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{{Party Goers 7 Pages}}
==Author: Ditto==
The dual Golems spring forward while the Goombas fall back.
Sound FX Guy: "Mario Jumping Sound" x 2
They bounce off the two Goombas and spring back up the cliff, squishing the two Goombas into the floor of their chariot.
PG17 Golem: We made it!
PG7 Golem: Can I faint now?
PG17 Golem: Better not. This ain't for the faint of heart.
PG7 Golem: Okay. <nowiki>*</nowiki>isn't fainting<nowiki>*</nowiki> Now, what's wrong with the TASTS? Has it ever done this before... er, that is, will it ever do this, uh... prior to now?
PG17 Golem: Hmm... Wait, yeah. Just between Party Goers 7 and 8, it ran out of juice for a second. It never made it into a story. I went on a wild adventure that never got written wherein I had to refill it with ink.
PG7: Oh, okay. Hm... So, where in Heck are you supposed to get ink in Heck?
Narrator: Back across the river of fire, the rest of the gang are all sitting in bleachers, watching the struggle of the Gooms n' Golems.
Narrator Jr.: At that moment, a strange little red imp in a black and white striped referee outfit steps out and fires a gun into the air.
Satan: <nowiki>*</nowiki>up in announcer's booth<nowiki>*</nowiki> And that's halftime, folks! Here come the team's mascots. And for the Heck team, here come... the Hades Hotties!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>a group of evil-looking seductive women come out and begin doing various evil-related cheers<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Satan: ...and representing the Visiting Team... The Saints!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>several important-looking, bearded men come out and begin cheering in a dignified and regal manner<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Sapphire: I think I begin to see why good has such a PR problem.
Ditto: ~gets idea~ <nowiki>*</nowiki>to all the Vorpals<nowiki>*</nowiki> Hey, who wants some 'dogs n' drinks?
~All the Vorpals raise their hands, and they begin arguing over who has to get them~
Other Vorpals: Hey, we're all your guests! You have to get them for us!
Vorpal: Darn. You're all right. Okay then... <nowiki>*</nowiki>goes off to get dogs<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Sapphire: But Ditto, how did you know he'd agree?
Ditto: Because of his strict, upper-crust background, Vorpal, even in his evilest of moods, is drawn to use proper manners.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>all the other Vorpals are fixed on the Heck Cheerleaders<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Saph: Okay, so we're all escaping now?
Ditto: Yep. But first...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>the good guys all begin to sneak off, but Ditto lags just behind, and goes up to where Vorpal is talking to the 'dog vendor<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Vorpal: I'll take... Uh... <nowiki>*</nowiki>counts<nowiki>*</nowiki> eight dogs, seven Dr. Peppers, and one Diet Dr. Pepper.
Hot Dog Vendor: That'll be forty bucks.
Hot Dog Vendor: It's Heck. What do you expect?
Vorpal: Darn... oh, okay. <nowiki>*</nowiki>hands over money<nowiki>*</nowiki> Hey, can I get a carrying box?
Hot Dog Vendor: Nope.
Ditto: <nowiki>*</nowiki>sidles up<nowiki>*</nowiki> Here, let me hold that for ya. <nowiki>*</nowiki>takes ? Block off his hands<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Vorpal: Thanks, buddy. <nowiki>*</nowiki>takes food and walks back to the stands. Ditto giggles and runs off with Good Guisseppie<nowiki>*</nowiki>
==Author: Wasuki==
Wasuki: Bum Bum Bummmm. I appear out of nowhere! Hmm...I'm not in my bed anymore!
==Author: Golem==
Whoever the Narrator is Now: Something lands on the Golems' feet.
Wasuki: AH! Oh, sorry... ~steps away from Golems~ WAH! Am I seeing double?!
WtNiN: Ditto has two Guesseppie pieces, one from Heaven, one from Heck...
Looks like he will have to search and climb Purgatory.
Ditto: I'll go get the others...
PG7 Golem: Who are YOU?!
PG17 Golem: Doesn't matter, fix the darn loophole! Get back to Heaven!
PG7 Golem: Uh, right! ~looks past the Vorpal Crew to see Purgatory just twenty or so yards away~
Narrator: Meanwhile, back in PG17, Moondo is trapped, sitting at a bar...
Moondo: ~into tape recorder~ It has been exactly two hours since I broke in, an hour and a half since I was locked in this bar by strange monkies. The other guests are worrying me. If only I could escape, I could find out what this McCloaker fellow is planning and stop it.
Signing off. ~clicks tape recorder "off"~
...Hey, Bar Man, a water... "on the rocks. ~to self~ I've a plan...
~turns to reader~ To be continued in PG17.
==Author: Masamune==
PG7 Golem: Ok! We can go into the TASTS again!
Masa: What about the Vorpals?
Ditto: We can't stop them like this.
PG7Flutter: I know! <nowiki>*</nowiki>whirls around dramatically<nowiki>*</nowiki> LET'S GET BACKUP! RAR!
PG1 Golem: Uh... from where?
PG17 Flutter: Hm.. another Party Goes story?
Luigi: Don't look at me, We just met... or we will meet... or er... whatever...
Masa: Tsk tsk, common time problem. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy says the trouble with time is not becoming your own mother or father or such, but more so what verb tense to use in such situations...
Ditto: So?
Masa: Let's go to Party Goers 13!
PG17 Flutter: Could it be, perhaps, because YOU started there?
Masa: That and seeing PG13 tacked on people would be cool, give ya the feeling of it being a mature story.
Narrator: Meanwhile the V-Team spies on them...
PG17 Vorpal: GREAT! Now they know were here!
Elzie: I wonder where the Vorpals are?
PG14 Vorpal: O_o
PG1 Golem: <nowiki>*</nowiki>activates TASTS<nowiki>*</nowiki> It's the V-Team! Everyone get in....!
PG17 Golem: Wait! I just suddenly remembered something I forgot!
Masa: Golly, I don't remember THIS in the script...
Ditto: (New addition... inconsistency probably)
PG7 Golem: The TASTS won't work in Heck!
Elzie: Why?
Golems: ............
Luigi: Maybe if I use the force....
~The Vorpals jump in~
PG 14 Vorpal: You thought you could outwit us! Well HA! We shall use a Plothole and send you all to heaven!
PG17 Vorpal: We WILL?
PG10 Vorpal: I dont think this is a good idea...
PG14 Vorpal: HAIYA!!!!!!
~PG14 Vorpal rushes over, flips off the life, runs around waving a flashlight, flips the light on and they are all in Heaven~
Masa: Umm... INTO THE TASTS!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Three Golems, Two Flutters, Cast of Random PG Oldbies, Ditto, Neutral and Good Guiseppie, Masa, Luigi, Elzie, Yoshiman and Sapphire (who fell from a plot hole), Fuzzball, Moondo (who ALSO came in through a sudden plothole), and PG10, PG14 Vorpal, and Dark Ditto (for unknown reasons) all make it into the TASTS. To make it even more exciting, Masa bangs the control and sends it flying through the very unhealthy-looking fabric of time!<nowiki>*</nowiki>
PG17 Masa: Where are we... <nowiki>*</nowiki>looks down<nowiki>*</nowiki> ARGH! I have a nametag!
PG1 Golem: You know, this nametag business is getting old...
PG17 Saph: Where are we? And how did we get by the TASTS?
Luigi: Ha! No nametag!
Elzie: Hey Ditto, you look ill. Something wrong?
PG17 Ditto: o_o We just landed in a spinoff....
PG14 Vorpal: <nowiki>*</nowiki>glances around<nowiki>*</nowiki> Ooh! We just did this! The Halloween Haunter!
PG17 Flutter: Dun dun dun...
PG7 Flutter: Hey, anyone got a script of this? I haven't a clue what's supposed to happen.
Narrator: MEANWHILE...
Dark Ditto: Dittojuice...
Dittojuice: <nowiki>*</nowiki>whirls around<nowiki>*</nowiki> <nowiki>*</nowiki>eyes narrow<nowiki>*</nowiki> Who are you!?
==Author: Golem==
PG17 Golem: ~noogying his head like mad~ The story, the story!
PG7 Golem: Well I'm not leaving MY newsstand.
Flutter: ~flying about~ Ooh, I wonder if they have any water with extra ice around here...
Narrator: Party Goers 7's Golem picks up a heavy book after kicking it.
Golem: ~reading cover~ Manual to TASTS...
Time and Space Travelling System...
~opens cover~ Let's see if there's anything in the table o' contents about story loopholes...
"Look out for suspicious race cars." No table o' contents on this page... ~flips page~
Narrator: Meanwhile, Replaforce pulls up next to the TASTS in a black race car with dark, shiny color comparable to that of a limo...
==Author: Ditto==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>everyone in the crowded TASTS whips their head around to look at Replaforce, causing such a wind whip, the TASTS teeters, but doesn't quite fall over<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Vile: Uh oh. Dang. I guess we ended up here after all.
Sapphire: Whoa, what are THEY doing here?
Everyone: <nowiki>*</nowiki>waves fingers, in slightly baffled manner<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Zero: How do you like that? It's the Party Goers from long ago! How smashing! Would anyone care for some tea?
