Difference between revisions of "Story:Christmas Member OG"

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Line 88: Line 88:
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The mysterious jet sweves to the side as the ships collide. It flies straight towards the debris<nowiki>*</nowiki>  
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The mysterious jet sweves to the side as the ships collide. It flies straight towards the debris<nowiki>*</nowiki>  
==Author: That Guy==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Even though he dosn't Exist in the normal VGFMOG, <nowiki>#</nowiki>7 decides to come in his ship, The Kewl Thing<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Even though he dosn't Exist in the normal VGFMOG, <nowiki>#</nowiki>7 decides to come in his ship, The Kewl Thing<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Line 104: Line 104:
???: I'll Check it out.
???: I'll Check it out.
==Author: Introbulus==
Introbulus: What'd we crash into?
Introbulus: What'd we crash into?
Line 118: Line 118:
Jim: Sorry about that. Happens all the time.  
Jim: Sorry about that. Happens all the time.  
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Flying Monkrey crashes into the evergreen forest and erups in fire. Intro and Jim retreat to the bridgeof the Flying Monkey as the forest becomes a swirling inferno. The "Kewl Thing" descends and lands on the outskirts of the forest. ??? steps out and dashes into the forest until his path is blocked by the fire. He cicles the large circle of flames in hopes of finding a clear way through. Elsewhere, in the middle of the inferno, the others ponder their escape.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Flying Monkrey crashes into the evergreen forest and erups in fire. Intro and Jim retreat to the bridgeof the Flying Monkey as the forest becomes a swirling inferno. The "Kewl Thing" descends and lands on the outskirts of the forest. ??? steps out and dashes into the forest until his path is blocked by the fire. He cicles the large circle of flames in hopes of finding a clear way through. Elsewhere, in the middle of the inferno, the others ponder their escape.<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Line 140: Line 140:
<nowiki>*</nowiki>GORE, Intro, and Jim get into fighting stance while PL watches from the sidelines.<nowiki>*</nowiki>  
<nowiki>*</nowiki>GORE, Intro, and Jim get into fighting stance while PL watches from the sidelines.<nowiki>*</nowiki>  
==Author: That Guy==
<nowiki>#</nowiki>7:Great. Lets Find a away to put out these flames.  
<nowiki>#</nowiki>7:Great. Lets Find a away to put out these flames.  
Line 160: Line 160:
???:There's Gore!  
???:There's Gore!  
==Author: Gamechamp==
Line 208: Line 208:
Gamechamp: It's time to get in our first real fight since... what? The 3rd og? Oh, well! Those OGers shall die!  
Gamechamp: It's time to get in our first real fight since... what? The 3rd og? Oh, well! Those OGers shall die!  
==Author: GORE-ILLA==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Robot Team drives into the forest on their color-coded motorcycles, until...<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>The Robot Team drives into the forest on their color-coded motorcycles, until...<nowiki>*</nowiki>
Line 260: Line 260:
Jim: I think it was! But who were those two weirdos with him?  
Jim: I think it was! But who were those two weirdos with him?  
==Author: That Guy==
???: Huh? Whos the Robot Team?
???: Huh? Whos the Robot Team?
Line 300: Line 300:
???: <nowiki>*</nowiki>Hide<nowiki>*</nowiki>  
???: <nowiki>*</nowiki>Hide<nowiki>*</nowiki>  
==Author: Gamechamp==
(Double post of this one ^)
Gamechamp jumps out of the way of the blast, then shoots randomly.
Gamechamp jumps out of the way of the blast, then shoots randomly.
Line 350: Line 348:
He releases the magic energy.  
He releases the magic energy.  
==Author: That Guy==
<nowiki>#</nowiki>7: Warning. Target Idetfied as level 7 EVIL. Sprit Calling Activated.  
<nowiki>#</nowiki>7: Warning. Target Idetfied as level 7 EVIL. Sprit Calling Activated.  
Line 370: Line 368:
<nowiki>#</nowiki>7: Ha! Your Jewel Has Been Disspelled! Attack!  
<nowiki>#</nowiki>7: Ha! Your Jewel Has Been Disspelled! Attack!  
==Author: Yami==
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Yami Yoshi stands out on the beach of Yoshi's Island awaiting his guests<nowiki>*</nowiki>
<nowiki>*</nowiki>Yami Yoshi stands out on the beach of Yoshi's Island awaiting his guests<nowiki>*</nowiki>

Revision as of 10:15, 2 March 2009

This OG is set one year after the events of VGF Member OG 4.

