Story:Road to Driver!

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You wanna be a member of OG Squad
Do you have the skills to be a hero
I wanna take the ultimate test
The courage to be strong
To risk it all and not forget
The strength that I have
I wanna go where Star Trek never came
Far off the road
Know the way to take a hit
Use the power that's in my head
We all live in a Game Boy Color World OG Squad
I wanna be the greatest hero of them all
We all live in a Game Boy Color World OG Squad
I'll put myself in danger
To be stronger than Holyfield
So you wanna be a member of OG Squad
Do you have the skills to be a hero
We all live in a Game Boy Color World OG Squad
I wanna be the greatest hero of them all
Got the power right in your head
O G Squad

  • inside the OG Squad HQ*

DVGBC: What is this place? *sees a robot* Who are you?

Robot: I am Neptune, a prototype robot.

DVGBC: Hi Neptune.

Neptune: I need your help. NGPM has broken loose. It's up to the OG Squad to stop him and restore peace to the Game Boy World.

DVGBC: OG Squad?

Neptune: Well, you are not alone. I'm transporting you the The Ongoing Story Message Board. I want you to get 3 people, no more and no less. Got it?

  • DVGBC appears at the OG Board*

DVGBC: Who should I pick first? *thinks* I think I will pick Metal Mario, Rob64 and Zora!

Zora: Gagh! Where did I come in?!?!

Metal Mario: I'm asking the same question, Zora. But at least I'm a celebrity. Do it, Rob!

DVGBC: Wait a minute. Metal Mario hates crossovers and Zora doesn't like Pokemon crossovers. Rob64 might be a good person. Oh well, time to look for more people to join the OG Squad.

Golem: Please pick me and SSPG! We're good at OGs!

Zora: Good at OGs? Golem, you kill topics! Well, maybe not kill them directly, but you're normally the final post to a story!

DVGBC: Golem is a good OG writer, I'll take him. SSPG? I haven't seen him in a long time. I just need one more.

  • DVGBC, Rob64, and Golem get transported to the OG Squad HQ*

Neptune: I have a very important mission for you 3. The upcoming Game Boy Color game Driver is being taken over by aliens from the planet Sony. You must get to GT Interactive Headquarters on the double.

Golem: Driver? Never heard of it.

Rob64: I heard rumors that Driver is coming to the N64.

  • long silence*

Rob64: OK, so I may not exactly be right.

  • Driver is out for the N64*

DVGBC: OK, Rob64 was right.

  • Driver gets sold out in a matter of seconds*

Pokemon Stadium fan: Dang! Driver got sold out again.

DVGBC: I'm sick of this kid. He complains about everything.

  • DVGBC, Golem, and Rob64 leave the OG Squad HQ*

Golem: Where are we supposed to go to again?

DVGBC: We're supposed to protect "Driver" games from being Sony invaded!

Golem: Oh.

Rob64: Okay. If we wanna stop the game from being bugged, we'll need to start from NOA and venture out into Sony.

Others: Right!

Saph: Now what's this about? And I wasn't invited? I really feel welcome now.

  • Saph comes running to DVGBC, Golem, and Rob64*

Saph: Can I join your group the OG Squad?

DVGBC: Sure Saph.

Pokemon Stadium fan: Aw carp. Once again Driver gets sold out.

  • a Chevrolet Chevelle falls on Pokemon Stadium fan, Tanner (main character of the game Driver) comes out of the car*

Tanner: Does anyone want a ride to GT Interactive Headquarters?

DVGBC: That's great! We need a ride to the source, take us!

Tanner: Great. Step into the car.

  • they enter the car; DVGBC sits in the front seat*

Tanner: You beter fasten your seat belt.

Rob64: Why is that?

Narrator: It's the law.

Tanner: I'm supposed to say that.

Narrator: Quiet. I make the rules.

  • the engine explodes knocking everyone out of the car*

Narrator: And don't ignore me in the first place.

Tanner: I just got that oil change at that 10-minute oil change place.

Saph: Now what?

Golem: So where are we now?

DVGBC: Look. *points to sign* Welcome to Hillside, New Jersey.

Rob64: What so special about that?

DVGBC: It's my home town.

  • they all fall over in stupitity*

Tanner: How are we going to get to the source?

DVGBC: Well...

  • a taxi cab arrives*

B.D.Joe: Hey guys. I can take you to Newark International Airport.

