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There are two distinct visions of '''GORE-ILLA'''. One is a cyborg half-ape, half-machine, while the other (2.0) is an actual robot made in the likeness of a gorilla. They are somewhat the same in essence although the former is a bit more angst-oriented, and while one primarily appears in the [[Bad Timeline]], 2.0 is part of the [[Good Timeline]].
| name=GORE-ILLA
| image=[[Image:GORE_GH2.png|200px]]
| bgcolor=Red
| fgcolor=FFFFFF
| real name=
| aliases=
| birthyear=c. 1980's
| species=Cyborg Gorilla
| hair=
| eyes=
| relatives=[[EVIL Scientist Dude|ESD]]/[[Velvet Monkey]]: Creators/"Fathers"<br>[[Farmer Jon]]: Uncle<br>[[Luiigii of the Pipes]]: Cousin
| origin=[[X-Cloud]]
| base=[[Location: Gorilla]]
| affiliation=[[OG Six]]
| abilities=
| occupation=Puncher of faces
| status=Died Year 2030 (BT)
| weaponry=
| creator=[[GORE-ILLA (Author)|GORE-ILLA]]
| debut=[[Paper Mario 2]]
=Original Version=
GORE-ILLA was the created by the [[Velvet Monkey]] [[and]] [[EVIL Scientist Dude]] to be the heir to the Velvet Monkey's empire. The organic half of GORE was made from Velvet Monkey's own DNA, while the mechanical half was crafted by the EVIL Scientist Dude.
Sharing DNA with the Velvet Monkey had a strange effect on GORE-ILLA, constantly unnerving GORE whenever he was in Velvet Monkey's presence. Velvet Monkey had a vision that with enough time in the Velvet Monkey's presence, GORE-ILLA would be sent into a homicidal rampage. The Velvet Monkey did not mind this and even wanted GORE to kill him, not wanting any less from the ape who would take his place.
When GORE-ILLA found out about the Velvet Monkey's vision, he fled from the Velvet Monkey's base and spent years wandering the Earth.
===Good Timeline===
In the [[Good Timeline]] this GORE slipped on a banana peel and fell into a star. So much for that prophecy!
The GORE-ILLA of the [[Bad Timeline]], while attempting to travel through time in the year 2010, was instead flung to the [[Good Timeline]]'s new [[Party Goers 8]] in the year 2003. There he met with [[Golem]] momentarily. It's uncertain how long he stayed there and exactly what actions he performed before [[Introbulus]] escorted him back to the Bad Timeline and scolded him for messing with the time-space continuum.
===Bad Timeline===
====Not-So-Secret Origins====
[[Image:Gore.jpg|200px|right|thumb|GORE-ILLA as a cyborg gorilla]]
GORE-ILLA was part-ape, part-machine, unaware of his past and unwilling to accept his destiny. Due to GORE's conflicting emotions, his superior form would be toggled between by a special light switch that was built into the [[Flying Monkey]] which read 'GOOD' and 'EVIL' instead of 'ON' and 'OFF'. GORE was gifted with amazing strength and a cunning mind- even in his organic parts. He had the soul and determination of a human matched with the efficency and raw power of a machine. One weakness of his was cheese-whenever in its presence, GORE would turn into a total moron until the said cheese was devoured. The cheese only seems to effect the light GORE, however.
GORE-ILLA first came to Earth in 2001 in [[Party Goers 17]], in his dark form. He led a group of commando sea monkeys operating from the Flying Monkey to attack the Party Goers for unknown reasons. They raided the [[Ditto Domain]], only to find no sign of the Party Goers, who had escaped to the underworld. [[Dark GORE-ILLA]] caught up with them sooner then he expected as one of his drunken sea monkey commandos accidentally set off a bomb that destroyed Ditto's Domain and took them all down with it. Most of GORE's exploits in the afterlife are unrecorded because people forgot to mention him in their posts during the new [[Party Goers 7]], but he was eventually let out for unknown reasons.
Later when GORE was in his good spirits again, he joined the Party Goers for their last adventures, only to wind up in [[Lupus]]'s custody. Instead of making him a mind slave, Lupus managed to convince GORE to be his servant by threatening to send him to the Velvet Monkey.
====Meet the OGers====
After the accidental death of a gorilla [[Jedi]] and slave of Lupus known as [[The Monkey]] in 2003, EVIL Scientist Dude was afraid that Lupus would be angered to see what had happened to his prize slave. Noting GORE's resemblance to The Monkey, EVIL Scintist Dude erased GORE's memory and planted fragments of The Monkey's memories in him- and some of his soul.
