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An age-old medium of telling stories--merely by having one person tell one part, then having another person tell the next part, and so on. However, the term "OG" or "On-Going" (in reference to them being ongoing stories) was supposedly coined by Kyle Orland, creator of SMBHQ, who also created the OG Board forum on VGF, where all this crazy stuff got its start.

Not to be confused with "original gangsta".

OG and RP Differences[edit]

Often, Ongoing Stories are confused with Role Plays. This is understandable, since the two are similar- both are stories told by multiple people. However, there are several major differences.

  • In OGs, every person 'controls' everyone else's character; that is, they decide the fate of all the characters, their actions, their thoughts, their speech. In RPs, an authors control usually does not extend past characters he has created.
  • Though the length can differ for both, OG entries are generally longer than RP entries. A single line entry in an OG is generally frowned upon.
  • OGs have a longer shelf life. A particuarly long lived OG can last years. RPs are usually long dead by then.
  • OGs are cooler.

OG vs. "OGS"[edit]

Explaining OGs to other users can often be a source of confusion, since one of the usual questions is "Shouldn't it be OGS"? These people are a lost cause and should be shot. If they don't, the OG Rules are a friendly helping hand for potential OGers.