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Full Name: R*H*Y*K
Species: Robot
Creator: Golem
First Appearance: Party Goers 4


Rhyk was a robotic clone of Golem created by Team Rocket. His most notable differences were a thinner bump at the end of his nose and a different-colored scarf (white instead of Golem's brown). Originally Rhyk appeared in Party Goers 4, where he impersonated Golem for the first part of the OG. However, Golem later converted Rhyk to his side. Rhyk helped to defeat Arab Dude and later became a regular in the Party Goers series.

Good Timeline

Rhyk serves Golem during Golem's stint as a villain in Gamehiker Member OG. Afterwards, Rhyk serves as little more than am extra in the series.

Bad Timeline

Rhyk worked for Author 9 to prevent the S-Space deterioration. For this purpose, he was given the TASTS and collected the souls of the former Party Goers within it. Then in Member OG 5: Secret of the Ooze, he was specially trained for an upcoming battle with Akujin. The time came when Rhyk was deployed at the end of Member OG 6: VGF Moon, when he was sent to fight Akujin in the MPVP HQ. However, the other Authors did not approve of Author 9's meddling and Rhyk's sponteneous appearance, so he was written back to Autho 9's lair.

Other Appearances

  • He appears in the first version of Member OG 5, coming back to life after 17 years of dormancy. He is tricked into thinking that Lupus is a good guy and the OGers are the bad guys, responsible for the destruction of the Western Hemisphere. He ultimately helps the OGers fight Akujin and seems to be the legendary one destined to defeat Akujin. However, Rhyk is only able to temporarily seal Akujin away and dies soon afterwards, sacrificing himself to save Earth from being destroyed by an X-Bomb.
  • He briefly appeared in the second version of Member OG 5, this time journeying out to find the TASTS.