Page 1


The small town was heavy with snow. GORE-ILLA waded thrugh the deep blankets, protected from the terrible cold by his Jedi powers combined with his cloak. Even in the great blizzard, som people were singing carols and collecting money. However, GORE-ILLA knew nothing about this planet's culture or religion, and had not bothered to ask. A shivering man with a long grey beard wrinkled with snow, dressed in brown rags rushed up to GORE.

Old Man: Sir, please.... some money for the poor?

GORE: (stops for a moment, pulls some money out of his pocket and tosses ut to the old man.) Go buy yourself a nice coat.

Old Man: Thank you sir, thank you! Take this and God blss you!

*The old man handed GORE a big black boo labeled "The Bible". He smiled and stuffed it in his coak's large inner chest pocket, having grown quite fond of good literature. GORE turned to thank the man, but saw that he was gone.*

GORE: That's odd. Probably sprinted to the nearest clothes store.

*GORE continues walking through the town until he reaches the evergreen forest on its outskirts. He walks up to a hidden alcove where the monkey-shaped shuttle, known as the Flying Monkey, is located. GORE enters via a ramp and walks up to his small plot device servant, PL-0TT.*

PL-0TT: Greetings, Master GORE.

GORE: Hey, PL. Any messages?

PL-0TT: There is one from Yami Yoshi. He requests that you come to his house for the "holidays".

GORE: Alright, then! PL - set course for Yoshi Island!

PL: As you wish, Master GORE.

*The Flying Monkey slowly ascends into the air and slowly bgins flying towards Yoshi Island, unaware of a mysterious jet staulking them in the distance....*

Author: Introbulus

(Meanwhile, about 1,000 miles away and falling...)

Jim: "We all live in a yellow submarine..."

Introbulus: Hey look! It's snowing over there on that planet!

Jim: How can you tell when we're in space?

Introbulus: ...Don't point out plot holes.

Jim: Oh alright. So, is that our destination?

Introbulus: Yup, Yamshi* invited us over for the holidays, and I figured we should check up on them. Especially since we haven't been posting in the OG's recently.

Jim: NOW who's pointing out plot holes?

Introbulus: Well I...ARRRGH!!!

Jim: Hehehe...I love it when you suffer...

Computer: Now approaching Earth, please fasten your seatbelts and put all trays into an upright and to the left position. Thank you.

Jim: We really need to get rid of that computer.

Introbulus: I don't even know why we have it in the first place!

*Introbulus is just making up nicknames here.


*Introbulus's ship begins descending through the atmosphere.*

Jim: Introbulus, does the radar detect any Earth ships in our path?

Introbulus: Of course not! Radar's blank as... hmmm... not good with analogies, but you know what I mean!

Jim: (leans over Intro's shoulder) You fool, you don'teven have it turned on!

Introbulus: Oh yeah, I needed an extra outlet to plug in my GameCube!

Jim: You fool! (unplugs GameCube and plugs in the radar. It immediately begins blinking like mad as a monkey-shaped bleep appears dangerously close to thecenter of the screen. Red alarms begin flashing)

Introbulus: Hey! And I was winning the Special Cup, too!

Jim: No time for that, we're about to crash!

*Back in the Flying Monkey*

PL: Sir, I my sensors detect a ship approaching at great velocity.

GORE: (playing GBA in the co-pilot's seat) What? Quick, dodge it or something! I'm up to the World 8 Fortress!

PL: Sir, there's no possible countercourse that could cause us to dodge the incoming spaceship. In fact, judging by the logo I would have to conclude that this spaceship belongs to none other then In-

GORE: (looks up through sunroof) AHHHHHHHHH AND I WAS SO CLOSE TO BOOMER!!!


*The mysterious jet sweves to the side as the ships collide. It flies straight towards the debris*

Author: That Guy

*Even though he dosn't Exist in the normal VGFMOG, #7 decides to come in his ship, The Kewl Thing*

???:We're entering the atmoshere, #7.

#7: Good. Set course For YY's House.


#7:*Sigh* Not a Crash Course, ???.

???:Sorry, Sir.

#7:Hey! Whats that Debris! That Looks like GORE's Ship!

???: I'll Check it out.

Author: Introbulus

Introbulus: What'd we crash into?

Jim: The Flying Monkey.

Introbulus: How can you tell?

Jim: (Points at Gore-Illa)

Introbulus: Oh, hi Gore!

(The Station wagon is jammed into Gore's Ship, half-inside, half-out.)

Jim: Sorry about that. Happens all the time.


