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{{Super Mario OG Pages}}
{{Super Mario OG Pages}}
==Author: Yami Yoshi==
==Author: Yami Yoshi==

Latest revision as of 23:57, 14 April 2009

Template:Super Mario OG Pages

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

OOC: This is an OG that will mainly include Mario characters. You may add-on as much as you want.

Mario's House...

*Mario and Luigi sit at the kitchen table shoveling spaghetti into their mouths. Suddenly, a loud banging and a faint screeching voice is heard outside their door*

Toad: Mario! Open the door quick!

*Mario opens the door. Toad rushes in clutching his chest and breathing heavily*

Mario: What happened?

*After a few minutes, Toad finally catches his breath*

Toad: Bowser's kidnapped the princess!

Luigi: Again?

Toad: Yeah! Bowser swooped down with his Clown Copter and snatched her on the castle balcony! None of the castle guards were able to reach her in time...

Mario: Which way did Bowser go?

Toad: He flew in the direction of Vista Hill, towards his castle.

Mario: We know what to do! Let's go save the princess again Luigi!

Luigi: Let's-a go!

*Mario and Luigi grab two capes and fly toward Vista Hill starting the dawn of a new adventure!*

To Be Continued...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Bowser's Clown Copter flies towards his castle with screaming Peach on board.*

Peach: Stop! Let me go! Mario will save me!

Bowser: Yeah right! Just because they beat me every time I kidnap you and I'm still using the same tactics as always doesn't mean they'll catch me!

*Mario and Luigi, several seconds later, were hot on Bowser's tail.*

Luigi: There he is!

Mario: Quick! Engage Battle Plan Alpha-Z!

Luigi: Sounds risky, but I guess so...

Bowser: Curses! How could you have known I was here?

Mario: This is the route you always take!

Bowser: I don't follow.

*While Mario and Bowser talk, Luigi speeds by and snatches Peach.*

Bowser: Hey, get back here!

*The Clown Copter zooms after Luigi. Mario flies between Luigi and Bowser and turns to stone (he had traded his cape for a tanooki suit along the way.)just as the Clown Copter's about to hit him. It shatters the copter and Bowser begins to fall, but Mario swoops over and catches him.*

Mario: You never learn, do you? I guess you need another stay in Mushroom Prison! Hey Luigi! Switch!

Luigi: (Sighs) Oh, alright....(Luigi and Mario toss Peach and Bowser into the air. Mario catches Peach and she blushes. Luigi catches Bowser and falls down several hundred feet before he regains his strength and hovers up to Mario. They fly back to the Mushroom Kingdom.)

*A mysterious figure watches Bowser on a computer monitor.*

???: So that is Bowser. An idiot, but when I get ahold of him... the world shall be mine! MWAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!! Evil.gif

Author: Ace[edit]

*Mario and Luigi are en route to The Mushroom Kingdom, to deliver Peach back to her home in the castle and Bowser into his new 'home' in prison. It's a nice sunny day, but the winds at that height are a bit chilly*

Mario: Don't worry Princess, we'll have you back in a jiffy!

Peach: Oh... Mario... I can't thank you enough for saving me!

Mario: Oh... it was... nothing...

*Mario and Peach lock eyes. Peach grabs Mario tightly around the neck and brings herself closer to Mario*

Peach: Mar... Mario... I-

Luigi: Hey! We're almost there!

Mario: <shakes head> Eh? What? Oh! Let's fly down there and find her balcony!

Peach: <aside> <tsk> So close... Well I guess I can invite him inside and tell him, but... but Luigi...

Luigi: Ugh... This overgrown lizard really needs to take a diet...

Mario: Don't worry bro! The castle can't be too far!

*Mario and Luigi decend below the clouds. The castle is not too far off into the distance. The inn and the shopping district flank the eastern side of the walls, while the denizen's houses occupy the rest of the ground surrounding the castle.*

Peach: Wow... We were really high up. Our Kingdom is so beautiful from up here!

Mario: Yeah...

Luigi: Ugh... Yeah, you two can enjoy the view; you don't have 'Sleeping Beauty' here to lug around!... Hey, wait. What's that?

Peach: I've never seen anythig like that before... It's huge!

