Koopa Xtreme

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Koopa X was a rebellious descendent of Koopa who attempted to take control of the Cheese Star while Lupus was away in Member OG 8: This Title is irrelevent. Actually Koopa Xtreme claimed he was from an alternate universe in his first appearance and was only impersonating Koopa X. After taking over, he quickly began either executing or imprisoning anyone who remained loyal to Lupus. Koopa Xtreme possessed the Limitless Drive and planned to use it for Lupus clones that would be obedient to him. He also battled the OGers when they attacked the Cheese Star, but he was ultimately forced to retreat to Earth. After being reunited with Lupus, he reverted to being Lupus's servant.

Koopa Xtreme went on some missions with Fred and Lithium Debater. One Koopa was later killed when Lupus did a Double Cheese Ray on both Koopa and an imposter disguised as him, since Lupus could not figure out which one was the imposter. But it must have been a different Koopa, as Koopa X was briefly seen lamenting the sinking of the Super Fighting Weisheit Australia Robot later on.