*The Flying Monkrey crashes into the evergreen forest and erups in fire. Intro and Jim retreat to the bridgeof the Flying Monkey as the forest becomes a swirling inferno. The "Kewl Thing" descends and lands on the outskirts of the forest. ??? steps out and dashes into the forest until his path is blocked by the fire. He cicles the large circle of flames in hopes of finding a clear way through. Elsewhere, in the middle of the inferno, the others ponder their escape.*

Introbulus: I've got it! I could just use my metal control to tear this thing apart and free us.

GORE: We already though of that, but unless you have control over fire too, we'll be stranded here WHILE burning to death.

PL: Sir, I believe I have many functions that can assisst you and your comrades in your quest to discover a safe road out of this wreckag-

GORE: No no, PL. We need to have a cool and dramatic escape. You know how I hate using you to "cheat" at the story.

Jim: Yeah, at least Intro and PL can fix this mess up later.

*The jet swoops through the smoke and then flies in a circle above the flames. Its pilot has a helmet concealing hisfacial features and speaks into a comlink in his left hand.*

Pilot: Master, it appears that two of the targets have crashed into each other. Yes, they're that stupid. Should I pull back, sir?

*Before the leader on the other side of the line could answer, one flme sprked up and stroke the jet's engine. It fell out of the sky, through th flames, and through the hull of the Flying Monkey. The cockpit opened and the pilot tumbled out, droping his helmet and revealing his true identity...*

GreatLuigi: Hello, "friends". Did you miss me and the Devil's Scepter?

*GORE, Intro, and Jim get into fighting stance while PL watches from the sidelines.*

Author: That Guy

#7:Great. Lets Find a away to put out these flames.

???: How?

#7: Like This.

*#7 Heads back to the "Kewl Thing" And goes to the storage area. He comes out with a Large Fan.*


*#7 turns the Fan on, and blows the flames out.*


#7: Yeah. Lets Go.


???:There's Gore!

Author: Gamechamp


Green: I am green, the mechanic expert, and I do good with using the weapons I make, too!

Yellow: I am Yellow! I like to use my fists to do the talking!

Black: I am black! I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

Blue: I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything! I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

Gamechamp: And I am Red! The leader of the Robot team! Just call me Gamechamp!

All:And we are the robot team!!!

Yellow: Boss, why did we do that right NOW?

Gamechamp: I don't know...

The Robot Team is trying to collect money for "charity".

Black: Hey, Red, whatever happened to that treasure we got back in that mountain.

Gamechamp: The seamonkeys stole it, remember?

Black: Oh, yeah!

Green: So, how's our collection going on so far?

Gamechamp: Let's see... we have a packet of gum, a box of hankerchiefs, a sweater, and a candy wrapper. DON'T PEOPLE KNOW THAT WE NEED MONEY?!?!?!?!

Blue: But, boss! This sweater is cool! See the design.

Gamechamp: I don't care! And ifI don't get any money in the next 5 seconds, this city is going bye-bye!!!!!

An old man comes over and drops a penny in thier jar.

Gamechamp:... old people always spoil the fun...

Yellow: Hey! A bunch of smoke in a forest! And according to the WHATSGOINGONINATOR, it says that GreatLuigi is attacking Gore, Introbulus, and Jim.

Gamechamp: Really?... Blue, let's do it...

Blue: Yay! Hazzaa! Happy day! Wahoo! Yippey yippey yay! Horay!

Gamechamp bonks him on the head. Blue takes out a remote control with a button. He presses a button, and 5 motorcycles come that are the colors of the Robot Team, and they jump on to head for the forest.

Gamechamp: It's time to get in our first real fight since... what? The 3rd og? Oh, well! Those OGers shall die!


*The Robot Team drives into the forest on their color-coded motorcycles, until...*

Black: Boss! I see the Flying Monkey in the distance!

Yellow: Looks like it's still on fire, although the forest fire was puut out!

GameChamp: It matters not, as long as the OGers die I'm happy!

Green: Hey, shouldn't you be thanking them for helping us TWICE even after we tried to kill them?

GameChamp: ....Quit changing the subject!

*The Robot Team park their cycles and begin walking towards the ship when they are intercepted by 7 and ???.*

Blue: Who the @#%$ are you?

*A figure dashes past the Robot Team, 7, and ???. then leaps through a gap in the fire. Back in the Flying Monkey, GORE prepares his lightsaber while Introbulkus shapes a piece of metal into a sword and Jim begins muttering an incantation.*

GreatLuigi: Are you ready to draw swords in combat once again? I apologize that my cliche sidekick Fred cannot make, as today he is his appointment with his therapist.