*A sleek black airship hovers silently over the highest tower of the castle. It's streamlined design makes it look like it can go faster than anything else ever built. Several massive rotors are currently keeping the airship balanced. Tough black armour-plating seamlessly encase the ship from bow to stern. A jagged crecent moon is emblazened on each side in white, a stunning contrast to the rest of the ship. A rope is secured from the ship to the tower.*

Mario: ... We'd-a better check this out ...

Author: Golem[edit]

~The two brothers land, letting down what they were holding.~

Mario: You make sure that Bowser gets properly locked up.

Luigi: Well, okay...

~Mario gets a running start, then jumps and flies towards the airship. Once near it, Mario had started looking for an entrance, but he was inside before he had a chance.

There, he found himself in a candle-lit windowless room (candles being on the walls, with a small wooden table in the center with a candle on it) surrounded by 20 beings in hooded blue wizard's robes about as tall as him. The hoods were so big that he could not see them clearly, as their faces were past unpiercible shadows.~

Mario: Uhhh... hello?

~One of the blue robes stepped forth.~

Robe: We are here to discuss a request from your people. You may ask for something in exchange, within reason.

Mario: Well, I'm the wrong guy... I'm just a plumber.

Robe: We will not discuss with those who have so-called power. You are the defining person of this kingdom, you hold the real power. In any case, we believe you have an item that we need: the Stone of Fortune.

Mario: Ummm... can I at least have some time to discuss this with the others below?

Robe: That is acceptable. Keep in mind that we are able to repay you in any way that you choose.

~Then, in a flash, Mario was back down on the ground. Peach was right next to him, but stepped back in surprise at his sudden entrance.~

Peach: What happened?

Mario: They want something called the "Stone of Fortune." I mean, they REALLY want it.

Peach: What?! Oh, no, well, we can't let them have it!

Mario: ???

~In the ship's candle-lit room...~

Robe 1: We Magikoopas have almost all of the eight elements. Where is the last one?

Robe 2: Sarasaland, sir.

Author: Antisocial[edit]

(As Mario and Peach make their amends with the unknown figures, Luigi takes careful scrutiny upon Bowser as he follows him toward the path to the local Mushroom Prison. Bowser, being one of those slick-minded villians, hatches a scheme on the way to his confinement to outwit Mario's sibling)

(Bowser turns around and opens his mouth to speak. Luigi abruptly counteracts)

Luigi: ...There's no way you're getting out of this one. You might as well just shut up as you take your sweet time walking to your new home.

Bowser: ...Can't I plea-bargain?

Luigi: ...No.

(Bowser rethinks his strategy. He shrewdly takes advantage of the flying airship that has appeared over the kingdom recently...by lying)

Bowser: ...Then how about this: You let me go, and I won't have to order my airship to obliterate your oh-so-sacred castle...

Luigi: ...What?!...That's your airship?!...

Bowser: ...Uh...YEAH! Complete with your advanced methods of ammunition...Hmmm...I think the Bombing Bills with provide the most spectacular effect once it makes impact with the castle...I always like to leave with a BANG.

Luigi: ...You wouldn't...

Bowser: ...You don't know me very well, do you?...

Luigi: ...I don't even believe that monstrosity even belongs to you. It doesn't even show your crummy style of your stupid "clown" fetish...

Bowser: (...I'll ignore that...for now. NO ONE insults my fashion style...)

Luigi: ...And those moon decals...Since when have you been interested in the moon?!...And the figure of it doesn't even blah blah I don't think blah blah...

(Thanks to Luigi's witty way of debatement, as Luigi continues to analyze the airship for faults, Bowser imperceptibly sets Luigi's Cape ablaze with a puff of his fire breath. The results were imminent)

Luigi: ...And I swear, the design that makes it seem faster than it looks doesn't even fool me-e-eeeeEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!...

(Luigi starts flapping his Cape toward the ground repeatedly as Bowser makes his move and flees into the opposite direction)

Bowser: ...Hah, hah...SUCKER!...Now, to see who this ship REALLY belongs to...and to take the Princess back, of course...

(A few minutes just after Bowser made his getaway towards the castle, Luigi finally puts out his flaming Cape, which has already been eaten by fire halfway)

Luigi: ...Grrr!...Typical. And the chase is on.

(Luigi sets out after Bowser in pursuit in the direction of...that's right...Peach's Castle.)

