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==Author: Mega Man X==
==Author: Mega Man X==
Narrator: A battel! I'm sure Replaforce would want to get in on this!
Narrator: A battel! I'm sure Replaforce would want to get in on this!<br />
X: Sure would! But Golem didn't call us.
X: Sure would! But Golem didn't call us.

Latest revision as of 09:58, 15 January 2009

Pages in Party Goers 10
1 - 2

S is short for S-Cargo, S-Cargo's author character.

Author: Flutter[edit]

Flutter: *muffled* I knew I should have signed the part of the contract that says I'm to stupid and hard headed to fall under any kind of spell.

Author: Mega Man X[edit]

Narrator: A battel! I'm sure Replaforce would want to get in on this!
X: Sure would! But Golem didn't call us.

James: That's because their evil now.

X: Really!? I gotta see this! C'mon Replaforce, we're going to a battel!

Vectorman: Yay! But what about Mario?

X: Bring him, he come in handy.

Tails: So back to [?]'s hideout?

X: No, we have to find the rest of TRO. We'll need their help!

CM: Replaforce drive out to a bar. Feeling depressed huh guys? As if booze is your only friend?

X: I'm going to ignore that last remark.

James: They walk in to find Hyper Mecha Sonic, Vile, Meowth and me!

Sonic: What are you guys doing here?

HMS: We were watching the game show, but now the screen went blank!

Vile: You know what's going on?

Narrator: Replaforce tell them everything.

Meowth: I'm shocked!

James: I'm not. I already knew all of this.

HMS: Why didn't you tell us then!?

James: You never asked.

Knuckles: Should we fall over anime style?

Zero: Nah, it's been done too many times.

Mario: Can we just go already!? I mean all this talking! What are you guys, a bunch of girls!?

Vile: You know, he has a point.

X: All right then, to the Mach 5!

Vectorman: Will i ever get to say that?

X: No.

CM: They all get in the Mach 5. How they all fint i don't know. Anyways, they reach [?]'s hideout. They get out of the Mach 5 and walk in. But soon they find out there is no floor, as they all go down the pit.

James: That's enough out of you two! My turn! Soon we land on the ground. HARD! OW! My back! But Tails floats down, him being able to fly and all. Lucky littel [censored].

CM: Whoa! Good thing i chought that one!

James: Shut up!

[?]: On no! Not them again!

MagiKoopa: All right! Backup has come!

HMS: I beleave if we all stand together in a line and shoot our wepons all at once, something good might happen.

Knuckles: Are you sure about that?

X: Couldn't hurt to try.

Narrator: They all get in a line and bring out thei wepons. X with his X-Buster, Zero with his Rocket lucher, Vectorman with his Laser Eyes, Sonic with his Hyper Blaster, Tails with his Chain Gun, Knuckles with his Bzooka, Mario with his Fireball, Hyper Mecha Sonic with his Twin Blasters, Vile with his Ion Cannon, James with his AK-47, MagiKoopa with his Wand and Bomberman with a HUGE bomb!

CM: Meowth trys to get in line before they fire, he was a littel late to get in. But he's going so fast that when he does reach the line he can't stop! He bumps into X, and since X was at the end of the line he bumps into Zero, who bumps into Vectorman! This makes them all fall down like domonos!

Narrator: They fire! But since they're angeled they miss [?].

[?]: Oh good!

CM: But then hits the wall, makeing the floor come apart again!

[?]: Darn.

CM: At this time SF finally breaks out of the egg.

SF: I'm free! I'm free! *Sees what's going on* Hmmm....maybe i should've stayed inside...

Narrator: Everyone starts falling into a bottemless pit again. But Tails starts flying. Seeing this, [?] grabs onto Tails legs, then Golem grabs onto [?] legs. This goes on untill everyone is holding on the each other in one big chain! But Tails can't take this forever!

Tails: Grrrr! I can't.....hold all....of you! Ugghh! Can't keep flying......much longer!

[?]: You better not let me go, you doopy kid!

Tails: What did you call me!?

X: No! You ideot! Don't call him that!

Tails: Nobody calls me that and gets away with it!

James: Tails makes [?] let go of him, and we start falling again! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!


Tails: Oops...Heh heh, guess i got a littel too mad.

MagiKoopa & Bomberman: NO! NOT AGAIN!!

CM: What will happen now!? Stay tuned...

Narrator: To this channel...

James: To find out! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

MagiKoopa: Now what, Bomberman? Bomberman: The Be All and End All Bombinator!

Bomberman whips out the bomb as though it were any ordinary tool.

MagiKoopa: So, what's it do?

Bomberman: It'll teleport Team Rocket Omega far, far away. just before teleportation, it'll clone our outer shells [bodies w/nothing inside], so when they land, it'll look like we naturally bit the dust. And it's Party-Goer proof, meaning nobody outside Team Rocket Omega can deactivate it once its lit.

MagiKoopa: hmm... Do we have any other choices?

