Robot Team

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Revision as of 10:56, 27 January 2009 by (talk) (Firefox crashed while I wrote the first version, so I'm happy I was able to retain most of it and improve on it.)
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GC:Roll call!!!

GREEN:I am green!The mechanic expert,and I do good with using the weapons I make,too!!!

YELLOW:I am Yellow!I like to use my fists to do the talking!

BLACK:I am black!I can sneek on anyone from the dark,and attack with my double swords!

BLUE:I am Blue!If you want me to operate a truck,tank,spaceship,anything!I can garuntee that I'll use that and make use of the firepower,as long as it has firepower!

GC:And I am Red!The leader of the Robot team!I have every power in the universe!Just call me Gamechamp!

ALL:And we are the robot team!!!
-The first official Roll Call~Member OG

Definitely one of the more unique teams. The Robot Team was Gamechamp's posse and he rolled with them almost constantly. They were pretty popular to imitate. Their Roll Call was their most notable trait since they did it ALL THE TIME! and also the thing that was most imitated with these "other teams". All five of them are Author Characters, so if you considered Green, Yellow, Black and Blue to be "just robots" then you might as well consider Gamechamp "just a robot", too, which is what he said at one point during Member OG 4. Also, it's the Robot Team, not Team Robot. Cod help you if you call them Team Robot. The Roll Call was heavily satirized in Member OG 5: Secret of the Ooze.