Author: Ace[edit]

*Mario and Peach are sitting the courtyard of the castle. The sun is shining down warmly on them and the birds in the nearby trees are singing. The sky looks beautiful, except for the giant black airship that contaminates the otherwise serene cerulean skies. The fountain, a simple five-pointed star, is gurgling quietly in front of them.*

Mario: Say that again?

Peach: The Stone of Fortune... We cannot let anyone outside of the Royal Family lay hands on it.

Mario: Why not? There're plenty of stones around. They're willing to offer anything for it.

Peach: Well, this stone is special. ... <Peach looks up to the fountain> Tell me Mario, how much do you know about the history of The Mushroom Kingdom?

Mario: Not much. You don't need to know that to make some good pasta!

Peach: <turns back to Mario> Mario, please listen! Generations ago, there was a war between this kingdom and another unknown kingdom. They sent an dark army to fight against us; they attacked us without warning, and they were incredibly powerful. One of their knights could subdue a hundred of our fighters. They were ruthless and killed without remorse. <Peers back to the fountain> We were fighting a losing war, and our family knew it.

Mario: So... we won right? I mean, we're standing here talking about it.

Peach: That's right. But we didn't do it alone. We formed an alliance with our neigbouring kingdoms, who saw themselves as the next target of the Black Army, should The Mushroom Kingdom fall. However, despite the alliance, we were still losing more and more ground... and lives... every battle. On one otherwise hopeless night, my ancestor, Alcyone, wished upon a shooting star. She was the princess back then, and she felt utterly helpless to fight in this war. She wished with all of her heart that she would be able to help keep her family and her kingdom safe from the evil invaders. Suddenly, the pitch black sky lit up, and once the light subsided, eight shining medallions decended from the heavens. Alcyone caught the medallions and a voice rung out in her head: "These stones set in these eight medallions will confer great power to their bearers. They will allow you to win this war and bring peace back to this land. A word of warning: Do not let these medallions fall into the wrong hands, for that would fortell disaster..."

*Peach looks over to Mario, who is currently playing Beetle Mania on his Game Boy.*

Peach: Mario!

Mario: Hold on, I'm getting the high score!

Peach: MARIO!

Mario: Tsk. Fine... I'm listening. Eight medallions, gotcha.

Peach: This is important! Alcyone and seven of the alliance's finest knights led our people to the final battle. With the power of the medallions guiding us, we emerged from the war victorious and we never saw any sign of the Black Army again. The eight medallions were separated to the eight kingdoms in the alliance. The Mushroom Kingdom is the proud resting place for the Stone of Fortune; the stone embued with the essence, with the element of light... the stone that brought us peace again.

Mario: Uh-huh... So, who would want this 'stone' anyways?

Peach: We had better inform the chancellor of this. He may know the answer.

Author: Antisocial[edit]

(Peach and Mario set off for the castle. As is Bowser. And there's nothing else that would set off Toad Town into a panic attack than an overgrown Koopa stampeding through their streets, is there? Wink.gif)



Toad #3: ...How did he even get here?!?!...This is unbelievable!!!...RETREAT!!!...

(Like the fearful fungi they are, the Toads all hit the panic button and run in random directions, not even trying to defend themselves. Well, that's pretty typical, since Bowser towers above each and every one of them...)

Bowser: (...Good God, it's like they've never seen a Koopa of royalty stomp through their streets before...little wussies.) ...Uh-oh.

(Luigi is hot on his tail as Bowser takes a glance behind him)

Luigi: ...STOP, IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!!!...What am I saying?!...

(The widespread panic of Toad Town reaches Peach's ears as they stop short of the castle's front yard)

Peach: ...Huh?...What's going on??...

Mario: ...*Listens carefully for Bowser's pounding footsteps*...Yup. Just like my brother to just let him escape like that...

Author: Introbulus[edit]

(Meanwhile, with Bowser and Luigi...)

Luigi: Get back here, Bowser! You can't run forever!

Bowser: Oh yes I can! Wait, why am I RUNNING? Your cape is half-burnt, and I'm hungry anyways!

Bowser suddenly skidded to a halt and did a 180 to face Luigi.

Luigi: Uh oh, I was hoping you wouldn't figure that one out...