GORE, who had accidentally been set on 'GOOD' quickly escaped EVIL Scientist Dude's lab after the modifications. GORE-ILLA knew that Lupus had stolen [[Yami Yoshi]]'s [[cheesecake]] and went to him to offer help against Lupus (and at the same time try to pick up clues to his past). GORE-ILLA became one of the [[:Category:OG Six|OG Six]], the second modern generation of [[OGers]] in [[Member OG (OG)|Member OG]].
In [[Egypt]], Yami Yoshi's Mind Crush technique finally ended GORE's internal struggle by splitting the good and Dark GORE into separate bodies in [[Member OG 2: The Jewel Heist]]. Thus the feud became physical. GORE picked up vague clues to The Monkey's past (which he thought was his own) and purchased his plot device sidekick, [[PL-0TT]] in [[Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon!]]. At the end of the OG, GORE sacrificed himself in battle with [[Evil]] like most of the other OGers, but was revived by [[Sophnito]]. GORE was also accompanied by the Party Goers' souls in [[Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest]], but they parted ways after Lupus temporarily took control of them. But before then the Party Goers had hinted at knowing of GORE's past.
====Time as a Jedi====
GORE and [[Mecha-Dark GORE-ILLA]]'s final battle took place in [[Idej Volcano Mountain]]. GORE bested his evil half in combat and discovered what he beleived was his past- but was actually the past of The Monkey. Dark GORE surprisingly died a hero, sacrificing himself to save GORE from Lupus. GORE was forced to absorb the remains of Dark GORE's physical being for the power to defeat Lupus, casting Dark GORE's soul into an eternal blankness that was neither Heaven, Hell nor Purgatory. The new power changed GORE to resemble The Monkey and gave him Jedi powers, which he used to skool Lupus as a Super Ape. The victory was probably due to Lupus being too bust laughing at the embarrassing transformation. Even with the end of Dark GORE, GORE-ILLA gained a new rival in the form of [[MON-KILL]], an enemy of The Monkey's from their days in Lupus's slave camp.
GORE attempted to find a way to restore Dark GORE's soul, but his attempts were in vain. MON-KILL continued to torment GORE as he replaced Dark GORE on [[Team Monkey]] and the [[Anti-OG Six]]. But unlike the power-hungry Dark GORE, all MON-KILL wanted was revenge. In [[Member OG 6]] [[Akujin]] revealed that GORE was actually not The Monkey, and the real Monkey had played GORE for a fool to use his body. In anger GORE cast The Monkey from his body to a presumed death, but that was not so-[[Author 9]] restored him several times to battle him as a villain. This left GORE at step -1 (that's Negative One) in his plan to discover his past.
In [[Member OG 7: Neogenesis]], 2018, GORE participated in [[Goren]]'s tournament and was disqualified after losing to [[Saru]]. Afterwards, his soul was taken, and the [[Arcanist]] switched it with Dark GORE's soul. Dark GORE's soul temporarily inhabited GORE's body afterward, but the souls were switched back later on.
====The Black Truth====
[[Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevant]] brought some startling surprises for GORE. First he was reunited with the Party Goers' spirits, who offered to tell him what they knew about his past after he first helped them find their bodies. Later, during his final battle with The Monkey, GORE learned of a prophecy saying that he was meant to kill the OGers with his bare hands. GORE was horrified by this revelation, and try as he might, he couldn't force himself not to believe it. He cleaned MON-KILL's clock again, but then he learned the secrets of his past from the Party Goers.
In [[Member OG 10: Full Circle]], he attempted to avoid the Velvet Monkey when he teamed up with the OGers. However, he wound up rejoining the OGers after going on a sidequest to save [[Gamechamp]] and later himself from EVIL Scientist Dude's virus. A combination of spending too much time near the Velvet Monkey, and the death of Yami Yoshi, drove GORE over the edge. He began to slaughter his comrades- [[Black Skull Dragoshi]], [[Fusion]], [[Saru]] and [[Cerulea]]. EVIL Scientist Dude and Fred used to a program to make him revert to his normal self for an hour. GORE utilized this time to pay his last respects to Yami Yoshi. He then wound up either [[Music Goers|starting a band]] or [[Happy Ending?|being recruited as a pawn of Chibi-Devil and XXXVIL]]. After his massacre of the [[second generation]] was complete, the Velvet Monkey returned from the dead to make GORE rule his empire. When he refused, the Velvet Monkey used one last attack to completely destroy GORE's soul.