Intobulus: Alright, let's get this over with!

*GORE and Introbulus leap and GreatLuigi with their weapons and wildly slashed at the cliche villain, who had obviously improved since their last encounter. His attacks were more vicious and forced the two warriors into the defensive. The light warriors were able, however, to exchange whispers between the parries and slowly planned a counterattack. Intro backed off while GORE went one-on-one with the tyrant in a diversionary tactic. Jim then fired a flame jet which knocked GL into the wall. Introbulus began to control the metal wall and twist it around GL. Suddenly, a figure leapt through the hole in the top of the ship. The figure grabs GORE, Intro, and Jim in its arms, then jumps out and runs through the forest pass the Robot Team's feud, deep into the forest.*

GORE: Who are you?

Introbulus: Let us go, we almost captured one of the TWIFATIT agents!

Jim: Stop!

Figure: But I just saved you from the fire!

*The figure drops the trio on the floor. They look up and see the figure. He- or rather She had long yellow hair that spread down to her shoulders, yellow eyes, a red sweater, and a pair of baggy blue jeans.*

Figure: I am Chizu, defender of this forest! And I must make sure that this fire is extinguished!

GORE: I don't think you'll have to worry about it.

*As GORE explains his quest to Chizu, the remains of the fire disappears, then the Flying monkey and Volkswagon are restored to perfect shape from PL-0TT. The destroyed trees then regrow as PL approaches.*

Chizu: I see! The trees are back again! Is that your plot device?

GORE: Yes. PL, what happened with GreatLuigi?

PL: He disappeared in a classic cliche villain manner.

Chizu: I'm sorry, if I knew before-

Intro: Wait, was that GameChamp's Robot Team we passed a while back?

Jim: I think it was! But who were those two weirdos with him?

Author: That Guy

???: Huh? Whos the Robot Team?

#7: I think he's refering to the five dudes beside us.

GC: Roll Call!

Green: I am green, the mechanic expert, and I do good with using the weapons I make, too!

Yellow: I am Yellow! I like to use my fists to do the talking!

Black: I am black! I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

Blue: I am Blue! If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything! I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

???2: I am Bob Saget! I am not a member of The- *Die*

Gamechamp: And I am Red! The leader of the Robot team! Just call me Gamechamp!

All 5:And we are the robot team!!!

#7: Eh?


Jim: But who Are the Other Guys?

'TroBulus: Chimey Sweepers!


#7: Not a Member of These Weridos.

GC: Heh! Were the EVIL Robot Team!

#7: WARNING. EVIL Found. Must Terminate. *Blast*


???: *Hide*

Author: Gamechamp

Gamechamp jumps out of the way of the blast, then shoots randomly.

Gamechamp: You shall DIE!!!!!

He stops, and sees the rest of the team have many burn marks.

Green: Ouch...

Gamechamp: Oops... now, anyway, time to destroy- what the? Where is he?

#7 sneaks up behind Black.

Black: Hello there. Nice try sneaking up on somebody made for stealth.

He turns around and slashes #7, then jumps back to the rest of the team.

Green: Now, for something special...

He takes out a laser cannon.

Green: This'll take care of you!

He begins shooting wildly at #7, who is barely dodging all of the shots. He jumps in the sky, but Green can't adjust it to point at that angle.

Green: Maybe it would have been betterto make it a small pistol...

The Robot Team runs as #7 swipes down, barely missing them as they dodge out of the way.

Gamechamp: This is just getting repetitive... now, let's do something better... I've been wanting to use this...

He takes out a gem.

Gamechamp: Hehehe... this think surely has SOME juice in it left...

He is charged with magical energy.

Gamechamp: Say hello to your doom!

He suddenly disappears, then reappears floating over #7. He goes down and starts repeatedly kicking #7 into the ground.

#7: Gwaaaaaa!!!!!

Gamechamp stops.

Gamechamp: Okay, we don't want you, we want the OGers. We'll let you live... for now...

He releases the magic energy.

Author: That Guy

#7: Warning. Target Idetfied as level 7 EVIL. Sprit Calling Activated.

*Soon The 1.1 team appear, From the sky in the Same Fashion as usaullal. 'Cept this time there soild*

Other YY: AttAck!


Isis: *chanting Spell*

Legion: * Creates Sword*

GC: YIP! You fools! I have Sephtino!

Isis: *Finishs Spell*

*Sephtino's Jewel Turns Black And Heavy.*

#7: Ha! Your Jewel Has Been Disspelled! Attack!