Meanwhile, Mario and Peach are inside the castle, approaching an elderly Mushroomer.

Peach: Chancellor?

Chancellor: GAZA! Who's there?!?!

Peach: Relax Chancellor, it's just me, Peach.

Chancellor: IT'S YOU! Er, I mean, uhhh, oh, it's you Peach. What brings you to me?

Mario: We need the Stone-a-Fortune, Mr. Chancellor.

Chancellor: Ah, oh yes, the Stone of Fortune. I know exactly where it is! Let's hurry there posthaste! Lead the way, Princess!

Peach: Me!?! But that's highly uncustomary! Aren't YOU supposed to be the one who leads ME to the stone?

Chancellor: What?!? Er, I mean, uhh, ordinarily I would, but er...I'm feeling rather tired now, so I'd rather be slagging behind in the back, if that's alright with you, Princess.

Peach: Why aren't you calling me Peach like you always do?

Chancellor: Well, uhh, sometimes things need to be more... formal , Peach.

Peach: Well, okay. I guess I'll lead the way to the stone.

Peach then proceeded to guide Mario and the Chancellor to the Stone of Fortune. As the chancellor walked, he appeared as though he had a limp of sorts, but Mario took it as a sign of old age in the elderly Mushroom Retainer. Peach, however, thought it a bit odd. Regardless, Peach proceeded to walk down every other corridore, until they reached what appeared to be a dead end.

Mario: ...Well?

Peach: The door is here. Chancellor, do you have the key?

Chancellor: ...Key?

Peach: Yes, you do remember how to open the door, correct?

Chancellor: Oh I see! Er, I mean, oh yes! Now I remember! The key! Er, hold on one sec. will ya'?

After sifting through his pockets for a few seconds, the chancellor devulged an old key with a star on it's handle and handed it to Peach. Peach then used the key on the wall, and suddenly, a portion of the wall lifted up to reveal a pedastol with the stone on it.

Chancellor: It must be moved immediatly!

Peach: Huh?

Chancellor: Yes! It's not safe here! Take it now!

Peach: Chancellor...

Chancellor: NOW!

Peach: Right!

Peach quickly grabbed the stone from the pedastol, and almost as quickly had it snatched away from her by the chancellor.

Peach: Chancellor!

Chancellor: You know, it's very easy to fool you Mushroomers with such a simple disguise!

In a poof of smoke, the chancellor disappeared, and in his place stood...

Mario: Kamek!

Kamek (cracked voice): That's right! You fools led me right to the stone! The Koopa Empire shall be victorious!

Peach: Then where's the Chancellor?

Kamek: You mean THIS chancellor?

Kamek held up a small jar containing a miniature figure that resembled Kamek's latter form.

Peach: Chancellor!

Kamek: Well I'd love to stay and chat, but Bowser'll be waiting for this! So, arivaderchi!

Before Mario or Peach could do anything about it, Kamek flew out a nearby window with the stone and the chancellor in hand.

Peach: Chancellor!

Meanwhile, Bowser had just about finished with Luigi.

Bowser: Your days are numbered, Luigi!

Luigi: That's what you think, Bowser!

Suddenly, the black doomship loomed over the heads of the two fighters, and instantly paralized both of them.

Bowser: ...Eep!

Luigi: I have a bad feeling about this...

Author: GORE-ILLA[edit]

*Mario immediately took off in pursuit of Kamek in the Racoon Suit as the frog-voiced wizard flies at breakneck speed towards the craft. Back by Luigi and Bowser...*

Luigi: What-a-the hell?

Bowser: Wait...that ship...Irecognize it now - but it can't be! He's been dead!

(Suddenly, a beam reaches from the airship and pulls Bowser up into the airship. Luigi, who was hanging onto Bowser's tail, was sucked in as well. They were trapped in a large transparant jar as a group of obed MagiKoopas conversed in a huddle. Luigi caught only small snippets of their conversation.)

MagiKoopa 1: -should be back soon-

Magikoopa 2: -yes, yes. Only the heir-

MagiKoopa 3: -no way we could be stopped!

(The three robed figures turned their attentions to the jar, noticing Luigi for the first time.)

MagiKoopa 1: It appears that we have abducted one more personage then attended.

MagiKoopa 2: I recognize the gren one! Surely he is the younger sibling of the plumber, is he not?