X: SHADDAP, ZERO! <nowiki>*</nowiki>turns to gang<nowiki>*</nowiki> Heh, well, isn't this fortuitous? <nowiki>*</nowiki>begins powering up laser gun<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Ditto: What are you guys doing here? You weren't in Halloween Haunter... <nowiki>*</nowiki>thinks<nowiki>*</nowiki> ...were you? <nowiki>*</nowiki>looks around<nowiki>*</nowiki> Anybody got a script?
A Hundred Voices: No.
One voice: Yes.
Ditto: What was that? Who was it?
One voice: <nowiki>*</nowiki>snicker<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Ditto: D'oh. Well, we'll never know. In any case, let's get out o' this newsstand. Gad, everyone piling into a small space... what is this, College?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>they all begin leaving the TASTS, and it turns into a large procession, like a hundred clowns coming out of a tiny car<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Ditto: Okay, what's going on? I demand to know how you guys got here!
X: Him. <nowiki>*</nowiki>points<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>everyone looks up to see... a giant transparent fish in the sky<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Everyone: o_O
Yoshiman: Who are YOU?
Fish: I am the one from the afterlife overseeing this adventure... I transcend time and space... I am the Omniscient One. I am... COD ALMIGHTY!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>thunder cracks<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Ditto: Cod Almighty?
CA: Watch it, human. I don't like you using my monicker in vain.
Ditto: Sorry. Just what part of the afterlife are you from? Heaven? Heck? Purgatory?
CA: I am from... none of the above... I come from... the FOURTH part of the Afterlife, where the FINAL piece of your friend rests... however, you have more important things to worry about...!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Cod Almighty dissappears in a flash of light, and everyone is now facing down Replaforce<nowiki>*</nowiki>
X: Heh. See? We're here to blast you, even though we weren't originally here, and it's all thanks to him! Any last words?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>everyone is silent<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Ditto: Come to think of it... yeah, since we SO outnumber you now, it ain't funny, I'd like to say "Sic 'em boys."
X: O_O
<nowiki>*</nowiki>the crowd of Party Goers, long living in fear of Replaforce, now charge forward as a mass army and cream the corn out of 'em<nowiki>*</nowiki>
==Author: Golem==
PG17 Golem: ~is standing back while everyone else attacks~ What can be done to stop them?... I mean, if they have help from THAT fishy dude... How can I stop that?
Better yet, if the Replaforce is evil, wouldn't Mr. Cod know even if they put on the universe's best show?
Or maybe...
I'd better slip into the TASTS while everyone else is distracted! Everything'll be fixed if I can just get Sapphire, Yoshiman, and NintF Sr. to help, so I shan't worry about leaving the rest...
Narrator: Party Goers 7 Golem, Sapphire, Yoshiman, Nintenfreak Sr. all rush into the TASTS...
==Author: Sapphire==
PG7 Saph: <nowiki>*</nowiki>stopping suddenly<nowiki>*</nowiki> WAIT!
<nowiki>*</nowiki> PG7 Golem skids to a stop at the entrance to the TASTs, causing the others following him to crash into him and all fall over each other <nowiki>*</nowiki>
Sapphire: I don't follow with a mass group, remember?
PG7 Golem: <nowiki>*</nowiki>mumbling from underneath the pile<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Masa: <nowiki>*</nowiki>looks over from creaming replaforce<nowiki>*</nowiki> Hey! You're trying to leave without us!
PG7 Golem: <nowiki>*</nowiki>getting up off the floor sheepishly<nowiki>*</nowiki> ^^;;
Ditto: Well, now that we're finished with THEM, it seems we have more things to consider. Yet another part to this mess.
Sapphire: Surely you're not thinking it all a waste of time and energy now.
Ditto: Nope. Just another means of an adventure. I can't WAIT to see this place.
PG17 Golem: But what about the TASTs?
LOTP: First we need answers. I still wonder how we all fit in there..
Yoshiman: But what would be separate from Heaven/Heck/Purgatory? What else is there?
X: <nowiki>*</nowiki>snickers<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Sapphire: Why don't we ask Replaforce? <nowiki>*</nowiki>glares at X<nowiki>*</nowiki>
NintF Sr: Good idea!
X: Oh no you don't. We may be beaten, but we're not telling you anything!
Sapphire: Then I'm... ending the story!
All: <nowiki>*</nowiki>freeze and blink<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Replaforce: <nowiki>*</nowiki>stare in horror<nowiki>*</nowiki>
X: Give us a minute to think. (they begin whispering to one another for about a minute)
Masa: Time's up!
X: Okay, okay, we'll tell you!
Yoshiman: Well, that was easy.
PG7 Golem: <nowiki>*</nowiki>attemps to sneak off again<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Ditto: <nowiki>*</nowiki>rubs hands together<nowiki>*</nowiki> Let's begin the interrogation..
==Author: Golem==
Narrator: Some trips up PG7 Golem purposely along the way, so he just sits with his back to the TASTS next to PG1 Golem and PG17 Golem.
Golems: Dang.
==Author: Ditto==
Ditto: Okay, so, what's this 'Fourth' part of the Afterlife, then? <nowiki>*</nowiki>strokes Good, Evil, and Neutral Guisseppie<nowiki>*</nowiki> I noticed i still can't get him to work...
X: The fourth piece is in...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>everyone stares on<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>all three Golems fall asleep<nowiki>*</nowiki>
X: ... Weirdamonium!
~everyone gasps~
Luigi: W- Weirdamonium? What's that?
Zero: It's where the insane go when they die. It's the final resting place of the WEIRD, the eccentric, the erratic, the-
<nowiki>*</nowiki>gets fwapped by X<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Elzie: But... how do we get THERE?
Vorpal: I'd say this story is pretty weird, so that has to be a start...
~at that exact moment...~
<nowiki>*</nowiki>a giant safe falls on top of the crowd. When they come to... they are in a VERY strange place...<nowiki>*</nowiki>
PG7 Golem: <nowiki>*</nowiki>crawling out of safe wreckage<nowiki>*</nowiki> Ow. Whoa. :eek : Where ARE we?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>everyone else crawls out<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Voice: You are in Weirdamonium. As guests, actually, courtesty of someone else...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>as everyone looks around, one more person emerges from the wreckage... it is Oddball Mario and his rocket-powered camel, Speedy, who had been riding the falling safe like a cowboy<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Vorpal: Whoa, are those fish swimming in mid-air?
Masa: Yikes. Pink elephants!
Saph: A green sub. Cool.
Ditto: Hm... <nowiki>*</nowiki>looks around for Guisseppie<nowiki>*</nowiki>
PG17 Golem: Oooo.
==Author: Golem==
PG7 Golem: If only DVGBC were here to see THIS...
PG17 Golem: Cool... :D<br>
I mean, this STILL doesn't explain why someone good (albeit weird) is helping these evil dudes. Now, um, if only I could find my way around...
Narrator: While everybody else is searching for directions to the guy in charge, PG7 Golem finds a sign on a wall...
PG7 Golem: "Big Cheese This Way. ^ "
Well, how do I go up a wall? Or... ~jumps onto wall so that he is standing sideways~
X ~watching out a window~: ~snicker~ They'll fall right into our trap.
Zero: The pie, the balloons, Everything's classic...
Vectorman: Plot twists in Weirdamonium are cool...
==Author: Yoshiman==
Yoshiman: Wow! What other kind of weird things happen in Weirdamonium?
Fuzzball: I know! I'll shoot Vorpal in the foot!
Vorpals: Who?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Fuzzball draws a heavy machine gun and blasts away at all the Vorpal's feet<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Vorpals: AAAAAAGH!
PG12Vorpal: Hey, cool! We're floating off the ground without any feet!
Yoshiman: <nowiki>*</nowiki>Grabs text and hits PG10Vorpal on the head with it.<nowiki>*</nowiki> Hehehe. . .
Ditto: Hey, we can't stand around here all day!
Vorpals: We're not.
Ditto: Or float. Whatever.
Vorpals <nowiki>*</nowiki>snaps fingers in semi-unison<nowiki>*</nowiki>
==Author: Ditto==
Ditto: Okay, Almighty Cod. I'm looking for the Weird part of my magical ? Block. Can I just HAVE it?
Cod: Oh, sure. It's over there. <nowiki>*</nowiki>indicates a block bouncing around with big funny teeth and a tongue hanging out<nowiki>*</nowiki>
~Ditto runs after the 3rd piece of the block~
<nowiki>*</nowiki>at the moment, everything around them rocks violently, getting everyone's, including the Weirdamonium inhabitant's, attention<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Yoshiman: Mein Gott! What was THAT?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Walt Whitman appears<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Walt: Heads under your desks, kids! Some serious bad stuff is goin' down in the Afterlife!