Author: Yami

*Yami Yoshi stands out on the beach of Yoshi's Island awaiting his guests*

Yami Yoshi: Sheesh, what's taking everyone so long? I want to open my presents now!

*Yami Yoshi walks back into his house and into the dining room where all his presents are piled up at the foot of a plastic pine tree. Yami Yoshi reaches out and grabs a present when another black Yoshi hand grabs it*

Pharaoh: What do you think you're doing?!

Yami Yoshi: *sweatdrop* Er...just...rearranging my presents...

Pharaoh: Don't even try to pull that crap with me. We have to wait for the other OGers to arrive with their presents!

Yami Yoshi: They were supposed to be here 2 hours ago!

Pharaoh: ...fine...I guess you can open ONE.

Yami Yoshi: *muttering* What are you my mother...

*Yami Yoshi picks up a large green package with a scarlet envelope attached to the top labeled in golden letters "From: Santa Claus"*

Yami Yoshi: I'll open this present from Santy Claus...

Pharaoh: ...you're 15 and you STILL believe in Santa Claus?


*Yami Yoshi starts ripping off the wrapping paper*

Yami Yoshi: *crosses fingers* Please be cheesecake. Please be cheesecake. Please be cheesecake.

*Yami Yoshi rips off the last bit of wrapping paper and opens the package...*

Page 2

*Suddenly, the 1.1 OGers fizzle up and disappear.*

7: @#%$, I ran out of time! Now I'm on my own again...

???: What about me?

GameChamp: Alright Cyborg, I don't know who you are, but you just cost me the Sephnito again even though it was already destroyed for good several times in the second OG! So now you'll obviously pay! (leaps towards 7) Time for a one-on-one match!

*GameChamp dropkicks towards 7, who dodges upwards - however, GC had been charging a blast in his buster cannon and fired it at 7. It hit him in the chest and left a small char mark. 7 then reached down with his left arm, grabbed GC by his buster arm, and then flipped him over and smashed him into the ground, then immedaitly jerked his body upwards and flung the robot into the air. GameChamp recovered with his jet pack and then used it to ram into 7 and push him through several trees before 7 freed himself and GC crashed into a giant boulder. GameChamp was now at 7's mercy when GORE, Chizu, Introbulus, Jim, and PL ran up to the group.*

Introbulus: It's GameChamp! He must be helping us again like last time!

GORE: (points at 7 and ???) And those guys he's fighting must be allies with GreatLuigi!

*During 7's battle, ??? had been fighting off the rest of the Robot Team. He used a katana to duel Black quickly while dodging Green's cannon fire, then angled the battle so the lasers bounced off Black's swords and destroyed Green's cannon, temporarily eliminating him. ??? then was able to finish Black without distraction and dropped his katana to wrestle Yellow. Blue arrived then in a small robot suit. ??? kicked Yellow backwards, tripping the robot suit. It then fell on Yellow and exploded. Back to the present.*

Jim: Let's get 'em!

*Introbulus uses his powers over metal to easily trap 7 and wrap him against a tree while GORE, Jim, and Chizu overpower ??? and tie him up neatly.*

Chizu: We did it!

GORE: Thanks for the help, Robot Team! Couldn't have done it without ya!

GameChamp: (regaining coniousness from the last attack) Huh? Whadid I do?

#7: No! *over Radio* Asher! Ready your Portal! I Need GORE over here!

Asher: Can't you just call him?

#7: Already Have! Need to Recharge! Get GORE Over here! Maybe he can talk some sense into them! Get YY Over Here too!

Asher: Alright, Alright. */radio*

#7: *Sigh* Huh? Were did Everybody go?



GORE: He mentioned Me and YY... Weird...

#7: Ugh... I see Them! Mind Boost!

Gore: Huh? I feel Weird... *Flashback*

Gore: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! *Tears Mailmen Apart*

Intro: Me To... *FlashBack*

Intro: *Destroys A Giant robot, Along with another Smaller one*


Intro: Uhhhh...


*Gore and YY Appear near the edge of the forest, Out Of a Weird-Looking portal*

YY: Remember, Were Hear to Reason With them Unless Things get ugly.

GORE: Right.

Gamechamp gets up.

Gamechamp: Umm... what happened?

Introbulus: You helped us defeat those two guys that were with Greatluigi!

Gamechamp: Umm... what?

GORE: ... didn't you help?

Gamechamp: Umm... ofcourse... (devilish smile)

Gamechamp uses his cellular phone mode he never showed yet to talk to the others in scilence.

Gamechamp: Black, Green, Yellow, Blue, I've got an idea... we're going to be traitors for about the 500th time!

Blue: Great idea!

