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'''Species:''' Human<br />
'''Species:''' Human<br />
'''Gender:''' Male<br />
'''Gender:''' Male<br />

Latest revision as of 22:10, 15 August 2007

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5'11"
Weight:181 lbs
Birthplace: Gelveer
Class: Thief
Subclass: Mime
Weaponry: Unknown
Created by: Masamune


Giuseppe was born on the floating island-city of Gelveer. His father before him was the old Gentleman Thief, as was his father's father. It is a family business that the Drakenvorts have been performing for generations now. With the years of experience behind them, Giuseppe has been learned in all of the best thievery tricks, none being quite so as important as the power of deception. One of the key tricks he was learned was how to mimic anything, a skill he has perfected and mastered far better than his predecessors. They follow a strict creed of robbing only from the rich - and as such, doing so in such a manner as befitting their 'clients'.

Because of this Giuseppe is a highly well-mannered individual who dresses in proper clothes and easily passes off as a wealthy gentleman of importance. He uses his real name only for thefts, as he will often employ fake identities when operating from the outside of someone's mansion. To inform his 'client' that they have been burglarized by a gentleman and not a mere thug, he always carefully leaves behind a card explaining his part in the theft, complete with his own initials and titles.

Although his jobs are usually picked by his observations of high society, he has been known to take special jobs to rob certain rich folk. One such target was a man named Imajin al-Osmirii, who was in the possession of a large sum of gold. Giuseppe had been hired out by Ellis Duvronne, a rich Truvian merchant, who had promised the thief a rather rare artifact in exchange. However when Giuseppe realized the position he had placed Imajin, he turned on Duvronne and helped Imajin escape from the Eijopan Caliph.

He traveled with Imajin briefly until they got separated on the way to Battant. Giuseppe was tied to a Chocobo and sent on his way. During the course of the ride, Giuseppe freed himself and directed his way into Battant and onward, but not before leaving a note for Imajin explaining his intentions. He has not been seen since.


Despite being a thief, Giuseppe follows a strict code of honor and is always sure to show the right amount of courtesy to his 'clients'. His clients, or rather his victims, are usually chosen because he feels they either have too much money or that they use it poorly. He takes a lot of responsibility for the well-being of his clients. Although he as a strict no-refund policy, he'll do whatever he can to make sure that his client is able to survive in their new economical position. Nobody knows what Giuseppe does with all the money he has stolen, but it's estimated to be a rather large amount given how many clients he has accumulated through the years.

When not in the midsts of a crime, Giuseppe can be quite the charmer. He gets along well with everyone, especially the women who he has been known to 'steal the hearts of' quite often.