Seph: And you must be...

Rob64: It's a Sega character. Ahhhhhhhh!

DVGBC: I'll take care of this. *snaps fingers*

  • a Monster Truck in the shape of a VW New Beetle runs over B.D.Joe's taxi cab squashing him*

Saph: I don't see why he was a Sega character.

Tanner: Hey, that guy was the ticket to actually go somewhere.

Narrator: Well if I wasn't ignored in the first place you should all be at NOA HQ by now.

Golem: Look.

  • they see a neon sign that saids "Sony HQ*

Saph: WTF!!!

DVGBC: Since when there was a Sony HQ in Hillside?

Saph: That's awfully suspicious...

  • A personal jet lands in the lot and it flies straight through the HQ; Sony's building is a hologram*

Tanner: This story is no longer making sense.

Saph: I know. When are we EVER going to make it to NOA HQ?

  • they get transported to NOA HQ*

NOATravis: It works. My transporter works.

NOAMike: We need all your help OG Squad.

DVGBC: I'd love to, but we're almost out of time.

Narrator: You have 1 minute until random disappearnce.

NOATaylor: You can borrow my car.

Tanner: OK.

  • they all step in NOATaylor's car*

NOATaylor: Make sure that you don't mess with the paint job I recently got.

DVGBC: Don't worry NOATaylor, Tanner is a good...

The End

Golem: We barely got into the story.

Network guy: We have much more than 1 minute left. I think we have 10 more minutes.

Rob64: Maybe the story must've ended too quickly.

NOAMike: This story isn't over yet.

  • Tanner starts driving to GT Interactive HQ*

Saph: ONE MORE MINUTE? We won't get this story done that quick!

Golem: Don't worry! Maybe we can coax the Network Guy into giving us more time!

  • They all whisper together*

DVGBC: Hey Network Guy, how about giving us 15 more...

Everyone Else: WHAT?!

DVGBC: Errr... 150 more minutes to finish the story!

Network Guy: I can't allow that... because... I'M SPYYYYYYRRROOOOOO!!!!!!!!

  • Spyro crashes into the window of NOATaylor's car*

NOATaylor: Oh no, that was my VW Jetta.

Spyro: Now I have you under hostage.

  • DVGBC pulls out a phone and calls Rainbow HQ*

DVGBC: We need the cast of Rainbow Six on the double.

  • Spyro tourches the entire Rainbow Six cast*

Saph: There's no way to defeat Spyro.

Voice: Unless you have a Squirtle.

  • they turn around and sees Ash with a Squirtle*

Ash: Squirtle, water gun.

  • Spyro melts*

Rob64: We saved Driver.

Tanner: Wait a second, we're not even at GT Interactive HQ yet.

Golem: Don't worry, I know a way.

Narrator: Good, think of one.

  • a bunch of Diglett dig a path to GT Interactive HQ*

Tanner: Hey, look at the Diglett dig a shortcut.

Saph: Maybe we can go through there.

NOAMike: We have to get back to the HQ.

Ash: And I have to get more Orange League badges.

Homer Simpson: Give me a raise. *magicly disappears*

NOATravis: That was unexpected.

Narrator: I think that's the path. I suggest that you follow it.

  • everyone except the NOAs and Ash run into the path*

Narrator: What could possibly happen next?

  • a guy appears from the shadows*

Golem: Wooooooaaaaaaaahh!!!!!!! Watch out!

Saph: Who is it?

Ash: He looks sorta... like me...

DVGBC: Evil Dead Ash!!!!!!

Misty: Oh yeah! But isn't he still in Sydney?

Tracey: What?

Ash: You wouldn't know...

Golem: But wait! The enemy of our enemy is our friend!

All: WHAT?

Golem: He's against our foe, and so are we.

Saph: Who's our foe?

DVGBC: Saddam Huinsainly. He recently joined up with Sony.

EDA: And I hate him!

Another Person From the Shadows: Don't forget me, 00007!

Misty: Great, I hope I don't get stuck in those Spam mines again...

00007: Well, I guess I should explain a little. Y'see, Saddam wanted to stop the 2002 Olympics, but we stopped 'im, so he went to Sony to make a really horrible Olympics video game!

  • there is a shaking in the tunnel*

Golem: Do you feel something?

Narrator: Do I care what's happening?