Golem PG17: What's the problem?
Walt: Some rogue angels snuck into Heaven through the Angel's Entrance, and are causing some serious...
Golem: Holy crap!
Walt: Exactly.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Ditto grabs the Weird Guisseppie and joins everyone as they stand outside the gates of Heaven<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Vorpals: <nowiki>*</nowiki>slamming their fists into their palms in semi-unison<nowiki>*</nowiki> We can't let that happen! There's 'fun evil' and then there's the kind of evil ya just don't do.
Masamune: How does something like this happen?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>at this moment, a Japanese dragon on a white puffy cloud floats up<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Yoshiman: Who are YOU?
Dragon: The only way to get in through the Angel's Entrance is to look like a normal angel. Interestingly, they alll looked like the same angel. Almost... video gamey.
Ditto: <nowiki>*</nowiki>realization comes to his eyes<nowiki>*</nowiki> I know who they are! It's all our arch-enemies! They must have used their Guisseppie piece to turn themselves into Pit, from Kid Icarus!
Saph: But that's crazy. They couldn't have fooled God, could they? In any case, why isn't He doing anything about this?
Dragon: God works in mysterious ways. You never know. He may be.
Ditto: Let's go in and... stop them!
Vorpals: Follow us! We know how to get into the Big House!
Dragon: Not with those evil cursed demon swords, you ain't.
Vorpal 3: Hey, what are you talking about? Masamune went in there?
Dragon: Yeah, but he's been a veritable BOY scout in the series lately.
Current Vorpal: Oh, CRUD. Okay... we'lll just... wait out here, I guess.
~The rest of the heroes go in, and are immediately captured~
Vorpals: Oh, CRICKEY. <nowiki>*</nowiki>slaps themselves in the foreheads<nowiki>*</nowiki> Well, looks like it's up to us!
Vorpal 3: What about our swords?
Most Current Vorpal: <nowiki>*</nowiki>unstrapping his<nowiki>*</nowiki> We'll just go in BARE-FISTED!
Vorpals: YEAH!!! <nowiki>*</nowiki>they all unstrap theirs, and go for the gates, but they still don't open<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Vorpal: Huh?
Dark Ditto: <nowiki>*</nowiki>in Pit form<nowiki>*</nowiki> ~peeking over the gates~ HA! FORGET IT! You still don't qualify!
MCV: But... we're good now!
Dark Ditto: You're RICH, aren't you?
MCV: What does... hey, wait a second!
DD: HAH! You know the rules. NO RICH PEOPLE IN HEAVEN!
Vorpal: So THAT'S how they're messing everything up... irresponsible and malicious misuse of Scripture!
DD: That's riiiight! The OLDEST trick in the book. Learned it from Tourquemada (of the Spanish Inquistion) himself down in Heck!
Vorpal: What do we DO? BIG GUY, WHAT CAN I DO?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>the Dragon floats up<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Dragon: It is easier for a camel to pass through a needle than for a rich person to enter the gates of Heaven... but it can still happen, if his intentions are good.
MCV: <nowiki>*</nowiki>thinks<nowiki>*</nowiki> Hey... WAIT a second...!
Dragon: Hmmm...?
MCV: That's IT! <nowiki>*</nowiki>reaches back into Weirdamonium and pulls out Speedy the Rocket-Powered Camel<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Dragon: Got any ideas?
MCV: Yup. Hey, can you give me a knitting needle?
Dragon: Sure thing. <nowiki>*</nowiki>pulls out a needle from the little black bun on his head<nowiki>*</nowiki>
~elaborately, Vorpal sets the needle up a hundred miles away, and then leads Speedy a hundred miles back in the OPPOSITE direction~
Vorpal: Alright... ready? Steady...?
Speedy: <nowiki>*</nowiki>spits<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Vorpal: And.... GO! <nowiki>*</nowiki>sets the switch on Speedy's rocket pack for 'Light Speed' and turns it on<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Speedy: O_o
<nowiki>*</nowiki>within an instant, Speedy is suddenly found to be a hundred miles on the OPPOSITE side of the knitting needle, with a VERY surprised look on his face. Smoke curls out of his now fuel-less rocket pack. The gates of Heaven swing open<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Dragon: Nice trick.
Vorpal: YES! I learned in Physics class that, an object traveling at the speed of light shrinks to a mass of 0. Of course, since this is the afterlife, nothing bad can happen to him, so he just became the first camel to pass through the eye of a needle! HA!
Dragon: Impressive. Now, get in there.
~all the Vorpal's march in, triumphantly, except the Most Current one, who hangs back a sec~
Vorpal: Hey, who are you anyway?
<nowiki>*</nowiki>looks around and the dragon is gone<nowiki>*</nowiki>
==Author: Luigi of the Pipes==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>All struggle in bonds as they are led back to the Hellevator.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Metal Mario: Now to simply taint you all with evil, kill you, and give you a free ride on this nifty elevator.
Present Golem: You can't do this! We shall not burn!
MM: You'd rather pay the fee on the Hellevator?
PG: You're missing the point!
Ditto: Wouldn't it be rather difficult to bring anything of evil caliber into Heaven, considering Satan's banishment?
MM: Shut up! All of you, get in the Hellevator.
<nowiki>*</nowiki>All crowd in<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Arab Dude: <nowiki>*</nowiki>skims through pages of Bible<nowiki>*</nowiki> Aha! "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you." Bladda bladda bladda...
MM: Ha ha! We just have to do bad to them, and prevent them from doing good to us. Instant tainting.
Ditto: Alright. Pray for them.
MM: Oh? Will you be praying, McCloaker, after I shove this popsicle down the back of your coat?! <nowiki>*</nowiki>does so<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Ditto: O.O Oh GEEEEEEZ that's cold!
MM: Or how about after Mysterious Silhouette covers Golem in CHOCOLATE SYRUP?!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Mysterious Silhouette does so.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Golem: -_- <nowiki>*</nowiki>drip<nowiki>*</nowiki>
MM: Or when Arab Dude blows that trumpet in Mr. Masamune's ear?!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Arab Dude does so.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Masa: o.o WHAT?!
MM: Or...
Luigi: Um, excuse me.
MM: Yes?
Luigi: Well, as you probably realized, we've never met. And as such, I don't believe I should be punished for the crimes of my new... well... "associates"...
Saph: Crimes?! Luigi...
MM: Keep going.
Luigi: If you release me, perhaps I could be persuaded to... <nowiki>*</nowiki>dun dun dun<nowiki>*</nowiki> EVIL! I'm quite susceptible to the stuff, y'know, being an immature Jedi with insufficient training and all.
MM: Hmm...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Chibi-Devil slithers up onto MM's shoulders<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Chibi-Devil: Don't lisssten to him! He'sss bad newsss, I tell you!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>MM glances at Chibi-Devil, then smacks him off his shoulder.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
MM: Alright, let's just...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>One of the Vorpals smashes his sword hilt against MM's head, garnering a metallic echo. MM turns to face him, then gives him a quick kick to the stomach.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Luigi: I wasn't responsible for him sneaking up behind you, honest!
MM: You distracted me.
Luigi: Well, I'm pretty far crammed back here. I can't see.
MM: Alright. Somebody untie the whiner!
Luigi: (heh heh heh...)
==Author: Yoshiman==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Luigi's bonds get untied<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Luigi: Aha! Fooled you! <nowiki>*</nowiki>Takes out lightsaber. . . but it doesn't work<nowiki>*</nowiki> Wha?
MM: Fool! Don't you know that in heaven, God is the light, and there is none besides him? It's not like we've pressed the 'Down' button or anything yet.
Luigi: Do'h. <nowiki>*</nowiki>Gets knocked out<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Yoshiman: ARGH!
Ditto: Yoshiman, calm yourself. Don't you have your bible?
Yoshiman: That's not going to help now!
Ditto: <i>The word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword!</i>
Yoshiman: O_O <nowiki>*</nowiki>cuts bonds loose<nowiki>*</nowiki> Aha! <nowiki>*</nowiki>Slashes at Ditto's bonds<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Ditto: Good work! <nowiki>*</nowiki>bonds get cut, Ditto takes Bible from seemingly noplace<nowiki>*</nowiki>
MM, Arab Dude, MS: Uh-oh. . .
==Author: Masamune==