Bomberman: We could commit hara-kiri.

MagiKoopa: (flinches) the Be All and End All Bombinator is starting to sound nice.

Bombeman lights the fuse! Looks like this is it!

Golem: Good! Now I don't have to keep that stupid promise about having a Party Goers story actually be about a party.

and, for no apparent reason...


MagiKoopa: Look! I've got the sub plans back!

Bomberman: That's game, set, and match!

Author: MagiKoopa[edit]

oh, yeah, I almost forgot:

Author: Golem[edit]

Saph~while flying through the air~: I'm getting tired o' this. --

Golem: Ditto here. --

[?]: Look! We're gonna crash!

Narrator: A tiny little island is seen by the crew. They're zooming towards it head-first.

CM: "They do land, and somehow, like in the Super Mario Adventures comics Nintendo Power made, they survive."

James: And just before they hit, the Silouette makes a levitating pad for him/herself.

[?]: What else is that off in the distance? It's marked "Closed"...

Narrator: It's Golem's TASTS!

Author: Vorpal[edit]

Vorpal: But I have slightly, modified it. It now travels through dimensions! I have brought Team Missle from the Rocketsville story which is a spin-off this story.

Golem: I'm confused.

Vorpal: Be prepared to be even more confused! I present: Mr. Predict and Yoshiman of Team Missle!

TM Yoshiman and PG Yoshiman stare at each other. Both Mr. Predicts stare at each other also.

[?]: Vorpal! didn't you just do this so you could enter into this highly imaginitive story?

Vorpal: How'd you know? But, I bet you didn't know Team Missle, lead by me, is going to become the main badguys of this story! So bye, bye [?]!

Vorpal takes out some sort of gun and shoots. It hits [?]. [?] vanishes never to be seen again.

Author: Mega Man X[edit]

X: Well.......i didn't see that one comeing...

Golem: NOOOOOO! Our leader!

Sapphire: What will we do now!?

SF: YAY! I won't be put in a egg anymore!

YM: We'll see about that...

SF: What did you say?

YM: Nothing.

Sonic: Hey, has anyone seen Tails?

Knuckles: Yeah, and what about TRO? And Bill Cosby?

Zero: God only knows what happened to Bill Cosby. And TRO set off the bomb and left. But yet, the story goes on, how could that be?

Vectorman: Maybe you know Mr. Vorpool is it?

Vorpal: It's Vorpal. And yes, i do know what's going on.

Narrator: Then, Tails lands with is Bi-Plane, the Tornado! With the Mach 5 in toe!

X: Cool, Tails is back with all our stuff.

Knuckles: Yeah, let's get out of here.

Golem: NO! You all must pay for the death of our leader!

Sapphire: Yes! Revenge!

Mr. P: Uh, what they said.

X: So now you guys want revenge!? Hey! That's not right!

Vorpal: A lot of this story isn't right.

Vectorman: He has a point.

Mario: I have a question, will this story ever go anywhere?

Everybody but Mario: No.

Mario: Just checking.

Golem: Prepar to die fools!

Y64: Yes! Die!

Zero: Can somebody shut them up!?

Tails: I know! I'll use this Mind Ray Gun i just bult. It'll turn them bac to normall.

CM: Tails gets ready to fire it Golem, Sapphire, Y64, Mr. P, YM, and Rhyk.

Sapphire: FOOL!

Narrator: But Saph knocks it away!

Tails: Hey! My ray gun! Somebody get it!

Author: Sapphire[edit]

Sapphire: You all should realize that what's going on has completely no affect on me!

Narrator: I think they misunderstood you when you said you were neutral. They aren't getting the point.

CM: But she's a good actress!

Everyone falls over anime style.

X: So you're on our side!

Sapphire: No.

X: So you're on their side?

Sapphire: You're not getting my point. I'm not the same character that I was way back in Party Goers 1.

Golem: So you're not really Saph?

Narrator: *sweatdrop* That's not what she meant you dolt!

Golem: But I don't care. On our side or not, all of you must still pay for the death of our leader!

YM: Right!

Mr P: Yeah!

RHYK: Let's get 'em!

Sapphire: I think I will step to the side now.

Tails: Wait! So why did you knock away my ray gun?

Sapphire: Because it's beginning to get interesting. While you all are distracted I can...

CM: "YM and Golem attack Replaforce while Saph slips away."

Narrator: Sneak!

Flutter: Hm, maybe I can escape too!

Golem: Hey koopa! Get back here!

Flutter: Drat.

Author: Golem[edit]

Golem: Wha? ~sees himself beating at Zero~

What am I doing? And where is that Silouette guy?

Saph: U_U I still say that guy didn't brainwash me.


Magi: Let's just be glad that he's gone and we're safe. But there goes the plotline o' the story.

BM: This only lasted two days! Are you CRAZY?!?!

Golem: Face it, there's nuthin' else.

Magi: Now's a good a time as any, so:

Narrator: MagiKoopa waves his wand about, creating the text "THE END".