Vorpal (measurement)

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This is an entry about a unit of measure. For other uses of Vorpal, see Vorpal (disambiguation)

A vorpal is a common standard of measurement that just so happens to be the exact same length as Vorpal is tall.


  • Dodo is one half vorpals tall.
  • Dodo is one fourth the height of a two vorpals tall dragon.

Other Measurements

Jeds to vorpals.png

A Vorpal is the equivalent of two Dodos, nine Jeds and eighteen Pepitos.


The measurement "One Masamune Tall" is considered inaccurate, since it's probably some stupid European measurement anyways. Despite this, this measurement is often mentioned, usually by Masamune who obviously has no stake in this or anything at all.

Contrary to popular belief, the measurement was introduced by Black Skull Dragoshi in Member OG 4, with the quote "The figure that stood before Fred was BSSD who has a height of 9 feet,longer brown hair,his wings were 36 inches wide,and has a sword that's twice as big as the MasaMune."

The above statement is a dirty lie, because BSD is clearly referring to the Masamune sword and not Masamune himself. GAWD GET IT RIGHT GORE!