Arab Dude: <nowiki>*</nowiki>hits the button<nowiki>*</nowiki> BWAHAHAHA! It IS COMPLETE!
Luigi: .................
Masa: (Heyguysjusttoletyouknowi'mstillhereok?)
Ditto: Dang.
MS: Yes! Whenever someone says any of those words.... they'll have to pay us a dollar each time!
Vorpals: That's.... DESPICABLE!
Masa: I think it's kind of clever.
PG1 Golem: But... why!?
Metal Mario: I've seen i nthe future... Party Goers 8.... 9.... 10... all the way to 17, which we are in now. And where are we? WHERE!? Nowhere! I am a SIDEKICK to that VORPAL! This cannot be tolerated.... a Party Goers without me is like....
PG7 Golem : A Party Goers without MagiKoopa?
~everyone pauses for a minute~
PG7 Flutter: So much for a surprise visit and rescue.
Metal Mario: Wait a second.... what are you doing!?
Vorpals: <nowiki>*</nowiki>heads down<nowiki>*</nowiki> Our swords.... who art left in heck... awesome is their names...
Masa: I'm going to have to report you for Religous Mockery on that one...
Ditto: That's it....! <nowiki>*</nowiki>stands up in his cords, hops a few feet ahead, trips on PG17 Golem, lands on a plank, which catapults the tied up Guiseppies towards the Vorpals<nowiki>*</nowiki> All of you! Hit it together!
MM: NO! WAAAIIIT!!!!!!!!!
Vorpals: <nowiki>*</nowiki>all of them kick the bags of Guiseppies at the same time....<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Narrator Newbie: And look! They all fused into one Vorpal and one Guiseppie!
Narrator: .... Try to be less blunt.
VORPAL: Ha! Look at me now! I am ALMIGHTY VORPAL! Four (or was it five?) Vorpals all in one! <nowiki>*</nowiki>they pulls the Holy Bible Sowrd and point it towards Metal Mario and his gang<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Dark Ditto: Bravo.... bravo.... you have succeeded.
Yoshiman: ... what is this all about?
Dark Ditto: Don't you get it?
Ditto: .... so THAT'S what this all is.... this was merely a ruse to test our limits to see if we were worthy for some divine quest upon which you wish to send us so that we may stop some far worse evil than what you pretended to be <nowiki>*</nowiki>GAAAASP<nowiki>*</nowiki> and now we are the last hope before the Afterlife is bought out by Microsoft!
Masa: Zoinks, how did you get all that?
Ditto: Well... I started to suspect something when I saw the TASTS arrive in the middle of a perfectly harmless PG17 story... and then it started to make sense when I realized I had no recollection of Party Goers 8-16.... but it all came together when Metal Mario announced his money making plan and revenge on the Party Goers Future!
Elzie: Jinkies!
Luigi: So just who is Metal Mario... <nowiki>*</nowiki>walks up to him and pulls off his mask<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Everyone: BILL GATES!?
Bill Gates: Yes... and I would have gotten away with it too if not for you meddling Party Goers!
Dark Ditto: <nowiki>*</nowiki>rips off his own mask<nowiki>*</nowiki>
St. Peter: Indeed. It is I.
Masa: Wait a second... this can't be right...
VORPAL: What do you mean?
Masa: We aren't in Heaven....
Sapphire: You mean...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>everything fades away, and they see the Japanese Dragon, only now with gills and such<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Dragon: So you figured it out.... that I am COD ALMIGHTY!
PG1 Golem: Can we just go to Vegas? >_<
Ditto: What is it you want?
Cod Almighty Dragon: What do I want? Then I shall tell you before I kill you in the Easily Escapeable Crushing Room of Death! My plan is...
Narrator: What will happen next? Why is the Dragon really a fish? Just what happened to Heaven? Will VORPAL ever get his sword? Is Masa really the Boy Scout he's cracked up to be? Will Mr. Predict ever get a mention? Does MagiKoopa plan to make a suprise entrance? Will Golem ever get his groove back? What happened to Rhyk? What-
Narr. Newbie: For the lovva... find out some of that and less on the next post of.... PARTY GOERS IN THE AFTERLIFE!
==Author: Sapphire==
Cod Almighty Dragon: ..To inflict the entire world with weirdness!
Golem: Weirdness? Cool.
All: ....
Ditto: Yike. Well y'see, the only reason why we came here was to gather the pieces of Guissippe.
All: <nowiki>*</nowiki>nod<nowiki>*</nowiki>
CAD: Not that it's any of your business, anyway, meddlers!
Luigi: Uh....isn't the point of Heaven, Heck, Purgatory and Weirdamonium to be the resting places of the souls that depart?
CAD: Yes.. but I plan to buy out the other three.
Masa: So you ARE Bill Gates!
CAD: Not quite, but I'll leave you to your own conclusions. Now, prepare to meet your doom!
Sapphire: If we're technically dead already, is there any point to killing us?
All: ........
Masa: <nowiki>*</nowiki>mutters<nowiki>*</nowiki> Since it's obvious that we're dealing with the ILLOGICAL here.
Sapphire: That's it! If we are logical, we can get out of this situation.
Ditto: Or not...
VORPAL: Or not?
Ditto: Or not.
All: Huh?
CAD: While you all are trying to figure out yourselves, which will be DIFFICULT in this state, I say to you--accept the weirness-- and then I shall kill you in the Easily Escapeable Crushing Room of Death!
<nowiki>*</nowiki>locks them in the room<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Luigi: I guess that's a good sign.
Golems: We're still confused.
Ditto: There's no sense to thinking logically in this place.. so we'll have to think illogical. It's teh only way we can get Guissippe, which is the point.
Masa: But what about the CAD's plan to inflict the world with weirdness?
Ditto: Uh.. we'll figure out a way to deal with him later.
Elzie: Riiight.
Yoshiman: Uh.. well, first we'll figure out how to get out of here.
VORPAL: And get our swords....
Sapphire: How do you KEEP from going insane in a place like this? Does anyone got a plan around here?
Ditto: Well....
==Author: Golem==
Ditto: ...There may be a way.
PG7 Golem: (Dang, now my newsstand isn't even making a whistle!)
Sapphire: Eh?
Ditto: ~a la Tails explaining the plan to Sonic and Amy aboard ARK in Sonic Adventure 2~ Not too long ago we learned that somehow some of us had gained or always had a seemingly latent "party energy." I'm guessing that maybe if we can kind of "channel" it into seriousness we can create a bubble of sustained seriousness...
Yoshiman: Like that girl from the Fantastic Four!
Sapphire: But wouldn't seriousness be banned?
Ditto: ~now like Sonic reaffirming plan~ But that's it! Wouldn't it be odd, or rather, weird, if seriousness came into Weirdamonium? And if we can lure the dragon in, it might dehabilitate or restrain his powers long enough for his grip to loosten. ~thrusts fist into open palm of other hand with a clapping sound~ That's when we can get inside the TASTS slash newsstand.
PG7 Golem: (Then stop Replaforce from screwing with PG1!)
==Author: Ditto==
Sapphire: <nowiki>*</nowiki>in sidekick voice<nowiki>*</nowiki> A- are you sure it will work?
Ditto: <nowiki>*</nowiki>in 1950's scientist voice<nowiki>*</nowiki> It has to, Miss Blue.... it HAS to... <nowiki>*</nowiki>dramatic close up of his eyes as he rips his glasses off dramatically<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Narrator: And with that, they all stood with their backs together, facing outward. Concentrating hard, they stuck their palms out and attempted to channel out their latent 'party' energy...
Elzie: It's WORKING, everyone! It's WORKING! Look!
Narrator: Indeed, greenish light began emitting outwards from their hands, and stretching up and around the group, closing up to form a green bubble of 'seriousness.'
Yoshiman: What's going to happen?
Masa: <nowiki>*</nowiki>now in scientific voice<nowiki>*</nowiki> Well, you know what happens to an air bubble inside soda?
Yoshiman: Hm...
<nowiki>*</nowiki>the bubble quivers and suddenly begins to float towards the portal out of Weirdamonium<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Dragon: Oh no you don't! <nowiki>*</nowiki>darts in front of the portal and opens his mouth wide<nowiki>*</nowiki>
~the bubble however, picks up speed as the Weirdness pressure becomes less and less, the closer it gets to the portal~
PG 7 Golem: Hold on everybody...!
Dragon: Huh...? O_o
~with lightning speed, the bubble shoots straight into the Dragon's mouth... and explodes through the tip of his tail on the other side, and gets expelled through the portal into the open seriousness of the afterlife with a resounding...~
<nowiki>*</nowiki>the bubble arcs through the sky and lands out front of the Gates of Hebbin. The group, too shaken to maintain it, let it dissolve, and they all lie panting on the soft cloud, now free of Weirdamonium<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Present Golem: <nowiki>*</nowiki>hufflepuff<nowiki>*</nowiki> Wheee... WE MADE IT!
PG7 Golem: Now, we gotta activate the TASTS and set everything straight once and for all!
Present Golem: <nowiki>*</nowiki>patting pocket<nowiki>*</nowiki> And to get these plans from Gunpei Yokoi into the rightful hands...!

