Team Rocket Omega

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A criminal organization based on the Team Rocket from the Pokemon series. Due to all the trippy S-Space adventuring, Team Rocket opened operated on Earth and become enemies of the Party Goers. Their leader Giovanni personally opened up a base on Earth, though eventually the organization became known as Team Rocket Omega.

In Party Goers 2, the team is joined by Magikoopa and Bomberman who had tried to defeat the Party Goers in the previous story. They were assigned Meowth, who had previously worked under Jesse and James. At one point James became the new boss of Team Rocket, but that apparently didn't last long. Through various hijinks, eventually Sapphire ends up with a Pikachu that Giovanni wants. Eventually Magikoopa tired of chasing after the Party Goers and took over Cincinatti, making it the base for a large more influential Team Rocket.

Good Timeline[edit]

Team Rocket managed to take over several cities and began calling them Rocketsville in incremental numbers. They showed up at various points to do acts of villainy, such as trying to steal the Cheesecake of the Gods. On the whole they didn't do a whole lot, besides becoming a running gag for naming cities.

  • Rocketsville - Cincinatti, Ohio
  • Rocketsville II - Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Rocketsville III - Boston, Massachusetts
  • Rocketsville Again - London, England
  • Not Rocketsville - Washington D.C.

Bad Timeline[edit]

Set their sights much higher during the Member OG series and created Fusion to be a human parallel to Mewtwo, though he ended up rebelling against them. When the Earth came back at the end of Member OG 6: VGF Moon, Team Rocket was in command of the restored Western Hemisphere. Giovanni was killed at some point and Magikoopa became the new head. Masamune crashed his ship into their HQ. The End.