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Full name: The Director
Birthdate: Long time ago
Species: Actually not an Eggplant man , but a human..... or is he an Eggplant man?
Creator: The Director
First Appearance: Club Member OG


The Director inherited his love of filmaking from his father, The Filmmaker. He made terrible movies at first, but through lots of practice, and the aid of his brother The Producer, he became one of the best film makers around.

He employs Timnis (know to him as VCR/DVD) to perform contracts, such as egging Masa's house, or kidnapping Vorpal. Timnis will get a promotion if he can pull off the Vorpal stunt.

Director wears a cape and beret, and has one of those old timey director megaphones. He also has letter D on his chest. I have the feeling that if he ever ate the Cheesecake of the Gods, his name would morph into The Narrator

Timeline History

Pre-Timeline Split

The Director appeared as a Pokemon trainer in Pokemon: OG Version. He was the first opponent of Luiigii of the Pipes and, as usual, wound up travelling with NintendoFreak. His only Pokemon was an Eggplanteroot, which later evolved into a Treggplant.

Good Timeline

The Director appears in Father's Day Special: Happy Father's Day, Masa!, where he and the Producer (and later The Lawyer) go to visit their father, The Filmmaker. After Filmmaker is abducted, Director initially supports the search for the missing fathers, but he randomly leaves them to help Wayne Shoeleft train Murasame for his case against the Donkeyman.


"Director: You're right! For the Lord Cusader!

Nintendofreak: For the hell of it!" - Club Member OG

"Director: Huzzah, pillaging, is fun!"- Club Member OG

"Director: We have to find OUT.

Nintendofreak: Another monster?!?!

Director: Yup!"- IT


Not family, but similar.....

The Critic- Director's evil counterpart

Komrade Eggloden - Communist assholes