Latest revision as of 19:04, 27 July 2007

Pages in Party Goers 7
Good Timeline: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Bad Timeline: 1 - 5 (the other pages are lost)

Author: Ditto[edit]

The dual Golems spring forward while the Goombas fall back.

Sound FX Guy: "Mario Jumping Sound" x 2

They bounce off the two Goombas and spring back up the cliff, squishing the two Goombas into the floor of their chariot.

PG17 Golem: We made it!

PG7 Golem: Can I faint now?

PG17 Golem: Better not. This ain't for the faint of heart.

PG7 Golem: Okay. *isn't fainting* Now, what's wrong with the TASTS? Has it ever done this before... er, that is, will it ever do this, uh... prior to now?

PG17 Golem: Hmm... Wait, yeah. Just between Party Goers 7 and 8, it ran out of juice for a second. It never made it into a story. I went on a wild adventure that never got written wherein I had to refill it with ink.

PG7: Oh, okay. Hm... So, where in Heck are you supposed to get ink in Heck?


Narrator: Back across the river of fire, the rest of the gang are all sitting in bleachers, watching the struggle of the Gooms n' Golems.

Narrator Jr.: At that moment, a strange little red imp in a black and white striped referee outfit steps out and fires a gun into the air.

Satan: *up in announcer's booth* And that's halftime, folks! Here come the team's mascots. And for the Heck team, here come... the Hades Hotties!

*a group of evil-looking seductive women come out and begin doing various evil-related cheers*

Satan: ...and representing the Visiting Team... The Saints!

*several important-looking, bearded men come out and begin cheering in a dignified and regal manner*

Sapphire: I think I begin to see why good has such a PR problem.

Ditto: ~gets idea~ *to all the Vorpals* Hey, who wants some 'dogs n' drinks?

~All the Vorpals raise their hands, and they begin arguing over who has to get them~

Other Vorpals: Hey, we're all your guests! You have to get them for us!

Vorpal: Darn. You're all right. Okay then... *goes off to get dogs*

Sapphire: But Ditto, how did you know he'd agree?

Ditto: Because of his strict, upper-crust background, Vorpal, even in his evilest of moods, is drawn to use proper manners.

*all the other Vorpals are fixed on the Heck Cheerleaders*

Saph: Okay, so we're all escaping now?

Ditto: Yep. But first...

*the good guys all begin to sneak off, but Ditto lags just behind, and goes up to where Vorpal is talking to the 'dog vendor*

Vorpal: I'll take... Uh... *counts* eight dogs, seven Dr. Peppers, and one Diet Dr. Pepper.

Hot Dog Vendor: That'll be forty bucks.


Hot Dog Vendor: It's Heck. What do you expect?

Vorpal: Darn... oh, okay. *hands over money* Hey, can I get a carrying box?

Hot Dog Vendor: Nope.


Ditto: *sidles up* Here, let me hold that for ya. *takes ? Block off his hands*

Vorpal: Thanks, buddy. *takes food and walks back to the stands. Ditto giggles and runs off with Good Guisseppie*

Author: Wasuki[edit]

Wasuki: Bum Bum Bummmm. I appear out of nowhere! Hmm...I'm not in my bed anymore!

Author: Golem[edit]

Whoever the Narrator is Now: Something lands on the Golems' feet.


Wasuki: AH! Oh, sorry... ~steps away from Golems~ WAH! Am I seeing double?!

WtNiN: Ditto has two Guesseppie pieces, one from Heaven, one from Heck... Looks like he will have to search and climb Purgatory.

Ditto: I'll go get the others...

PG7 Golem: Who are YOU?!

PG17 Golem: Doesn't matter, fix the darn loophole! Get back to Heaven!

PG7 Golem: Uh, right! ~looks past the Vorpal Crew to see Purgatory just twenty or so yards away~

Narrator: Meanwhile, back in PG17, Moondo is trapped, sitting at a bar...

Moondo: ~into tape recorder~ It has been exactly two hours since I broke in, an hour and a half since I was locked in this bar by strange monkies. The other guests are worrying me. If only I could escape, I could find out what this McCloaker fellow is planning and stop it. Signing off. ~clicks tape recorder "off"~ ...>D

...Hey, Bar Man, a water... "on the rocks. ~to self~ I've a plan...

~turns to reader~ To be continued in PG17.

Author: Masamune[edit]

PG7 Golem: Ok! We can go into the TASTS again!

Masa: What about the Vorpals?

Ditto: We can't stop them like this.

PG7Flutter: I know! *whirls around dramatically* LET'S GET BACKUP! RAR!

PG1 Golem: Uh... from where?

PG17 Flutter: Hm.. another Party Goes story?

Luigi: Don't look at me, We just met... or we will meet... or er... whatever...

Masa: Tsk tsk, common time problem. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy says the trouble with time is not becoming your own mother or father or such, but more so what verb tense to use in such situations...

Ditto: So?

Masa: Let's go to Party Goers 13!

PG17 Flutter: Could it be, perhaps, because YOU started there?

Masa: That and seeing PG13 tacked on people would be cool, give ya the feeling of it being a mature story.

Narrator: Meanwhile the V-Team spies on them...

PG17 Vorpal: GREAT! Now they know were here!

Elzie: I wonder where the Vorpals are?

PG14 Vorpal: O_o

PG1 Golem: *activates TASTS* It's the V-Team! Everyone get in....!

PG17 Golem: Wait! I just suddenly remembered something I forgot!

Masa: Golly, I don't remember THIS in the script...

Ditto: (New addition... inconsistency probably)

PG7 Golem: The TASTS won't work in Heck!

Elzie: Why?

Golems: ............

Luigi: Maybe if I use the force....

~The Vorpals jump in~

PG 14 Vorpal: You thought you could outwit us! Well HA! We shall use a Plothole and send you all to heaven!

PG17 Vorpal: We WILL?

PG10 Vorpal: I dont think this is a good idea...

PG14 Vorpal: HAIYA!!!!!!

~PG14 Vorpal rushes over, flips off the life, runs around waving a flashlight, flips the light on and they are all in Heaven~

Masa: Umm... INTO THE TASTS!