Green: (sigh) Don't you think we've done this trick a little too much? Plus, we've averaged out rarely ever doing any bad when we help...

Black: Green, it's ok, everyone knows that the 500th times a charm!

They get off.

Gamechamp: Now, please explain what you're whole adventure is about...

GORE,Intro & 7: Nah, No Adventure, just got a little sidetracked is all. Going to YY's House for a party.

GORE: What?

#7:Thats What I've been trying to tell you!

*MeanWhile, in Nearby tree*

Gore: Looks like 7's got this under control.

YY: Stay hear unless things look bad.

Introbulus: Okay, our quest is to...uhhh...Jim? A little help?

Jim: (Sigh) Our "quest" is to spend Christmas at Yami Yoshi's house and get lots of free loot presents for our single gift.

Introbulus: A UPS (Universal-Positioning-System) device! (Shhh!!!)

Gamechamp: ...ROBOTS! Super-Secret Meeting mode, NOW!

(Team Robot gets into a huddle circle)

Yellow: My nose itches.

Gamechamp: Quiet! We've got a serious opportunity here!

Blue: Ooo! I know! We're going to cash in on the free loot, right?

Gamechamp: Er...yeah! Of course! That's...exactly what I was thinking of...

Green: ...You were going to loot the cabin, weren't you?

Gamechamp: ...That's even better! Okay Team Robot, BREAK!

(Huddle breaks)

Gamechamp: Okay Introbulus, we'll go to this...

Introbulus: Just as long as we get half.

Gamechamp: ...Huh?

Jim: Looting. That's our deal, too. We'll take upstairs, bedrooms, and the basement. You get everything else.

Gamechamp: But I...uh...

Introbulus: Then it's settled! We're off to loot Yami Yoshi's House! Away! (Dramaticly gallops off)

Jim: ...(Coolly floats away in an evil misty trail)

Gamechamp: Well...uhh...Oh whatever. (Follows)

(Meanwhile, at YY's House...)

Pharoah Yoshi: So, what'dya get?

Yami Yoshi: I dunno. Some weird ball-shaped thing. Kinda looks like one of those spy probes from "Phantom Menace" that follows Darth Maul around.

Pharoah Yoshi: A genuine movie model? Who would send you something that expensive?

(Suddenly, the small black ball inside the box springs to life. Several metal fingers pop out, as well as a laser tracking device, and an actual laser gun at the top.)

Death Probe: Target identified as Yami Yoshi! Kill at all costs!

Yami Yoshi: ...Did I do something to @#%$ Santa off this year?

(To Be Continued...ooo! Suspense!)

*The probe droid flies around and then grows long, skinnt arms and legs with claws. Then a small nec and a "head" with another glowing red eye also are produced. Severl guns pop up along its arms.*

"Probe Droid": Thank you for ordering the EVIL Labs brand XB-0TT Unit. Prepare for your imminant destruction. ANd have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Krazy Kwanza, and/or any other holidays of choice.

*X-B0TT's cannons begin firing rapidly all over the room. Yami Yoshi takes cover behind hsi couch while EVIL Scientist Dude, Mousoie, and Bullwinkle jump in through Yami's closed window, shattering it.*

Yami Yoshi: (peeking over couch) Was that necessary? There was an open window right next to it! (ducks to avoid machine gunfire)

EVIL Scientist: Silence! Team Monkey, assemble!

Mousie: I'm Mousie, mon! ANd I might not not karate, but i know ka-razy!

Bullwinkle: I are Bullwinkle. I like cheese and cigarettes.

XB-0TT: I am XB-0TT! I'm pretty much a cooler version of PL-0TTT, plus I can shapeshift too!


Yami Yoshi: (peeks out again) Looks like you got a new member. But where's MON-KILL and the rest of your team? (ducks again as XB resumes firing)

EVIL Scientist Dude: Oh I think you should ask your friend GORE-ILLA. BWAHAHHAHAHHAHAA1!!!!

Yami Yoshi: (peeks) And last I checked "Mwa" was your preferred EVIL laugh according to 4 out of 5 dentists, not "Bwa". (ducks)

EVIL Scientist Dude: ....Just fight us, dammit!

Pharoah: Hey Yami, my cookies are done! (sees XB-0TT.) Cool, you got an X-Box!

Yami: :o

*At Crash site*

???:Lemme Go! Lemme Go! Lemme GoOOOOOOOO! *Thinking*I gotta get outa here. I KNOW!*/Thinking* Mystery Egg!

#7:You Fool!

