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Full Name: Kirby?
Birthdate: ?
Species: ?
Nationality: ?
Creator: Inspired by a video game character, but also named after the vacuum. The other members of the Council had names based on vacuums.
First Appearance: Deterioration of a Hero (?)


S-Space, or Sub-Space, is run by the thoughts and fantasies of those in R-Space, or Real Space. It makes sense, then, that one who has power over the dreams over those in R-Space has immense power in S-Space. Kirby is such a being.
Kirby is the leader of 7 others who rule over dreams with him; together, they are known as the Council. Not much else is known, probably because he has not appeared in many canon OGs, and only several finished OGs at that.

Timeline History

Unknown at the moment. He may be linked to Eerie of the Bad Timeline.

Bad Timeline

He appears in The OGers: Third Generation, where he and the Council had a hand in rescuing Golem from his fate ten years ago (along with possibly the other trapped Party Goers) and use him as their lapboy. Also in this timeline, for reasons unknown the rest of The Council consists of Gamehiker Member OG villains. Kirby is also bearded and determined to stopping the newly-assembled third generation to maintain balance of good and evil, with the only alternative to disbanding the third generation being to destroy and recreate the world (which the Council is implied to have done before) without the people from the third generation. However, their first effort to destroy the world was foiled by the Donkeyman, whom had allied with these new OGers.

Neutral Timeline

Kirby and The Council are seen in the ending of Cat Investigations.

Other Uses

Alternate Realities

  • In Harvest Goers '07, he is the Governor of Nothing.


"The only OG I was in lasted two seconds!"