*The Three Golems, Two Flutters, Cast of Random PG Oldbies, Ditto, Neutral and Good Guiseppie, Masa, Luigi, Elzie, Yoshiman and Sapphire (who fell from a plot hole), Fuzzball, Moondo (who ALSO came in through a sudden plothole), and PG10, PG14 Vorpal, and Dark Ditto (for unknown reasons) all make it into the TASTS. To make it even more exciting, Masa bangs the control and sends it flying through the very unhealthy-looking fabric of time!*

PG17 Masa: Where are we... *looks down* ARGH! I have a nametag!

PG1 Golem: You know, this nametag business is getting old...

PG17 Saph: Where are we? And how did we get by the TASTS?

Luigi: Ha! No nametag!

Elzie: Hey Ditto, you look ill. Something wrong?

PG17 Ditto: o_o We just landed in a spinoff....

PG14 Vorpal: *glances around* Ooh! We just did this! The Halloween Haunter!

PG17 Flutter: Dun dun dun...

PG7 Flutter: Hey, anyone got a script of this? I haven't a clue what's supposed to happen.

Narrator: MEANWHILE...

Dark Ditto: Dittojuice...

Dittojuice: *whirls around* *eyes narrow* Who are you!?

Author: Golem[edit]


PG17 Golem: ~noogying his head like mad~ The story, the story!

PG7 Golem: Well I'm not leaving MY newsstand.

Flutter: ~flying about~ Ooh, I wonder if they have any water with extra ice around here...

Narrator: Party Goers 7's Golem picks up a heavy book after kicking it.

Golem: ~reading cover~ Manual to TASTS... Time and Space Travelling System... ~opens cover~ Let's see if there's anything in the table o' contents about story loopholes... "Look out for suspicious race cars." No table o' contents on this page... ~flips page~

Narrator: Meanwhile, Replaforce pulls up next to the TASTS in a black race car with dark, shiny color comparable to that of a limo...

Author: Ditto[edit]

*everyone in the crowded TASTS whips their head around to look at Replaforce, causing such a wind whip, the TASTS teeters, but doesn't quite fall over*

Vile: Uh oh. Dang. I guess we ended up here after all.

Sapphire: Whoa, what are THEY doing here?


Everyone: *waves fingers, in slightly baffled manner*

Zero: How do you like that? It's the Party Goers from long ago! How smashing! Would anyone care for some tea?

X: SHADDAP, ZERO! *turns to gang* Heh, well, isn't this fortuitous? *begins powering up laser gun*

Ditto: What are you guys doing here? You weren't in Halloween Haunter... *thinks* ...were you? *looks around* Anybody got a script?

A Hundred Voices: No.

One voice: Yes.

Ditto: What was that? Who was it?

One voice: *snicker*

Ditto: D'oh. Well, we'll never know. In any case, let's get out o' this newsstand. Gad, everyone piling into a small space... what is this, College?

*they all begin leaving the TASTS, and it turns into a large procession, like a hundred clowns coming out of a tiny car*

Ditto: Okay, what's going on? I demand to know how you guys got here!

X: Him. *points*

*everyone looks up to see... a giant transparent fish in the sky*

Everyone: o_O

Yoshiman: Who are YOU?

Fish: I am the one from the afterlife overseeing this adventure... I transcend time and space... I am the Omniscient One. I am... COD ALMIGHTY!

*thunder cracks*

Ditto: Cod Almighty?

CA: Watch it, human. I don't like you using my monicker in vain.

Ditto: Sorry. Just what part of the afterlife are you from? Heaven? Heck? Purgatory?

CA: I am from... none of the above... I come from... the FOURTH part of the Afterlife, where the FINAL piece of your friend rests... however, you have more important things to worry about...!

*Cod Almighty dissappears in a flash of light, and everyone is now facing down Replaforce*

X: Heh. See? We're here to blast you, even though we weren't originally here, and it's all thanks to him! Any last words?

*everyone is silent*

Ditto: Come to think of it... yeah, since we SO outnumber you now, it ain't funny, I'd like to say "Sic 'em boys."

X: O_O

*the crowd of Party Goers, long living in fear of Replaforce, now charge forward as a mass army and cream the corn out of 'em*

Author: Golem[edit]

PG17 Golem: ~is standing back while everyone else attacks~ What can be done to stop them?... I mean, if they have help from THAT fishy dude... How can I stop that? Better yet, if the Replaforce is evil, wouldn't Mr. Cod know even if they put on the universe's best show? Or maybe...

I'd better slip into the TASTS while everyone else is distracted! Everything'll be fixed if I can just get Sapphire, Yoshiman, and NintF Sr. to help, so I shan't worry about leaving the rest...

Narrator: Party Goers 7 Golem, Sapphire, Yoshiman, Nintenfreak Sr. all rush into the TASTS...

Author: Sapphire[edit]

PG7 Saph: *stopping suddenly* WAIT!

* PG7 Golem skids to a stop at the entrance to the TASTs, causing the others following him to crash into him and all fall over each other *

Sapphire: I don't follow with a mass group, remember?

PG7 Golem: *mumbling from underneath the pile*

Masa: *looks over from creaming replaforce* Hey! You're trying to leave without us!

PG7 Golem: *getting up off the floor sheepishly* ^^;;

Ditto: Well, now that we're finished with THEM, it seems we have more things to consider. Yet another part to this mess.

Sapphire: Surely you're not thinking it all a waste of time and energy now.

Ditto: Nope. Just another means of an adventure. I can't WAIT to see this place.

PG17 Golem: But what about the TASTs?

LOTP: First we need answers. I still wonder how we all fit in there..

Yoshiman: But what would be separate from Heaven/Heck/Purgatory? What else is there?

X: *snickers*

Sapphire: Why don't we ask Replaforce? *glares at X*

NintF Sr: Good idea!

X: Oh no you don't. We may be beaten, but we're not telling you anything!

Sapphire: Then I'm... ending the story!

All: *freeze and blink*

Replaforce: *stare in horror*

X: Give us a minute to think. (they begin whispering to one another for about a minute)

Masa: Time's up!

X: Okay, okay, we'll tell you!

Yoshiman: Well, that was easy.

PG7 Golem: *attemps to sneak off again*

Ditto: *rubs hands together* Let's begin the interrogation..

Author: Golem[edit]

Narrator: Some trips up PG7 Golem purposely along the way, so he just sits with his back to the TASTS next to PG1 Golem and PG17 Golem.

Golems: Dang.

Author: Ditto[edit]

Ditto: Okay, so, what's this 'Fourth' part of the Afterlife, then? *strokes Good, Evil, and Neutral Guisseppie* I noticed i still can't get him to work...

X: The fourth piece is in...

*everyone stares on*

*all three Golems fall asleep*

X: ... Weirdamonium!

~everyone gasps~

Luigi: W- Weirdamonium? What's that?

Zero: It's where the insane go when they die. It's the final resting place of the WEIRD, the eccentric, the erratic, the-

*gets fwapped by X*

Elzie: But... how do we get THERE?

Vorpal: I'd say this story is pretty weird, so that has to be a start...

~at that exact moment...~


*a giant safe falls on top of the crowd. When they come to... they are in a VERY strange place...*

PG7 Golem: *crawling out of safe wreckage* Ow. Whoa. :eek : Where ARE we?

*everyone else crawls out*

Voice: You are in Weirdamonium. As guests, actually, courtesty of someone else...

*as everyone looks around, one more person emerges from the wreckage... it is Oddball Mario and his rocket-powered camel, Speedy, who had been riding the falling safe like a cowboy*

Vorpal: Whoa, are those fish swimming in mid-air?

Masa: Yikes. Pink elephants!

Saph: A green sub. Cool.

Ditto: Hm... *looks around for Guisseppie*

PG17 Golem: Oooo.

Author: Golem[edit]

PG7 Golem: If only DVGBC were here to see THIS...

PG17 Golem: Cool... :D
I mean, this STILL doesn't explain why someone good (albeit weird) is helping these evil dudes. Now, um, if only I could find my way around...

Narrator: While everybody else is searching for directions to the guy in charge, PG7 Golem finds a sign on a wall...

PG7 Golem: "Big Cheese This Way. ^ " Well, how do I go up a wall? Or... ~jumps onto wall so that he is standing sideways~


X ~watching out a window~: ~snicker~ They'll fall right into our trap.

Zero: The pie, the balloons, Everything's classic...