Dark GORE's soul then inhabited GORE's body and turned over a new leaf. He used this body to attempt assembling a new generation of OGers ten years later in [[The OGers: Third Generation]]. In the end he was successful and able to win a final battle with MON-KILL. After witnessing the Third Generation's first great victory, he was promptly brutally slaughtered by [[SteveT]]. However, [[SwordMaster]] was able to retrieve his dying body and they conversed in his final moments.
===Neutral Timeline===
After the Velvet Monkey died of kidney stones, the GORE-ILLA of this timeline was free to live a life of peace and solitude. To escape the EVIL Scientist Dude, GORE-ILLA decided to get new mechanical parts.
However, he was duped by the Heir of Aaron Burr, who infused him with the mechanical parts of the decimated [[Algore]] and also injected him with Burr DNA. He was to serve as AL GORE-ILLA, the pet monster of the mysterious Heir of Burr. He went around the country, speaking about the decline of OGs and Gamehiker life. He was also implanted with the command to kill [[Vorpal]], the descendant of Alexander Hamilton, with an ancient dueling pistol that Aaron Burr had used to kill Hamilton.
Year later, he became head of a group of "Goer Knights" in [[OG Wars 2030]] and assumed the name of GUER-ILLA. However, after losing his loyal CO [[Rocky]] to [[Roam]]'s forces, being trucked by [[Aegis]] and having the rest of his platoon wiped out to take out a single tank, he wound up joining [[Naut]]'s [[Bull Goomba Army]].
=GORE-ILLA 2.0 (Good Timeline)=
| name=GORE-ILLA
| image=[[Image:GORE GH.png|200px]]
| bgcolor=Red
| fgcolor=FFFFFF
| real name=Giant Operational Robotic Evil-Ion Lithium Laser Attacker
| aliases=Grand Moff Pablo GORE-ILLA
| birthyear=2004
| species=Robot
| hair=
| eyes=
| relatives=[[EVIL Scientist Dude]]: Creator/"Father"<br>[[Farmer Jon]]: Uncle<br>[[Luiigii of the Pipes]]: Cousin/Adopted Brother<br>[[MPOM]]: Wife<br>[[Ronnie Yoshi]]: Adopted Son<br>[[Masamune]]: Son-in-Law<br>
| origin=[[Canada]] (parts made in [[Mexico]])
| base=[[Location: Gorilla]]
| affiliation=[[Gamehikers]]
| abilities=
| occupation=Puncher of faces
| status=
| weaponry=
| creator=[[GORE-ILLA (Author)|GORE-ILLA]]
| debut=[[Gamehiker Member OG (OG)|Gamehiker Member OG]]
===Early Appearances===
Another version of GORE-ILLA has appeared in the Good Timeline, in the [[Gamehiker Member OG]] series. Unlike the cyborg, this GORE-ILLA was completely mechanical. This version was also much lighter than the other version of GORE to fit GMOG's lighter tone. His full name is Pablo GORE-ILLA, as his parts were made in [[Mexico]], and he was designed by the EVIL Scientist Dude (based on the designs he made for the mechanical half of Velvet Monkey's GORE-ILLA). Originally appearing as a villain in [[Gamehiker Member OG (story)|the first Gamehiker Member OG]], he was assembled by [[Canadian Dude]] to aid [[Golem]] in his battle with the [[Gamehikers]]. GORE and [[Rhyk]] served as Golem's main henchmen throughout the OG and later turned good with him.
GORE had several other notable appearances throughout the series- such as in [[Gamehiker Member OG III]], where he and Yami Yoshi were stranded on a desert island that GORE dubbed [[GORE-Elligan's Island]], and they battled each other for control of the island. He also faced a rival in the form of [[Donkey Congo]]. During [[Gamehiker Member OG V]] he temporarily turned evil again simply to fill the [[OG]]'s lack of interesting villains, taking in all the characters whose creators no longer posted in the GMOG series, to form the [[Legion of Doomhikers]].
===Meeting the GCPA and Battling Yami===
At one point this GORE-ILLA met with the [[Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada (group)|Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada]] after they disturbed his cryogenic slumber. Initially he battled them, but GORE befriended them after being bested in a breakdancing contest by [[Que Pasa]] and was appointed an honorary member. He also served as a part of [[Masamune]]'s pirate crew.
In [[Gamehiker Member OG VIII: The Final Parody]], GORE learned that Yami Yoshi had turned monstrous and cynical, and took measures to stop the rampaging dinosaur. He first tried assembling a Good Timeline version of the OG Six (and teamed up with [[Luiigii of the Pipes]] and [[Farmer Jon]]), but after that failed miserably he joined up with the Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada. After the pirates were captured by the [[Donkeyman]], GORE chose to serve on the Donkeyman's ship, ''[[The Flying Arabdude]]'', once again alongside Luiigii. GORE wound up battling Luiigii to defend the ship, and the two fell to the bottom of the ocean, where they were reunited with the GCPA.