MagiKoopa 3: Do not harm him yet, brothers. We may have to use him as a bargaining chip until we have all of the stones.

MagiKoopa 2: yes, a most excellant idea!

MagiKoopa 1: And at the perfect time! I sense Kamek approaching now with the red one in his wake!

(Luigi bangs on the walls of the jar and yells, although no noise escapes the soundproof jar.)

Luigi: Hey, let me out! You can't keep me in here forever! I'll give you such an ass-whooping-

Bowser: It can't be....I recognize all three of these MagiKoopas....but they all died in an airship accident! Kamek and this entire airship was splattered on the side of a mountain! How can this be???

(Suddenly Mario crashes through the window, tacking Kamek. Kamek drops the Stone. It rolls across the floor and Mario catches it almost immediately.)

Mario: Heh, looks like you'll have to try harder next time, Ka- LUIGI!

MagiKoopa 1: That is right! we have your blood-sibling captive! Surender the stone or we will remove all sources of oxygen from the jar and suffocate him!

(Mario thinks hard for amoment, looking from the Stone to Kamek several times. Sweat trikles down his forehead. Finally he hands Kamek the Stone.)

Kamek: Thank you, Mario. Now enjoy your return to Earth. And don't worry about Little Brother, you'll have him back when we're done with our job, as long as there are no...interferances.

(Mario was sent flying out the window and landed before Toad.)

Mario: (huffs) Toad....remember Kamek?

Toad: Of course! Why are you asking though? (holds up newspaper clippng) He died two years ago in that airship accident!

(Back in the Airship....)

Kamek: Now we only need the Sarasland Stone...then we could use it's power to make the Heir to the Koopa Krown into the ultimate warrior!


Author: Ace[edit]

OT: How could Luigi hear their conversation in a soundproof jar?

*Kamek places the Stone of Fortune on a giant compass, affixing it to the very top. The six other stones facing in six other positions around the circle resonnate in unison with the newly placed stone. There is another remaining position on the compass, to be filled with Sarasaland's stone. Luigi peers intently out of the tube, while Bowser furiously bangs on the wall of the chamber to no avail.*

Magikoopa 1: Yes... the ultimate warrior. His shell will make the perfect puppet for our master plan.

Kamek: Now that ignae fortuna is now in our hands, only ignae terrus from Sarasaland remains.

Magikoopa 2: Hmm... It is almost too easy. The prophecy speaks of the Light Warrior to stand in our way, but we are now in possesion of seven of the eight stones.

Magikoopa 1: Perhaps the prophecy is false.

Kamek: Ah, but the power of the stones is very real my friends. Stay alert; the Light Warrior could decend at any moment. I'm sure that the powers-that-be would not let the Medallions fall into the 'wrong hands' so easily.

Magikoopa 3: All we have been tapping into for generations was ignae nocturne. Imagine the power we will have once we claim all of the eight elemental stones!

Kamek: Yes. The power over life... and death. <cackles madly>

*Meanwhile, inside Bowser's glass tube...*

Bowser: Wha? What's going on here?! Hey, Kamek! You guys! Let me out! I'm the King, you're supposed to listen to me! When we get back to my keep, you'll... all be thrown in the torture room! Arrrgh!

*Bowser bangs on the wall of the tube, yet again*

Luigi: Yeah, that worked. Nice going, ya' big dummy.

Bowser: Grrrr... <to self:> Alright alright... It looks like threatening them isn't working. Rats, that's the only thing I know how to do good. Umm... C'mon, think! You're a master genius...


Oo-o-h... I'm getting a headache...

Okay. Mario's not mean, and he wins... sometimes... Maybe I'll just borrow his... ugh, nice attitude for a while.

Bowser: <ahem> Guys? Umm... If you let me out of here... I'll buy you all ice cream! Err... guys?

Luigi: Just shut up... If we can't hear a peep from them, what makes you think they can hear anything from us?

Bowser: Uh... Um... Er...


Shut up!

Luigi: Okay okay, let's get a grip on things. It looks like your sorcerer friends have gone AWOL on you. And they all seem to be really interested in that dealie with the shining stones. Mario just gave 'em another one after he saw me in here... It must be because they were going to off me if he didn't.