*A big Egg That has Four Slot Wheels on it falls from the Skyand lands in front of ???. The Wheels Then Start turning.*

First wheel: Bada.

Intro: Eh?

Second wheel:Bing!

Gore: ???

Third Wheel: Bada

Jim: Oh god, RUN!

Fourth Wheel: BOOM!


*At YY's House*

XB-OTT: MwHhahahahhahahahahahaha!

*Suddenly, Gore Comes Crashing thourgh the Ceiling, And Knocks X On the Back*

X: *Goes Flying out of the house And Off the Island* AAAAHHH!!!*Splash*

ESD: No! Bah. I'll Finish you Myself!*Gets Hit By Intro, Who entered the same way Gore did* NNNNNOOOOOO! *Splash*

*7 & ??? Smash into The other members of Team MONKEY.*

YY: GORE, Intro, Two Werid dudes, *More People smash Through* Weird Forest Dude, Robot Team, Jim Whos Hanging on the US Flag I told Pharoh to take down Ages ago, GORE, Me... WHAT!

Pharoah: ???

*A gaint laser blasts through the wall of Yami's house, hitting everyone excot for Yami Yoshi and the Pharoah by some coincidence. Th people hit by the beam mysteriously disappear, then reappear back near the forest - then are immediately attacked by MON-KILL, Ol' Bessie, and Mecha Pinchy.*

MON-KILL: I am MON-KILL and I live only to kill GORE-ILLA!

Ol' Bessie: MOO!

Mecha Pinchy: CRUSH!

Diskun: I don't have any catchphrase.

Intro: Oh, great.

*Back at Yami Yoshi's house, EVIL Scientist walks through the hole in the wall holding XB-0TT - who is now in the shape of a large cannon. Mousie and Bulwinkle follow. XB then transforms ino a drill tank, which EVIL Scientist Dude boards.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Prepare for your demise, Ymai Yoshi! ....Again.

Yami Yoshi: We'll see about that.

Pharoah: I haven't said much recently.

???: Well, That Was fun. And Im Not Captured Any More!

Mon-Kill: Quiet! Monkey Team! Attack!

* Mon-Kill Leaps Toward Gore, Who Greets him with a Punch in the Gut. Jim Lunges at Diskun, And wraps Hiself around him, While Intro Punchs Him. GC's team attacks Bessie, But Trip on a Rock. ??? launchs a Mystery Egg...*

Egg: *crack* *Crumple* *Hatch*

Chizu: Crap.

Black Dragon: *Dragon Noises* *Breath Fire*

MONKEY TEAM: *Are Burned*

Black Dragon: *Flys Away*

???:* Says "Well, I Think That Went Well"*

Gamechamp: (blink) Umm... what just happened?

#7: Simple, Team Monkey was defeated by my friend ??? who used a Mystery Egg to summon a dragon, who then burnt Team Monkey crispy fresh!

Gamechamp: Oh... OK. Now, let's have a Christmas party! Green, please give me that cannon...

Green gives him the cannon, and Gamechamp loads Team Monkey inside, then charges... and blasts them away!

Gamechamp: Now, on with your do- er- Christmas Party! (runs to house, takes looting bag that nobody notices)

Gore: But We Don't have A (Fully-Fuctioning) Ship!

#7: You Can Use My Ship! It's right outside the... for...est...

* The Kewl Thing Comes flying in*

#7: Um... Yeah... Lets go!

*the Kewl Thing Bridge*


Gore: Welcome to Da Kewl Thing!

Gore: ???

Intro: ???

Genral mood of Everyone in the Area 'Cept ??? & 7: ???


7: Well I should tell you that they are-


7: No, you don't understa-

*GORE-ILLA chop Other GORE in half with his lightsaber while Intro decapitates the Other Yami with a metal saw. The bodies of the 1.1 OGers then explode.*


GORE: Ha! That'll teach you to clone us you evil robot thing!


Intro: That's exactly what I'd expect a cloner to say! I bet GameChamp was onto you all along, weren't you GC?

GameChamp: *sleeping*

Intro: See? He's been pretending to sleep this whole time to catch you in the act!

GORE: PL! Warp us to the Flying Monkey and the Station Wagon!

*A flash later, GORE, Intro, Chizu, GameChamp, Jim, and the Robot Team are gone. GORE and Chizu wind up with PL on the Flying Monkey's bridge, while Intro, Jim, and the Robots wind up on the Station Wagon.*

Chizu: I've had enough! Bring me back to the forest and away from your tree-killing craft!

GORE: Don't worry, PL can bring back any trees that we accidentally destroy!

