Calaria Negime

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Species: Human

Gender: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Birthplace: El Vida
Class: Summoner
Subclass: Black Mage
Weaponry: Rapier (when fighting) / Wand (when using magic; amplifies magical power)
Created by: Kinoko


Calaria was born on the island of El Vida. Her mother, Maina, and her father, Kelsot, would make frequent trips to the continent of Osyllia, where her mother's family used to reside. Calaria was far too young to make the trip, so when her parents were in Osyllia, she was raised by her paternal grandmother, Maraian Negime. Her parents would stay in Osyllia for half a year during the spring and summer months, and then return to El Vida in the fall and winter months. Calaria only saw her parents for half a year, so during that time, she learned magic from her parents. She had a talent for black magic, so her father and her grew close quickly. Of course, her mother taught her other means of handling her magic.

When Calaria was six, she had a dream where she met a fluffy bird by the name of "Chocobo". It talked to her of the Djinni world, and that fascinated her. The two of them had a good time talking until Calaria had to wake up. To her surprise, Chocobo was crouched right beside her bed! It was at that moment her grandmother came in, and saw what happened. Maraian told Calaria that she could only call Chocobo in an emergency. Maraian gave one look to Chocobo, and it disappeared, bowing. Maraian then started taking a hand in Calaria's magical education while her parents were away, so that she'd have no need to summon. However, Calaria kept having her dreams of the Djinni world, and met the other Djinni: Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Titan, Leviathan, Odin, Phoenix and Bahamut. She didn't tell her grandmother about the dreams of the Djinni world.

At ten years of age, Maraian disappeared. Family friends took over Calaria's care while her parents were in Osyllia. Her parents taught her more and more magic, knowing she had the black magic gift and would grow to be a talented black mage. At thirteen, they decided she was old enough to take to Osyllia with them. The first couple of times that they used the Teleport spell, she felt nauseous and had frequent headaches. Over time, she became accustomed to them, due to their frequent travel. They went to the city of Eijopi, where her parents would stay while they were there. Calaria noticed her parents didn't use magic very much, if at all. They also warned Calaria about using magic here and that she'd get into big trouble. She later found out why as she saw guards take away someone she knew was a mage. She never saw him again. She made sure she was very careful about that. Calaria found she didn't like her time in Eijopi. She couldn't use her magic, and she was starting to find El Vida distasteful because people had started turning it into a resort. She and her parents, while they were there, lived on a secluded part of the island.

At sixteen, Maina disappeared. Kelsot waited several days for her to come back, and then after bading Calaria good-bye and to be strong, went after her. Calaria never saw her parents again. She continued to make the voyages to El Vida and to Eijopi, learning how to take care of herself. She was the only one left in her family, or so it seemed. She had to make sure she remained free as well. During her time of adjusting to being alone, she found solace in the Djinni, which caused her interest in the Djinni to grow. She had to conduct her studies in secret, lest she be caught.

Due to the no-magic law in Eijopi, in order to defend herself, she had to learn how to use a weapon. She chose the rapier. She's actually fairly competent with it, although she prefers to use magic.


Calaria is a kind young woman. However, she has a teasing, even flirty nature, although she does it unknowingly. She doesn't offer much in the way of information; she tends to be rather closed-off. Despite her closed-off nature, she tries to help out when she can. If she grows to trust someone, her barriers will lower, albeit slowly. She has fairly high morals, though there will be times she ends up breaking them. She has a curiosity trait that gets her into trouble most of the time, but that increases her knowledge of what's going on.

Spells and Djinni

As a black mage and a summoner, Calaria has a variety of spells and Djinni she can rely on.


This is a list of spells Calaria can use:

-Blizzard (Ice)/Blizzara/Blizzaga
-Break (turns foe into stone)
-Flare (she doesn't use this very often)
-Ultima (very rarely used, as this spell exhausts her)

Sword Magic

She can also use sword magic to enchant her rapier, although it's only limited to fire/ice/lightning elementals.


This is a list of Djinni Calaria can call:



-Calaria's full name is "Calaria Elucida Maraian Negime". She has no knowledge of her full name and only goes by Calaria Negime.