Bowser: Shut up! I know exactly what's going on. They're... just planning a surprise for me. That's it. It's all just a present, like for my birthday or something, and they can't tell me.

Luigi: <sigh> Mario...

*Meanwhile, on ground...*

Toad: Here's the headline: HUGE EXPLOSION AT CLOUD ROCK: Those Idiot Koopas Are at it Again! That airship at the castle, it reminded me of this newspaper clipping I kept for... <ahem> personal purposes. Anyways, what do you think?

Mario: Uh... uh... I'm all confused. But what I do know is that they have Luigi, and I won't rest until I bring him back!

Peach: Mario!~ Mario-o-o!~

*Peach runs out of the castle, lifting up her long skirt so she wouldn't trip over it.*

Peach: <phew> Mario, what happened? Did you rescue the chancellor?

Mario: Sorry... no. To make things worse, they now took Luigi hostage!

Peach: Oh my! This is terrible news! They also have the Stone of Fortune... What are those terrible Koopas up to anyhow?

Toad: <ahem> Mind if I join in?

Peach: What is it?

Toad: Well, it all started when I was on a trip on Chocolate Island...

Author: Antisocial[edit]

(As the four Magikoopas finally exit the room on their way to the cockpit, more soliloquizing occurs within a Koopa's head...)

Bowser: ...Eergh...This is humiliating. Me, the lord of all evil that overruns this stupid Kingdom...MUTINIED by my own lackeys!!...And to think, that jacka$$ was the one who tried to save me as a kid from that idiot...Yoshi...

Luigi: ...I have an ide--


Luigi: ...How ironic. This is a soundproof encasing, and the one who didn't want to hear your yelling the most had to be INSIDE the thing...Anyway, I have an idea that'll get us out of this thing...But to our chagrin, it'll involve teamwork...so we'd best make a truce for now.

Bowser: ...Are you insinuating that I, the KING OF ALL KOOPAS, team with you, the second-rate sibling of my greatest adversary?!?!...The great Bowser needs NO stupid "teamwork" to get himself out of ANY mess!!! Especially with fools like YOU!!!...Stay out of this!!!

(Right at that moment, Bowser relentlessly puts all his weight and pressure into the glass container and slams it repeatedly. He body-slams, charges backwards, punches the glass, and it would've been the end for them if Luigi hadn't intervened when Bowser got ready to blast some fire at the casing and cook themselves alive)

Luigi: ...What are you doing?!...Are you nuts?!?!...We'll FRY!!!

Bowser: ...Well, what else is there to do?!?!...Take our time and play some pinochle?!?!

Luigi: ...You can just LISTEN to my plan...It's your choice if you want to get out of here so much...

Bowser: ...Grrr...Fine. ONLY because so I can give those robed imbeciles a good beating...

Luigi: ...Finally. Here's what we do...

(After a few minutes...One of the Magikoopas ordered to check on their prisoners walks into the room, only to find out Luigi is absent from the glass case with Bowser inside acting very casual)

Magikoopa: ...What?!...Impossible! Where is he?!?!...

(Since the case happens to be soundproof, Bowser looks at the Magikoopa's mouth motioning and simply shrugs afterwards)

Magikoopa: ...GRRR!!!...Delays, delays!...

(The Magikoopa runs toward a nearby control panel and flips some switches. The glass case disappears into smoke. The Magikoopa runs back and repeats his previous question in a louder tone)

Magikoopa: ...I said, WHERE IS HE?!?!...

Bowser: ...Right HERE!!!

(Bowser quickly body-slams the poor wizard. After Bowser gets up, a koopa-shaped pancake is what's left on the floor. Afterwards, Luigi squeezes out of Bowser's shell from the neckhole)

Bowser: ...Get out of there, now!!!...I have some unfinished business to attend to...

(The koopa rushes through the same doorway the four Magikoopas exited through. Luigi wipes the dust from his overalls and follows)

Author: Yami Yoshi[edit]

Meanwhile on the airship…

*Kamek walks into a spacious chamber on the airship. The walls are decorated with thousands of blue candles, which cast an eerie glow across the chamber. A tall hunched figure wearing a black cloak stands at the end of the room, his face hidden by the hood of the cloak*

Kamek: Master. We have gathered 7 of the 8 stones.