Chizu: *slaps GORE* So its okay to destroy innocent trees because your robot can bring them back! The trees aren't the same as they used to be, they've lost their essance!

GORE: Fine, then! PL, get her out of my sight!

*PL warps Chizu back to the forest.* *Back at Yami's house, Mousie and Bullwinkle have Pharoah in a corner. Pharoah dodges Mousie's roundhouse kick and catches her leg with his tongue, then pulls on it to trip her over backwards. Pharoah then rams into Bullwinkle's chest, kocking him into a pile of unused Christmas lights. Elsewhere, Yami Yoshi is still dodging XB-0TT's machine gun fire. He produces a Dark Egg and tosses it towards XB-0TT. However, it fles right over the robot and explodes upon contact with EVIL Scientist Dude, knocking him out. Yami then punches X in its red eye, deactivating it. EVIL Scientist Dude recovers. He pulls a remote control out of his lab coat and presses a few buttons. XB-0TT’s silver drill starts to spin*

Evil Scientist Dude: Prepare to die Yami Yoshis!

*Evil Scientist Dude retreats into the tank via a hatch and the drill tank drives toward the two Yoshis. Yami Yoshi rolls to the side as the drill narrowly misses him and smashes through the wall*

Pharaoh: Dark Egg!

*The Pharaoh hurls a Dark Egg at XB-0TT’s drill which ends up shattering the egg into several thousand black shards*

Pharaoh: W-what?

Yami Yoshi: Watch and learn Pharaoh.

*Yami Yoshi runs out in front of XB-0TT*

Pharaoh: What the @#%$ are you doing?

Yami Yoshi: It’s time to see if my hours of playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 have paid off!

*Yami Yoshi jumps into the air last second just as the tank charges toward him and Flutter Kicks onto the top of XB-0TT. Yami Yoshi rips off the hatch and hurls a Dark Egg*

Yami Yoshi: Hope you like your death extra crispy! Dark Egg!

*Yami Yoshi jumps into the air and hurls a Dark Egg into the open hatch and lands safely on the floor in a ninja-esque style as XB-0TT explodes. Its mechanical innards fly everywhere*

Pharaoh: Pfft…show-off…

Yami Yoshi: *sigh* Well…I guess they didn’t have video games back then so that can explain your…er…crappy combat skills…

Pharaoh: *cracks knuckles* I’ll show YOU some crappy combat skills!!!

Evil Scientist Dude: Mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

*The smoke from the explosion clears and Evil Scientist Dude stands amongst the rubble of XB-0TT, burnt black to a crisp*

Yami Yoshi: Still alive huh?

Evil Scientist Dude: Heh heh heh…little do you know that I’ve sent all OG er presents too!

Pharaoh: What?!

Yami Yoshi: That’s not fair! I get a crappy sphere and THEY get presents?

Evil Scientist Dude: Don’t worry…all your little friends got “crappy” spheres too…they’ll be in a surprise once they open their presents from “Santa Claus”. Have a Merry Christmas Yami Yoshi! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!

*Evil Scientist Dude uses a clichéd villain jetpack and flies out of Yami Yoshi’s house… but he's shot down by one of yami's Dark Eggs. He and the other Team Monkey mmbers were tied to chairs with Christmas lights.*

Pharoah: Good job, Yami. Now get our presents for the rest of the grup ready. We can warn them about the killer presents whwen they come.

Yami: Uhhhh...

Pharoah: *smacks forehead* Don't tell me you forgot! Now we have to go get their presents before they get here!

Yami: Hey, this week is the grand reopening of the Really Tall Mall in the US! Good thing we brought the Western Hemisphere after the Idej Volcano Incident!

Pharoah: Yeah, but who's gonna watch the house while we're gone?

EVIL Scientist Dude: Well I guess our schedules until you release us are pretty much open...

Yami Yoshi: Eh...it's December 31st...

*Suddenly Lupus pops out of nowhere and uses a plot-hole device*

Yami Yoshi: *gasps* We must stop Evil Scientist Dude from ruining Christmas! We have to warn the others after we get their presents! Let's go!

*Yami Yoshi and the Pharaoh swallow Blue Shells and fly in the direction of the US*

*Back at the Flying Monkey, GORE is talking to Intro via a comlink.*

GORE: ...So Intro, you're saying Yami celebrates this "Christmas"? THen wouldn't he expect us to get him gifts?

Intro: ...Why didn't I think of that! We have to get him something, pronto!

GORE: Don't worry, a new place called the Really Tall Mall is reopening in Cincinatti, USA! We could get Yami's presents there!

To Be Continued...