Vectorman: Plot twists in Weirdamonium are cool...

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

Yoshiman: Wow! What other kind of weird things happen in Weirdamonium?

Fuzzball: I know! I'll shoot Vorpal in the foot!

Vorpals: Who?

*Fuzzball draws a heavy machine gun and blasts away at all the Vorpal's feet*

Vorpals: AAAAAAGH!

PG12Vorpal: Hey, cool! We're floating off the ground without any feet!

Yoshiman: *Grabs text and hits PG10Vorpal on the head with it.* Hehehe. . .

Ditto: Hey, we can't stand around here all day!

Vorpals: We're not.

Ditto: Or float. Whatever.

Vorpals *snaps fingers in semi-unison*

Author: Ditto[edit]

Ditto: Okay, Almighty Cod. I'm looking for the Weird part of my magical ? Block. Can I just HAVE it?

Cod: Oh, sure. It's over there. *indicates a block bouncing around with big funny teeth and a tongue hanging out*

~Ditto runs after the 3rd piece of the block~

*at the moment, everything around them rocks violently, getting everyone's, including the Weirdamonium inhabitant's, attention*

Yoshiman: Mein Gott! What was THAT?

*Walt Whitman appears*

Walt: Heads under your desks, kids! Some serious bad stuff is goin' down in the Afterlife!

Golem PG17: What's the problem?

Walt: Some rogue angels snuck into Heaven through the Angel's Entrance, and are causing some serious...

Golem: Holy crap!

Walt: Exactly.

*Ditto grabs the Weird Guisseppie and joins everyone as they stand outside the gates of Heaven*

Vorpals: *slamming their fists into their palms in semi-unison* We can't let that happen! There's 'fun evil' and then there's the kind of evil ya just don't do.

Masamune: How does something like this happen?

*at this moment, a Japanese dragon on a white puffy cloud floats up*

Yoshiman: Who are YOU?

Dragon: The only way to get in through the Angel's Entrance is to look like a normal angel. Interestingly, they alll looked like the same angel. Almost... video gamey.

Ditto: *realization comes to his eyes* I know who they are! It's all our arch-enemies! They must have used their Guisseppie piece to turn themselves into Pit, from Kid Icarus!

Saph: But that's crazy. They couldn't have fooled God, could they? In any case, why isn't He doing anything about this?

Dragon: God works in mysterious ways. You never know. He may be.

Ditto: Let's go in and... stop them!

Vorpals: Follow us! We know how to get into the Big House!

Dragon: Not with those evil cursed demon swords, you ain't.

Vorpal 3: Hey, what are you talking about? Masamune went in there?

Dragon: Yeah, but he's been a veritable BOY scout in the series lately.

Current Vorpal: Oh, CRUD. Okay... we'lll just... wait out here, I guess.

~The rest of the heroes go in, and are immediately captured~

Vorpals: Oh, CRICKEY. *slaps themselves in the foreheads* Well, looks like it's up to us!

Vorpal 3: What about our swords?

Most Current Vorpal: *unstrapping his* We'll just go in BARE-FISTED!

Vorpals: YEAH!!! *they all unstrap theirs, and go for the gates, but they still don't open*

Vorpal: Huh?

Dark Ditto: *in Pit form* ~peeking over the gates~ HA! FORGET IT! You still don't qualify!

MCV: But... we're good now!

Dark Ditto: You're RICH, aren't you?

MCV: What does... hey, wait a second!

DD: HAH! You know the rules. NO RICH PEOPLE IN HEAVEN!

Vorpal: So THAT'S how they're messing everything up... irresponsible and malicious misuse of Scripture!

DD: That's riiiight! The OLDEST trick in the book. Learned it from Tourquemada (of the Spanish Inquistion) himself down in Heck!

Vorpal: What do we DO? BIG GUY, WHAT CAN I DO?

*the Dragon floats up*

Dragon: It is easier for a camel to pass through a needle than for a rich person to enter the gates of Heaven... but it can still happen, if his intentions are good.

MCV: *thinks* Hey... WAIT a second...!

Dragon: Hmmm...?

MCV: That's IT! *reaches back into Weirdamonium and pulls out Speedy the Rocket-Powered Camel*

Dragon: Got any ideas?

MCV: Yup. Hey, can you give me a knitting needle?

Dragon: Sure thing. *pulls out a needle from the little black bun on his head*

~elaborately, Vorpal sets the needle up a hundred miles away, and then leads Speedy a hundred miles back in the OPPOSITE direction~

Vorpal: Alright... ready? Steady...?

Speedy: *spits*

Vorpal: And.... GO! *sets the switch on Speedy's rocket pack for 'Light Speed' and turns it on*

Speedy: O_o


*within an instant, Speedy is suddenly found to be a hundred miles on the OPPOSITE side of the knitting needle, with a VERY surprised look on his face. Smoke curls out of his now fuel-less rocket pack. The gates of Heaven swing open*

Dragon: Nice trick.

Vorpal: YES! I learned in Physics class that, an object traveling at the speed of light shrinks to a mass of 0. Of course, since this is the afterlife, nothing bad can happen to him, so he just became the first camel to pass through the eye of a needle! HA!

Dragon: Impressive. Now, get in there.

~all the Vorpal's march in, triumphantly, except the Most Current one, who hangs back a sec~

Vorpal: Hey, who are you anyway?

*looks around and the dragon is gone*

Author: Luigi of the Pipes[edit]

*All struggle in bonds as they are led back to the Hellevator.*

Metal Mario: Now to simply taint you all with evil, kill you, and give you a free ride on this nifty elevator.

Present Golem: You can't do this! We shall not burn!

MM: You'd rather pay the fee on the Hellevator?

PG: You're missing the point!

Ditto: Wouldn't it be rather difficult to bring anything of evil caliber into Heaven, considering Satan's banishment?

MM: Shut up! All of you, get in the Hellevator.

*All crowd in*

Arab Dude: *skims through pages of Bible* Aha! "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you." Bladda bladda bladda...

MM: Ha ha! We just have to do bad to them, and prevent them from doing good to us. Instant tainting.

Ditto: Alright. Pray for them.

MM: Oh? Will you be praying, McCloaker, after I shove this popsicle down the back of your coat?! *does so*

Ditto: O.O Oh GEEEEEEZ that's cold!

MM: Or how about after Mysterious Silhouette covers Golem in CHOCOLATE SYRUP?!

*Mysterious Silhouette does so.*

Golem: -_- *drip*

MM: Or when Arab Dude blows that trumpet in Mr. Masamune's ear?!

*Arab Dude does so.*

Masa: o.o WHAT?!

MM: Or...

Luigi: Um, excuse me.

MM: Yes?

Luigi: Well, as you probably realized, we've never met. And as such, I don't believe I should be punished for the crimes of my new... well... "associates"...

Saph: Crimes?! Luigi...

MM: Keep going.

Luigi: If you release me, perhaps I could be persuaded to... *dun dun dun* EVIL! I'm quite susceptible to the stuff, y'know, being an immature Jedi with insufficient training and all.

MM: Hmm...

*Chibi-Devil slithers up onto MM's shoulders*

Chibi-Devil: Don't lisssten to him! He'sss bad newsss, I tell you!

*MM glances at Chibi-Devil, then smacks him off his shoulder.*

MM: Alright, let's just...

*One of the Vorpals smashes his sword hilt against MM's head, garnering a metallic echo. MM turns to face him, then gives him a quick kick to the stomach.*

Luigi: I wasn't responsible for him sneaking up behind you, honest!

MM: You distracted me.

Luigi: Well, I'm pretty far crammed back here. I can't see.

MM: Alright. Somebody untie the whiner!

Luigi: (heh heh heh...)

Author: Yoshiman[edit]

*Luigi's bonds get untied*

Luigi: Aha! Fooled you! *Takes out lightsaber. . . but it doesn't work* Wha?

MM: Fool! Don't you know that in heaven, God is the light, and there is none besides him? It's not like we've pressed the 'Down' button or anything yet.

Luigi: Do'h. *Gets knocked out*

Yoshiman: ARGH!

Ditto: Yoshiman, calm yourself. Don't you have your bible?

Yoshiman: That's not going to help now!

Ditto: The word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword!

Yoshiman: O_O *cuts bonds loose* Aha! *Slashes at Ditto's bonds*

Ditto: Good work! *bonds get cut, Ditto takes Bible from seemingly noplace*

MM, Arab Dude, MS: Uh-oh. . .