*The black hooded figure limps toward Kamek*

???: Excellent. With the power of the 8 medallions, I shall return to full power and conquer the world again! Over a century ago, I invaded the Mushroom Kingdom and crushed all opposition using my supreme army of destruction. The war had nearly been ours when suddenly, Princess Acylone of the Mushroom Kingdom and seven other Light Warriors from the surrounding kingdoms used the power of these eight medallions and completely annihilated my entire army. They also reduced my power to that of a Micro-Goomba. Very slowly, my power has been increasing over the years and it has been my dream all that time to have vengeance on this world. Thanks to you Kamek and your Magikoopas, that dream shall become a reality quite soon.

Kamek: Don’t forget your promise…

???: Promise? Oh yes…the promise…don’t worry about it…your assistance in retrieving the eight medallions has earned you much more…

*Suddenly a loud roar is heard in the distance and Magikoopas scramble into the chamber, their robes charred*

Magikoopa 1: *wheeze* Kamek! Our three prisoners have escaped!

???: Prisoners?

Kamek: We have captured three prisoners who tried to invade our airship earlier: Luigi, the Chancellor, and Bowser.

???: Bowser, eh? Hmm…I’ll take care of them myself.

*The black robed figure pulls out a black staff and disappears*

In the corridors of the airship…

*Bowser and Luigi rush through a black metal corridor illuminated by more blue candles while carrying the Chancellor’s bottle*

Bowser: Those traitorous fiends! I’ll kill all of them!

Luigi: Shouldn’t be trying to find a way out of here?

Bowser: Not before I get my revenge!

*Bowser spits a fireball toward the end of the corridor. Suddenly the fireball stops midair as if held back by an invisible barrier*

???: Well, well…I shouldn’t have you cockroaches contaminating my airship should I?

*The black robe suddenly appears out of nowhere standing at the end of the corridor holding Bowser’s fireball with his withered yellow hand. Kamek close behind*

Bowser: Kamek! You traitor! Wait ‘til I get my hands on you!

???: Heh heh…Your vicious temper reminds me of your father…he was a fool too…

Bowser: How dare you talk about my father like that! I’ll kill you!

Kamek: Master! Are you sure you can handle this?

Bowser: You’re next Kamek! And remember that I’M your master!

???: You were, Bowser. Apparently, your Magikoopas grew tired of your poor command skills and they left you. King Morton was the same way…I guess idiocy runs in the family…

Bowser: I’ll kill you both!

*Bowser takes a deep breath and uses a fire breath attack on the black robe and Kamek. Luigi uses this as an opportunity to escape and runs in the opposite direction still grasping the Chancellor’s bottle. A loud “BOOM” is heard behind him as he nears a corner. Within seconds, Bowser’s body smashes into the corner and lies unconscious*

Luigi: Mama mia!

*A few seconds later, the black robe hovers over Bowser’s unconscious body*

???: Heh heh heh…Kamek, lock him away…we still have yet to find our second fugitive...

Author: Ace[edit]

*Back at the castle, Mario, Peach, and Toad have all moved to the guest room. Toad is ready to share his experiences while on an expedition to Chocolate Island. Mario and Peach are standing next to a table with delightful bite-sized pastries, while Toad walks in with a tray of steaming hot tea.*

Peach: So Toad, why were you sent to Chocolate Island?

Toad: Oh, you know, a standard diplomacy thing. (<ahem> And to pick up some sweet, sweet chocolate, of course.) You know the Cocoa Kingdom is based there right? Anyways, I was talking to King, you know, telling him that we were still around, when one of his pages rushes in to inform him that the Stone of Rejuvenation was stolen!

Peach: Oh my...

Toad: Yeah. So, the king asks 'What's going on? How did this happen?' and then he says that he ordered extra guards to keep the stone safe, because he heard that the other kingdoms were having their relics pilfered.

Mario: It must've been Bowser's doing!

Toad: Hold yer horses, Mario. I'm getting to that. It looks like there was a Magikoopa who used a disguise to look like the King's chief advisor.

Peach: <gasp> That's just like how they stole our Stone of Fortune! How did they find out?

Toad: Well, when he got the stone, the Magikoopa was all like 'I got the Stone you fools! Long live the Koopa Emipre!', followed by excessively maniacal laughter.