Both Luiigii and GORE fired from the missile launchers of the GCPA's submarine and wound up aboard EVIL Scientist Dude's [[Flying Monkey]]. GORE then battled Yami Yoshi in one-on-one battle. He revealed some new Transformers powers, but his body was ultimately destroyed in the battle with Yami Yoshi. After time reset later on, the ouctome of the battle was changed to GORE winning and Yami being scarred. GORE then helped to defend Golem from the giant mutated [[Youma Ganon]]. To his surprise, Yami came to help him, and the two fought as friends once more. Yami sacrificed himself during the final battle, at which point GORE attacked Youma Ganon savagely in a way that did not kill it, but opened a gap in his defenses which Golem and Sapphire used to finish it off.
===Quest for a Topanga===
In his dying breaths, Yami released an egg containing his offspring. In memory of his old friend, GORE decided to raise the child as his own and named him [[Ronnie Yoshi]]. However, needing help raising a child, he soon turned over to [[Master Yoshi]] in [[Gamehiker Member OG IX: TRAITOR?!?!?!?!?!?!]]. GORE and Master Yoshi went on a wacky adventure in search of a mother to raise Ronnie with GORE that took them into [[Anti-Space]], where GORE gained a potential wife in the form of the unconscious [[Rebe Jade]]. He carried her around for a while, but after being captured by [[Tomnis]], Ronnie was separated from him and sent away to live with [[Akarui Rex]]. GORE soon joined up with the main group of OGers while continuing his efforts to court Rebe, due to his Spinning Cory Matthews program causing him to need a Topanga. In the end, she wound with Luiigii anyway, but despite his rage he wound up marrying the [[MPOM]] instead.
===Later Years===
In the twisted world created by [[Straw Man]] in the [[GMOG Christmas Special: Merry Christmas Straw Man!]], GORE-ILLA became Santa CLAWS/GRIN-CHEE, leader of the Christmas Resistance Movement who was responsible for the death Emperor Luigius, that world's version of [[Luigi of the Pipes]]. But GRIN later sacrificed his life to stop a rampaging Mega-Harpy. He was restored as GORE-ILLA when the world returned to normal.
In the year 2065, GORE was among the surviving OGers who raided the [[Star of Death II]] in an attempt to defeat the [[Ushutarians]]. However, GORE was betrayed and destroyed by EVIL Scientist Dude IV. This clone of the original EVIL Scientist Dude confiscated GORE's central processing chip for future use.
===Galaxy Goers===
The chip was implanted in [[Triple-X]]'s brain at birth. This allowed Triple-X to transform into GORE-ILLA (referred to as "GORE-X"), but EVIL Scientist Dude has messed with GORE's memory chip to make him confused and angry, so he would be a perfect living weapon for the [[Ushutarian]] emperor. EVIL Scientist Dude planned to transfer his mind into Triple-X's body when he grew older so he would have both brains and brawn.
=Other Appearances/Alternate Versions=
GORE-ILLA appeared in [[Nichibutsu of America]] not long before the OG's death, where he became a member of [[VorpalSoft]]. He also appeared in [[Nichibutsu Norwegia: It's All About Yuu]] because [[Ditto McCloaker (Author)|Ditto McCloaker]] got him mixed up with [[EVIL Scientist Dude]]. GORE was explained away as the coffee boy of [[Nichibutsu]], and was later incapacitated after he got a concussion while playing basketball. Then the [[Vorpriest]] pulled his plug.
==Gamehiker High University==
GORE-ILLA is the Professor of Kongology at [[Gamehiker High University]]. He had previously attended VGF Tech College with [[Luigi of the Pipes]], although the two grew into rivals.
He is actually GORE-ILLA Jr. in this version; his father, [[GORE-ILLA Senior]], was a notorious criminal. As a child, Junior was arrested after his father left him holding the bag after a bank robbery. This leads GORE to search for his father in [[Sunny Mexico]] in [[Gamehiker High University 2: Spring Break Summer Vacation]].
*[[Image:GORE.jpg|200px|right]]GORE-ILLA appeared in a high school production of a music video from "Mechanical Ape" by the Aquabats, portrayed by Robert Meyer. GORE battled the GCPA members after being awoken from his sleep, and was only defeated when he broke down following a dance-off with [[Que Pasa]].
*In [[Lord of the Parties]] GORE makes a cameo appearance as the director, 'GORE Jackson'.