Everyone: Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  • several Dugtrios have surrounded DVGBC, Golem, Rob64, and Saph*

Ash: I didn't go to the tunnel in the first place. *leaves*

Misty: How did I get here in the first place?

Announcer: Beats me.

Misty: I am an ice woman. *magicly disappears*

Tracey: I draw. *magicly disappears*

00007: I must be in a hurry. *leaves*

Evil Dead Ash: Me too. *leaves*

Rob64: Looks like we're all alone...

Backstreet Boys: We're all stuck in a room in a room in a room in a room in a room. *magicly disappears*

Voice: Surrender now OG Squad.

  • Lara Croft climbs out of a Dugtrio made hole*

Croft: OK now, drop your weapons or whatever you got there.

Golem: Um, no we do not have any weapons. Thank you very much.

  • Crash Bandicoot, Spryo, Parappa, and Tomba grab the OG Squad from behind*

Croft: Let the Game Boy Color go.

Crash Bandicoot: OK. *lets go of DVGBC*

DVGBC: *flips Crash into the ground and pulls out a Pokeball* Bulbasaur, go for it. *throws it*

Bulbasaur: *knocks a Dugtrio down with Vine Whip*

Croft: Get him Crash.

  • Crash starts chasing DVGBC and his Bulbasaur*

DVGBC: You again? I thought you were slow. Bulbasaur, Leech Seed.

Bulbasuar: Bulba. *several seeds come out of Bulbsaur*

Crash: What the heck are those? *gets seeded*

Announcer: Wait a minute. Where's Tanner?

  • outside the cave*

Tanner: So how do you control the car again?

NOAMike: It's a top down port of the PC game. So it's a little tricky.

  • back in the cave*

Parappa: So what do you want me to do with the OG Squad? Oh yeah, let's get together tonight.

Croft: No. *slaps Parappa*

Tomba: Why do all my fans have pink hair?

Spryo: Quiet, all of you. *tourches everyone including the OG Squad*

Rob64: You are just like Ash's Charizard.

Golem: Plus your flames have no affect on me.

Saph: You ruined my hair.

  • just outside the cave*

NOATravis: DVGBC, what happened?

DVGBC: Let me explain.

NOATaylor: Has Tanner learned how to play Driver for GBC yet?

NOAMike: What do you think?

  • Tanner mastered the game*

DVGBC: Now can I explain?

Tanner: No.

DVGBC: OK. *reenters the cave*

  • Suddenly Blastoise789 lands on Lara Croft and starts shooting Dugtrios with Hydro Pump*

DVGBC: Who are you?

Blastoise789: I'm Blastoise789 and I just joined. The chief sent me to help.

  • Tomba jumps on his back and starts biting his head*

Blastoise789: Help! Get it off! Golem, use Rock Throw!

  • Golem hits Tomba with a rock*

Narrator: Aren't you forgetting something?

Metal Mario: The bomb!

Narrator: There is no bomb. We haven't even made it to Sony HQ yet.

DVGBC: Wait a minute. I don't remember a Blastoise789 joining the OG Squad.

  • they all laugh*

Metal Mario: What am I here in the first place?

Saph: You forgot about Parappa and Spyro.

Spyro: OK Parappa, you attack Blastoise789 from behind while I burn him up.

Parappa: OK.

  • seconds later*

Spryo: I told you that my plan didn't work.

Parappa: Why couldn't you become more careful with the flamethrower.

  • they die*

Metal Mario: This sucks. *leaves*

Rob64: OK now. Can we finally get to GT Interactive HQ?

Blastoise789: I thought we were going to Sony HQ.

DVGBC: Actually, we were supposed to go to GT Interactive. That's our mission.

Blastoise789: Well, I know you're the leader.

DVGBC: True.

Saph: Well it looks like we have a new member.

  • they keep moving; back outside the cave*

NOAMike: So you've finally completed every single mode of the game.

Tanner: Wow! This game was as good as ever.

NOATravis: Wait a second. There is a hidden code after beating EVERYTHING in the game.

Tanner: And it could be...

NOATaylor: The VW Pikachu Beetle.

  • back in the cave*

Golem: Are we there yet?

  • A large TV screen turns on in the other wall*

DVGBC: What?

Voice: If you want to stop the bug... if you... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...

Golem: Oh, crap!

Blastoise789: What'll we do now?

