Rebe Jade

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Rebe Jade
Real Name Rebenia Jade Aostuin
Species Dwelf
Birth Year 1982
Occupation Nurse
Creator Luiigii of the Pipes
Relatives Thrakun: Father
Elenia: Mother
Luiigii of the Pipes: Husband
Becky: Adoptive Daughter
Lucas: Adoptive Son
Ashley: Daughter
Dodo: Grandson (GT)
Luigi: Great-Grandson (GT)

Not as hateful as the rest of her family.



Rebe is the daughter of Thrakun Skullcracker and Elenia Aostuin, a dwarf and an elf from the land of Scotland (originally Norwegia). In a drunken haze one night, the two were wed, despite Thrakun having a deep-seeded hatred for women, elves, and cell phones, and Elenia loathing all things male, dwarvish, and tank-driving. They bore with it long enough to have a daughter, who is the world's only dwelf. Rebe was banished to the island of Avest Forec somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean by dwarvish and elven councils, as neither agreed to the union. Thrakun and Elenia broke up shortly after, though they didn't forget about her.

Though Rebe was alone at Avest Forec, her parents would visit often and take care of her, though coincidentally never at the same time. They would teach her lessons that were completely the opposite of the other's own lessons, causing Rebe to grow up with a complete lack of understanding of, well, sanity.

Being a dwelf was mostly full of drawbacks. The genetics of dwarves and elves mostly cancelled each other out, so that Rebe wouldn't possess the fleet-foot, keen-eye, and pointy ears of elves, nor the particular strength, lust for gold, and beardedness of dwarves. So she is pretty much human. The longevity traits of dwarves and elves combined into something all together unnatural in Rebe. While she is very mortal, her blood possesses a special trait that allows it to heal wounds and illnesses in herself and others whose wounds come into contact with it (okay, I kinda stole this from X-Men...).

Alone and unloved, Rebe banished herself from the very place of banishment when she was fourteen, taking a small boat to Canada. She went through the typical stages of immigration before finally settling in as a nurse at Montgomery’s Hospital of Montana two years later, gaining respect for her ‘mysterious’ ability to heal. However, she was caught filling a patient’s IV with her blood one day and kicked out before they realized what her blood did.

At some point she met Luiigii, but wasn’t particularly upset when he disappeared back into the Forest of the Pipes. She spent the next year living a normal life as a waitress for Denny’s.

Timeline History[edit]

Good Timeline[edit]

Rebe first appeared in the ending of Gamehiker Member OG 2: On the Road Again. She met Masamune and dated him in the following installments of the Gamehiker Member OG series. However, by Gamehiker Member OG IV: Hobo Meets Girl, their relationship had deteriorated to the point where Rebe was no longer interested in him. At the same time she grew closer to Luiigii of the Pipes and risked her life to save him. Soon they officially began dating.

Neutral Timeline[edit]


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Oops, sorry, quoted Sapphire.