Final Fantasy OG 2

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Start: October, 2004
End: October 14, 2005 (unfinished)
Writers: Masamune, Luiigii of the Pipes, GORE-ILLA, GM, Sapphire, lzn64, Yami, Fred_Of_The_Bed, Lord Crump, Murasame

The second in the Final Fantasy OG series.

Also known as Final Fantasy - The OnGoing Saga. This was a loose sequel to the first FFOG, meant to sort of continue with similar concepts of the first. It was created on in October of 2004 and is now discontinued.

The story made it to 43 posts before it fizzled out. The reasons for this vary, but largely have to do with issues regarding the seriousness of posts and two of the key writers leaving the OG Forum behind. Although the story tried to continue past this, a limited author pool (now down to a mere three people) slowed the process down. A large plot twist that left the main party without a 'leader' also was to blame. The new sequel has already surpassed this story in amount of posts, but also in speed and number of authors.


"I can't even remember what happened."

This is not an unusual statement for this story. The concept was similar to a typical early Final Fantasy game, but went much further in depth on societal ranking, war, and politics, which still isn't saying a heck of a lot. It begins when the powerful but peaceful Avito Empire is crushed by an organized attack force from the nation of Harmanor. Two soldiers of the Avito Empire, Biggs Garmeade and Wedge Beltor, neglect their guard duties at a bar. When they return to the palace, they find it has been invaded. They find a girl there, and as Biggs takes her to a doctor, Wedge presses in to find the Emperor.

He meets a dark skinned, allied soldier from Fragrico, named Barta Kinstillan, who presses their forces to leave before they are slaughtered. They leave the palace and meet up with Biggs at Doctor Zeuver's house. They stake out there for a while and learn of the girl's identity from said doctor - SHE is the Empress! The Doctor erases her memory to keep her from taking risks, and they plan to travel down to Fragrico. Zeuver tells them to call her "Kaleena Madren", and the name sticks. They escape the city through some catacombs and convince Kaleena that she is one of Barta's three bodyguards, and that he is an ambassador.

They escape into a nearby forest where they meet three young, recently graduated, wandering and oddball mages by the names Angel, Arturo, and Akasha, whom are white, red, and black mages, respectively. They combine forces to warn as many as possible of the invasion, but Harmanor's influence becomes more widespread than they thought. In a nearby village they find a Fake Empress, posing as the Real one and moving the people to the Empire's side. They oppose her and narrowly cheat death, while meeting the mayor of the town, Cid. Cid tells them about his father, Mid, who is a airship engineer, and allies with the group in secret, planning to undo Harmanor from the inside.

Upon leaving in secret, they meet up with a sentient Viskilisk called, uh, The Viskilisk. More to come as people feel like it or get their stories straight.



Emperor Avito
Empress Avito
Doctor Zeuver
Drugur O'Donnell
Fake Empress


Harman General
Fake Empress


Lupus is the main composer for the OG. Fred and Yami Yoshi have contributed a few tracks as well.


Avito Empire -Palace -Zeuver's Lab

