Shigeru Miyamoto
Life and Adventures of Miyamoto
Miyamoto, according to The Life and Adventures of Miyamoto, is a great inventor with huge enemies.
Willy Higinbotham, who invented Tennis for Two (an alternate version of Pong). He wants revenge on Miyamoto for stealing Tennis for Two and making it into Mario Tennis, ignoring the fact that Camelot made the game.
Wiyamoto, an evil W clone of Miyamoto. Several other evil W clones are present in the series, such as Wosby (a W clone of Jozby, who is partially comedian Bill Cosby) and Woctor Wily.
Party Goers
Miyamoto is seemingly superhuman. This continues the Party Goers theme that creativity grants one power. His most notable creation, from the point of view of the Party Goers themselves, are the Hanafuda cards, which gave them access to the afterlife in Party Goers 17, which was continued in Party Goers 7, the Good Timeline version.