Saph: Well, I can only say that it's just a silly bug.

  • everyone laughs*

Bug: You are miserable. *leaves*

Golem: On the road again. *magicly disappears*

Rob64: I am the captain of the Star Fox fleet. *magicly disappears*

Saph: I am named after a developer. *magicly disappears*

Blastoise789: Was it a Hydro Pump or Hydro Hump? *magicly disappears*

DVGBC: DeeeeeeeeeVeeeeeeeeeGeeeeeeeeeeeBeeeeeeeeeCeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! *magicly disappears*

  • they appear at Sony HQ*

Voice: So you are DVGBC.

  • a NeoGeo Pocket Color appears*

DVGBC: Who are you?

NGPC: I am NeoGeo Pocket Master, your evil twin brother.

Rob64: I didn't know you had a twin brother.

Golem: OK now. I think we're in big trouble.

NGPM: Silence you giant rock. Where was I? Oh yeah, I have joined forces with the Sony charcters to get rid of the OG Squad.

Saph: That means you're trying to get rid of us.

NGPM: Um, maybe.

Everyone: Hahahahahahahahaha!

Narrator: That wasn't funny.

NGPM: You never laugh at anything Narrator. You never EVER make sense.

Voice: Hold it right there.

  • the NYPD break into Sony HQ and beat the heck out of NGPM*

The End

DVGBC: But we haven't escaped from Sony HQ yet.

Network Guy: Whoops, I thought the story could end at this point, moving on.

Computer voice: A time bomb has been set, you have 2 minutes to leave the HQ or it will explode and kill every living thing in this HQ.

Ant: Yipe. *runs away*

Golem: We're still tied up. How are we supposed to leave?

DVGBC: How do we get outa here?!

Saph: Ugh! I didn't want to die like this!

Golem: Hey, wait! My glasses! They should act like a magnifying glass on an ant!

Blastoise789: Pokemon never wear glasses.

DVGBC: *reading the book "Pokemon Don't Wear Glasses"* Where's the light though?

  • Golem looks to a crack in the ceiling*

Saph: It'll take forever through that small hole!

Golem: I know... but it'll still weaken it...

DVGBC: We need another way!

Computer voice: One minute until explosion.

DVGBC: *grabs a pokeball and drops it on the ground* Zubat, go!

Zubat: *flies around*

DVGBC: Try nibbling the rope.

Zubat: Zu! *starts chewing the rope*

Blastoise789: OK, we should be out at the last second.

  • the rope breaks and everyone runs out of Sony HQ*

Saph: Good, we're out of the HQ.

DVGBC: But where's my Bulbasaur?

Voice: Looking for this?

  • they turn around and see NeoGeo Pocket Master holding a Bulbasaur*

Rob64: That's DVGBC's Bulbasaur.

DVGBC: Give it back to me.

NGPM: Never. *heads for GT Interactive*

Blastoise789: After them.

  • they chase NGPM*

DVGBC: We're almost there.

  • suddenly Jigglypuff enters and sings a soothing song*

NGPM: Must... resist... song. *goes to sleep*

  • everyone goes to sleep*

Narrator: Sadly, Jigglypuff never got me to go to sleep. *falls asleep*

  • they wake up except for NGPM*

DVGBC: Zubat and Bulbasaur, return. *they return to their Pokeballs*

Golem: There they are.

  • they see the Sony characters messing with the data for Driver (GBC)*

Blastoise789: Think of the horrible things that they're doing to he game.

  • Jeff Jarret appears*

Rob64: Hey Mr. Jarret, can we barrow your guitar.

Jeff Jarret: Sure. *hands Rob64 a guitar*

Lara Croft: Do I hear something?

Parappa: No, that can't be... *turns around* the OG Squad!!!

Rob64: *smashes the Sony characters with the guitar* Looks like the OG Squad has saved the day.

GT Interactive rep: You've saved the game Driver. Now where's Tanner?

Voice: I'm here.

  • Tanner comes running up to the GT interactive rep*

Tanner: Thanks for saving my game. You deserve this OG Squad. *hands them a Wheelman Badge*

DVGBC: Wow! This is a Wheelman Badge.

Tanner: If you win enough of the different badges, you will take on another gang. No one knows who it is yet.

Narrator: Good, you wasted a good 20 seconds on that one.

  • everyone laughs*

The End (for real)