Author: Masamune[edit]

Arab Dude: *hits the button* BWAHAHAHA! It IS COMPLETE!

Luigi: .................

Masa: (Heyguysjusttoletyouknowi'mstillhereok?)


Ditto: Dang.

MS: Yes! Whenever someone says any of those words.... they'll have to pay us a dollar each time!

Vorpals: That's.... DESPICABLE!

Masa: I think it's kind of clever.

PG1 Golem: But... why!?

Metal Mario: I've seen i nthe future... Party Goers 8.... 9.... 10... all the way to 17, which we are in now. And where are we? WHERE!? Nowhere! I am a SIDEKICK to that VORPAL! This cannot be tolerated.... a Party Goers without me is like....

PG7 Golem : A Party Goers without MagiKoopa?

~everyone pauses for a minute~

PG7 Flutter: So much for a surprise visit and rescue.

Metal Mario: Wait a second.... what are you doing!?

Vorpals: *heads down* Our swords.... who art left in heck... awesome is their names...

Masa: I'm going to have to report you for Religous Mockery on that one...

Ditto: That's it....! *stands up in his cords, hops a few feet ahead, trips on PG17 Golem, lands on a plank, which catapults the tied up Guiseppies towards the Vorpals* All of you! Hit it together!

MM: NO! WAAAIIIT!!!!!!!!!

Vorpals: *all of them kick the bags of Guiseppies at the same time....*

Narrator Newbie: And look! They all fused into one Vorpal and one Guiseppie!

Narrator: .... Try to be less blunt.

VORPAL: Ha! Look at me now! I am ALMIGHTY VORPAL! Four (or was it five?) Vorpals all in one! *they pulls the Holy Bible Sowrd and point it towards Metal Mario and his gang*



Dark Ditto: Bravo.... bravo.... you have succeeded.

Yoshiman: ... what is this all about?

Dark Ditto: Don't you get it?

Ditto: .... so THAT'S what this all is.... this was merely a ruse to test our limits to see if we were worthy for some divine quest upon which you wish to send us so that we may stop some far worse evil than what you pretended to be *GAAAASP* and now we are the last hope before the Afterlife is bought out by Microsoft!

Masa: Zoinks, how did you get all that?

Ditto: Well... I started to suspect something when I saw the TASTS arrive in the middle of a perfectly harmless PG17 story... and then it started to make sense when I realized I had no recollection of Party Goers 8-16.... but it all came together when Metal Mario announced his money making plan and revenge on the Party Goers Future!

Elzie: Jinkies!

Luigi: So just who is Metal Mario... *walks up to him and pulls off his mask*

Everyone: BILL GATES!?

Bill Gates: Yes... and I would have gotten away with it too if not for you meddling Party Goers!

Dark Ditto: *rips off his own mask*


St. Peter: Indeed. It is I.

Masa: Wait a second... this can't be right...

VORPAL: What do you mean?

Masa: We aren't in Heaven....

Sapphire: You mean...


*everything fades away, and they see the Japanese Dragon, only now with gills and such*

Dragon: So you figured it out.... that I am COD ALMIGHTY!

PG1 Golem: Can we just go to Vegas? >_<

Ditto: What is it you want?

Cod Almighty Dragon: What do I want? Then I shall tell you before I kill you in the Easily Escapeable Crushing Room of Death! My plan is...

Narrator: What will happen next? Why is the Dragon really a fish? Just what happened to Heaven? Will VORPAL ever get his sword? Is Masa really the Boy Scout he's cracked up to be? Will Mr. Predict ever get a mention? Does MagiKoopa plan to make a suprise entrance? Will Golem ever get his groove back? What happened to Rhyk? What-

Narr. Newbie: For the lovva... find out some of that and less on the next post of.... PARTY GOERS IN THE AFTERLIFE!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Cod Almighty Dragon: ..To inflict the entire world with weirdness!

Golem: Weirdness? Cool.

All: ....

Ditto: Yike. Well y'see, the only reason why we came here was to gather the pieces of Guissippe.

All: *nod*

CAD: Not that it's any of your business, anyway, meddlers!

Luigi: Uh....isn't the point of Heaven, Heck, Purgatory and Weirdamonium to be the resting places of the souls that depart?

CAD: Yes.. but I plan to buy out the other three.

Masa: So you ARE Bill Gates!

CAD: Not quite, but I'll leave you to your own conclusions. Now, prepare to meet your doom!

Sapphire: If we're technically dead already, is there any point to killing us?


All: ........

Masa: *mutters* Since it's obvious that we're dealing with the ILLOGICAL here.

Sapphire: That's it! If we are logical, we can get out of this situation.

Ditto: Or not...

VORPAL: Or not?

Ditto: Or not.

All: Huh?

CAD: While you all are trying to figure out yourselves, which will be DIFFICULT in this state, I say to you--accept the weirness-- and then I shall kill you in the Easily Escapeable Crushing Room of Death!

*locks them in the room*

Luigi: I guess that's a good sign.

Golems: We're still confused.

Ditto: There's no sense to thinking logically in this place.. so we'll have to think illogical. It's teh only way we can get Guissippe, which is the point.

Masa: But what about the CAD's plan to inflict the world with weirdness?

Ditto: Uh.. we'll figure out a way to deal with him later.

Elzie: Riiight.

Yoshiman: Uh.. well, first we'll figure out how to get out of here.

VORPAL: And get our swords....

Sapphire: How do you KEEP from going insane in a place like this? Does anyone got a plan around here?

Ditto: Well....

Author: Golem[edit]

Ditto: ...There may be a way.

PG7 Golem: (Dang, now my newsstand isn't even making a whistle!)

Sapphire: Eh?

Ditto: ~a la Tails explaining the plan to Sonic and Amy aboard ARK in Sonic Adventure 2~ Not too long ago we learned that somehow some of us had gained or always had a seemingly latent "party energy." I'm guessing that maybe if we can kind of "channel" it into seriousness we can create a bubble of sustained seriousness...

Yoshiman: Like that girl from the Fantastic Four!

Sapphire: But wouldn't seriousness be banned?

Ditto: ~now like Sonic reaffirming plan~ But that's it! Wouldn't it be odd, or rather, weird, if seriousness came into Weirdamonium? And if we can lure the dragon in, it might dehabilitate or restrain his powers long enough for his grip to loosten. ~thrusts fist into open palm of other hand with a clapping sound~ That's when we can get inside the TASTS slash newsstand.

PG7 Golem: (Then stop Replaforce from screwing with PG1!)

Author: Ditto[edit]

Sapphire: *in sidekick voice* A- are you sure it will work?

Ditto: *in 1950's scientist voice* It has to, Miss Blue.... it HAS to... *dramatic close up of his eyes as he rips his glasses off dramatically*

Narrator: And with that, they all stood with their backs together, facing outward. Concentrating hard, they stuck their palms out and attempted to channel out their latent 'party' energy...

Elzie: It's WORKING, everyone! It's WORKING! Look!

Narrator: Indeed, greenish light began emitting outwards from their hands, and stretching up and around the group, closing up to form a green bubble of 'seriousness.'

Yoshiman: What's going to happen?

Masa: *now in scientific voice* Well, you know what happens to an air bubble inside soda?

Yoshiman: Hm...

*the bubble quivers and suddenly begins to float towards the portal out of Weirdamonium*

Dragon: Oh no you don't! *darts in front of the portal and opens his mouth wide*

~the bubble however, picks up speed as the Weirdness pressure becomes less and less, the closer it gets to the portal~

PG 7 Golem: Hold on everybody...!

Dragon: Huh...? O_o

~with lightning speed, the bubble shoots straight into the Dragon's mouth... and explodes through the tip of his tail on the other side, and gets expelled through the portal into the open seriousness of the afterlife with a resounding...~


*the bubble arcs through the sky and lands out front of the Gates of Hebbin. The group, too shaken to maintain it, let it dissolve, and they all lie panting on the soft cloud, now free of Weirdamonium*

Present Golem: *hufflepuff* Wheee... WE MADE IT!

PG7 Golem: Now, we gotta activate the TASTS and set everything straight once and for all!

Present Golem: *patting pocket* And to get these plans from Gunpei Yokoi into the rightful hands...!