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The names Fontane, kid.


Early in the history of Rapture, Clyde stole Fontane's design for the Metal Cog, as well as kidnapping his cloned "son", Mariorocks for the super solider program. This caused Fontane to murder Clyde's family, which in turn caused Clyde to hire Doc Hatchet to assassinate Fontane. before he can, however, Clyde kills Fontane, and frames Doc for the murder, as well as shooting him in the leg. Clyde then sends Mariorocks to the surface, where Director's parent's adopt him. many years later, Director ingests Fontane's remains accidentally, and Director is posessed by Fontane. Fontane diguises himself as Director for a while, getting Mariorocks to murder Ryan. Fontane then escapes and pumps himself full of Adam, wherein he engages in a large battle with Retro Belmont, ending in him being pinned down by a rock as the city explodes. Three years later, Fontane escapes the wreckage of the city with a splicer army, and creates a clone of himself whic heh fills with all his memories, and Director's conciousness, in case he ever dies. he captures Doc Hatchet, Killface, and Barnaby Jones, in order to extract information about clyde. After he tortured them, he drove them to a cliff, where he contacted Emerald Mantarey, but Doc Hatchet, Killface and Barnaby escaped. Fontane then went with Orinfall and Llefniro to catch them, which they suceeded in. They drove to a dam, where Fontane through Doc Hatchet off the side, greatly wounding him. soon after this, Retro and Mariorocks arrived in Space York to retrieve survivors of the adam outbreak, where they met Emerald Mantarey piloting a metal cog reproduction, tacked to the front is Director. They manage to destroy the metal cog, and Emerald Mantarey, and escape with Director. Fontane pilots the Metal Gear Emerald Mantarey brought him to Clyde's base.