The Life and Adventures of Miyamoto

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Life and Adventures poster created by Lemonjello

Start: December 06, 2001

End: September 06, 2003
Probably the best OG ever created by man.


Series in The Life and Adventures of Miyamoto
1 - 2 - 3 - Dr. Wily - Lemony Fresh 1 - Lemony Fresh 2

Main Cast[edit]

Main cast

Though The Life and Adventures features an absurd amount of heroes and villains, the following are some of the most recurring and memorable:

Good Guys[edit]

  • Miyamoto - Title character of the OG who is, amongst several other things, determined to build a Cheese Ray and take over the world or something. This would probably also make him a bad guy but the agendas of all the characters are so inconsistent it barely matters.
  • Will Wozby - An evil W Clone of Bill Cosby created by Miyamoto. Miyamoto's main right hand man except for the hundreds of times he betrays him.
  • Jill Jozby - An upgraded form of Will Wozby after he absorbed Jim Carrey. Due to a plot hole, he frequently appears in scenes with his unupgraded form.
  • Gaspar - Wise old man from Chrono Trigger who lives at the End of Time. Also the co-founder of Lemony Fresh Cleaning Co.
  • Met - A generic metool from Mega Man. Somehow defied all disposable-enemy-odds to become one of Miyamoto's most trusted underlings.
  • The Authors - Usually Lupus and Lemonjello, but occasionally joined by the likes of Bodacious and Masamune. Enigmatic writers of the OG who take pleasure in messing up the story using the computer.

Bad Guys[edit]

  • Willy Higinbotham - The self-appointed True Inventor of Video Games. He wants revenge on Miyamoto for stealing his game Tennis for Two and making it into Mario Tennis, ignoring the fact that Camelot made the game and all the other tennis clones ever made.
  • Dr. Wily - Derranged scientist guy from Mega Man who does a lot of evil stuff that I forget. Later founds Revengosoft to get revenge on Capcom for firing him.
  • Wiyamoto - The antithesis of Miyamoto. Probably the de facto leader of the W Clones.
  • Mike Patton - The genius behind the mega weapon known only as the Turbo Orange. Has a loyal Death Team consisting of various random people to do his bidding.
  • Bill Gates - Head of the evil Microsoft Corporation which opposes Nintendo in everything that they do.
  • Mario500 - Original author of the OG who is bent on thwarting The Authors and returning the OG to sanity. Very frequently succeeds.

Reasons why it is probably the best OG ever[edit]

1. Yami didn't post in it
2. Neither did Luigi
3. Masamune posted a few times

Stop vandalising this YAMI I KNOW ITS YOU