down at the still body of Tesla lying on the bed in Luikan's hospital.

"Not really... He'll wake up from the coma in a few weeks hopefully, that drink he has enough power to put out a whale with one drop" Luikan answered as he began to walk away, crutch in hand.

"I can't have him out that long" Eileen growled, with an evil glint in her eyes, she produced a large can from behind her back. On the can was written in large black letters Coffee Beans, cackling as she went she forced coffee bean after coffee bean down Tesla's throat until the large barrel sized can was empty. The next few minutes dragged out in a terrible silence, then Tesla's eyes widened quickly, so spread apart from eyelids that it appeared his eyes might pop out. With one quick flash he was out of the bed and in clothes, his speed was blinding, he had became so fast that he had become......


That's right, with the strange mixture of the 'Veteran' and a carefully precise estimate of 20 Pounds of Coffee Beans had triggered something in his body to become the top Toranian Super Hero the world has ever seen.... ..... ..... .... .....

Too bad they won't ever get to see, as he crashed right through the hospital wall at a blinding speed right over mountains, plains, seas, deserts, lakes, and any other land reference you can name. Not far behind was Tesla's loyal Poison Moth Flapping it's buggy heart out til Tesla finally ran smack into a large volcanic structure and the enhancements wore off. The moth too, ran into the mountain and landed not so gracefully, when the twosome finally awoke they were surrounded by those weird native people you'd basically expect to see. Yes, it was the typical island native savage, with their loincloths, their bone necklaces, bones through their noses and those weird pointy spear things at Tesla and the Giant Moth. Cautiously the two dazed Toranians backed up into the rocky wall behind them. Although the Poison Moth could of easily overpowered them, that would ruin the plot thus making the chapter shorter. So in this light, the two were caught by the savages and taken to a stereotypical camp at the foot of the volcano.

"Me-a da Lead'a 'ere! Me say who do what!" The Tribe Chief shouted while his rather large belly bounced around "First-a me'a gonna ask'a'da you names! What'a'be you names?"

"My name is Tesla Veratii, your lord" Tesla answered, hiding his disgust from the large big-bellied Tribe Leader "And my Associate her, The Giant Poison Moth is--"

"Da Deeeeemon!" The Chief shouted, silencing the other savages who were already silent anyway "You'a in da legends! Evil Mothrider come from Great Momma sea and make us have bubbles in our tea! Me a'know you'a evil and'a gonna kill us!"

"Actually.... I'm just a assistant to Lord Lepant.. I had no intent of being an evil man destined in legend" Tesla responded fearfully.

"Mesa know listen to evil lies! You'a bad man! And you'a where funny hat! Funny hats are evil! So are Beards! You'a most definitely evil, YES!" The Chief shouted once more, his belly shaking more "We'a gonna throw you in the volcano!"

"That's rather original isn't it?" Tesla muttered to himself.

"What'a'da? You'a no like volcano? No think it original? Ok'a'den! We'a'gonna drop you in da tar, and put Corn Flakes on'a you!"

"Yes... That's all good and well, but it won't kill me" Tesla said sarcastically.

The chief was enraged, he didn't like being outsmarted "Fine'a'den! How'a should you'a be killed?"

"Well... I suggest..."Tesla began and whispered in the chief's ear.



Later, Tesla, along with the rest of the clan sat in a large audience as a tine young savage went up, adjusting his glasses he began to read. What he read we shall not tell you, but who wrote it was Milich Oppenheimer, it was a long story about his devotion to the Scarlet Moon Empire. It wasn't tolerated long, one by one the savages eyes lost the look of intelligence and went to dull white eyes with no pupils. Soon they began to fall down, one by one, even the Chief, only the Poison Moth, having no good ears survived. And Tesla to survived having firmly placed earplugs in his ears, the savage boy was affected so deeply he jumped into the ocean and became known as the Mad Sharkboy.

After Tesla's glorious victory, he boarded his Moth and flew the great distance to his home Toran, after a few days he arrived back at Gregminister. Once he arrived he received a thorough butt-kicking by Eileen and was sent off to work once more, this work was of course, Kasumi's job, as Vice President of the Rokkaku hideout, much to Hanzo's dismay.


"Is this how I do it?" Tesla asked, his feet glued to the rafters and his hat on the floor "I think the blood is all in my head now.... I've lost the feeling in my feet"

"Ughh.... You'll never be a ninja!" Hanzo growled glaring at the Tesla swaying from the rafters "You have to hang there WITHOUT glue!"

"What!? You mean actually put effort into it? You mean... actually engage in physical activity?" Tesla asked in shock "What if.. I get tired or something! I'm a thinker, not some oddly dressed Ninja Spy person!"

"..................... GET OUT!" Hanzo screamed, losing his temper for the first time in years, Tesla doing as told took his shoes off, collapsed on the ground, and scampered out of the Building and out of Rokkaku.


He had received his next job, and quite a sizable one it was too, he had to be the court teleporter, this was quite a chore too. Being so that he could not equip a Blinking Rune over his Scrivening Rune and multiple Rune equipping rage had not yet reached out this far yet. He had little success, some ended up trapped in picture books, some actually teleported, only to the wrong place never to be seen again. But most however ended up having stained clothes with black ink blots all over them, finally Eileen realized this and set him with another job.

This job was to command Sonya's Navy force, at first it was easy, he'd just go around and mope and yell at all the sailor people. But when his eyes began to burn for rubbing onion juice in his eyes, he was forced to o to Luikan's infirmary for treatment. By doctor's orders he was forced not to go back to Navy commanding.

He had screwed up severely on his last three jobs, so it was imperative that he succeed at the next one. He was to be the high lord of Narcissists, he was performing Milich's job, at first he was able to round up a few nobles. Then after doing this they sat around at a lovely table surrounded by roses, they were served by Zen the Gardener who had somehow earned the right for this huge responsibility. They seemed to at first enjoy the Moth's presence and they soon bestowed on him the "Aristo-Moth" Making him the only giant Insect worthy of Narcissism. Tesla too was accepted as he had read Milich's Book on Narcism and was able to fit the part rather well. He was able to amuse the other nobles with his magnificent Signature and his ability to fully perform the speech that Aristocrats were obligated to use. All in all he was rather successful in his venture to takeover Milich's job and was able to assign a replacement for Milich until he returned.

Later upon returning to his room, he was greeted by the familiar face of the severely beat up figure of the soldier who had given him the letter two weeks earlier. He didn't appear to happy to see Tesla but he managed to overcome that and speak: "Right now.... I want to kill you..... but all I can do is give you another letter...... URGHHHH!!!!!"

Tesla wordlessly took the letter and examined it:

Dear Tesla,

You have managed to successfully do two of the five jobs you have taken thus far, and have made two new replacements for the two people missing whose jobs you accomplished successfully. However, it is in necessity that The Border be reinforced by finding replacements for Sir Alen and Sir Grenseal. And also setting up the new Border control for all those leaving and entering the country.