Mario: Yeah, sounds like them.

Toad: So I was asking around, and I found out that most of the other kingdoms were robbed too. The Desert Palace, Ice Land, Nimbus... Their Stones were taken too.

Peach: What!? <picks up Toad and shakes him> Why didn't you tell us earlier?!

Toad: Waaa-a-a-ugh! Ijust...gotback...today! Pleasestop...shakingme...Princess!

Peach: Sorry... I'm just a little distraught over the loss of the Stone... <puts Toad down>

*Peach slumps back into a nearby chair. Her crown falls out of place, and covers her left eye.*

Toad: <panting> I just got back and everyone's in a big panic over the big bad black airship that's hovering over the north tower.

Mario: So what do we do?

Peach: <leans forward, fixes her crown> I looks like they're trying to get all of the stones... Are there any Stones that they don't have yet?

Toad: I think Sarasaland still has the Stone of Foundation. You know, it's located deep in the mountains, so I'm pretty much the only one who knows how to get there... But, getting to Sarasaland will be pretty hard.

Mario: No problem! You're talkin' about a guy who worked his way through countless castles filled with lava and flying balls of fire!

Peach: But... they have the Chancellor! And Luigi!

Mario: I'm sure Luigi is busy getting both of them out of that ship right now. What we have to worry about is getting to Sarasaland before the Black Airship!

Peach: ... <gets up> Yes! We should leave immediately!

Toad: <gulp> Uh... who is this 'we'? This doesn't... oh, say include me, does it?

*Mario and Peach smile and look over to each other, and then to Toad.*

Mario: Come on Toad, where's your team spirit?

Peach: I cannot dream of doing this without you.

Toad: ... This is NOT in my job description ...

Author: Antisocial[edit]

(Anyway, let's digress for a moment to check out the position of the last medallion. In the Easton Kingdom of Sarasaland, by the entrance of a cavern on the side of a mountain, two spider-shaped figures stand guard and scan the entire horizon. They finally take focus on a large airship slowly approaching the kingdom)

Kumo: ...Hmmm...That look strange to you?...

Suu: ...A large airship? Nah. Seen them lots of times. Why, back in my day, when my ancestors fought in a great war long ago, so many aircrafts flooded the sky, the color of it was--

Kumo: ...Idiot!!...That airship is obviously the type that would contain creatures who would want to overrun us!...And it's coming this way!!!

Suu: ...Oh, really?...Uh...should we go tell Hiyoihoi about this?...

Kumo: ...What do you think?!...

Suu: ...Well, I would think we SHOULD, for having creatures in an oversized black ship overrun us would be a pretty nasty situation indeed. Why, back in the day, my father once told me his village was once overtaken by this swarm of Flies and Bunbuns...and man, were THEY in a rut. I mean--

Kumo: ...Let's go, already!!!

(Kumo hops away to warn his Ganchan-hurling lord of the mountains. Suu acts stultified for a moment, then follows)

Author: Golem[edit]

~Meanwhile, in Mushroom Castle's guest room...~

Toad: So how do we get to Sarasaland?

Mario: Well... I've been there before. There's a clever little pipe that can take you from Bandit's Way to Sarasaland.

Peach: You never told us that you went to Sarasaland! Template:Confused

Mario: Well, uhhh... it's nothing, really... >_<;;;

Toad: Are you sure that's safe? That's where Croco and his gang hang out...

Mario: Yeah, c'mon, it'll be safe.


Mario: ~speaking from inside some bushes, while Peach and Toad stand outside~ I found it!

Peach: In there?! ~looking down at her dress~

Mario: ~spreads bushes apart with his arms~ The dress will be fine. ~Peach walks into now-opened bushes~ Ladies first. ^_^ ~watches as Peach cautiously steps on top of the pipe and slips in slightly~ You too, Toad! ~Mario puts his hands to the ground, Toad runs into them--or as close to running as toads can perform--and Mario lightly dumps Toad into the pipe, after which Mario follows~

~At the other end...~

Toad: Oof! Hey... it's awful dark down here... Mario never mentioned this, did he?

Peach: Hey!!

Mario: ~dropping in~ What is it, princess?!

Jr. Troopa: Haha! Back for a rematch, I see?

Mario: Template:RollEyes

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