*In the high-tech remake of [[The Party Goers]], GORE-ILLA appears as an emotionless assassin who believes he has no soul, and is full flesh-and-blood. In the last post he was apparently blown away by a bazooka but it is believed that he may have regenerative properties.
*GORE appears in [[Desperate OGwives]], with a look inspired by his appearance in the Mechanical Ape music video. This GORE winds up on the run from the law with [[Kuria Eiren]], as he may or may not have killed his wife.
*GORE is a playable character in [[VGF Member OG: Arcade Version]] and [[VGF Member OG: Home Version]]. He also appears in [[RV Version: Holiday Compass]].
===The Relationship Between GORE and Luiigii===
Though ultimately they were best friends, there was sometimes a tense problematic relationship between GORE and Luiigii.
GORE was reserved, though had much more knowledge, skill, and audience popularity than Luiigii. His catchphrase, as an opposition to Luiigii's ill-advised ideas or jokes, was "I don't think so, Mamma Luiigii." He also came up with many puns and would giggle and snort when a joke was made at Luiigii's expense.
"Mmm...Cheese. I like cheese." <br>
-VGF Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon!
"Don't worry. I can fight my own battles." <br>
-VGF Member OG 3: Subtitle Soon!
"Never heard of yaa. Now, begone!"<br>-Member OG 4, written by Fred. Notable for being stuck in my head and making me say it often ever since I first read it
Mecha-Dark GORE: Come now. Join us. You will be powerful. You might be pure good, but I can change all of that and make us the mightiest warrior in the universe.
GORE: Never. You join us. We could use some good fighters. And I sense that there is good in you.
Mecha-Dark GORE: Ha! You sure are a comedian, GORE. Let me tell you your options. You become EVIL, and we fuse together. No one will be able to stop us, even if every OGer in the galaxy joined forces. Or we could do it the harder way. I kill you, and absorb
your body. With your body no longer in existance, your soul will be lost in an endless darkness somewhere between Heaven and Hell for all of eternity.
GORE: I will NEVER join you! NEVER!!! I'm giving you a chance to fight for good!
Mecha-Dark GORE: And I'm giving you a chance to destroy your annoying friends, especially BSD!
GORE: No. Kill me. Absorb me if you wish. But I will not fight you."<BR>
-GORE and Dark GORE, Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest
Masa: Don't even bring up problems, or they actually exist. This PIECE of well crafted material won't get us up to the step-mother ship anyways. GORE probably weighs half a ton alone.
GORE: I'm a metal Gorilla. If you want metal Gorillas, you're going to have to accomodate.<br>
-[[Gamehiker Member OG 2]]
"Man, that takes me back to that one time Yami and I were trapped on an island with a crazed killer. Good times, good times."<br>
-[[Gamehiker Member OG VIII]]
"Next time you do that I'm cutting off your nipples and feeding them to you. It's our policy." <br>
-[[GalaxyHikers OG]].
"Now moving on... BREAK TIME. Get out of my face stupid kids."<br>
-Professor GORE in [[Gamehiker High University (OG)|GHU]]
Masamune: Alright, now we can-
GORE-ILLA: *punches Masamune in the face*
Masamune: OWW! *gets up and cradles a bloody nose* What the hell!?
GORE-ILLA: Knock next time.<br>-GMOG X
Old Golem: But first we must deal with these pests. I can give you all one of two options.
GORE: Which of them involves doing Luiigii's wife.<br>-This is how his mind works.
Image:Gore_151.png|Mugshot by [[Masamune (Author)|Masamune]]
Image:Gore.jpg|By [[Golem (Author)|Glem]]
Image:GORE2.jpg|By [[Vorpal (Author)|Vorpal]] with wrong sides
Image:GORE.png|By Masamune
Image:GORE4.jpg|By Golem
Image:GORE3.jpg|By Vorpal again
Image:Mecha GORE ILLA by GORE ILLA.jpg|By [[GORE-ILLA (Author)|GORE-ILLA]]
Image:GORE.jpg|A screencap of Robert Meyer as GORE-ILLA
Image:Gore.gif|Classic depiction by [[Fred (Author)|Fred]]
Image:goreafarig_100.jpg|GORE as a Girafarig, by [[Luiigii of the Pipes (Author)|Luiigii of the Uglys]]
=See Also=
*[[CHUMP-ANZEE]], his [[Festivity Attenders]] counterpart
*[[Carthage]], his counterpart in [[The Ennead]]
*[[gor-killa]], his [[Anti-Space]] counterpart
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[[Category:OGers]][[Category:OG Six]][[Category: Gamehikers]][[Category: OG Characters]][[Category: MOG7 Characters]][[Category:Robots]]

Revision as of 21:14, 24 August 2009