Waluigi's Sexy Day

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This was a CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure, the growth-stunted cousin of OGing) that I really wanted to read and then archive for the wiki here. However, I failed to live up to my title of the Indiana Jones of OGing and was SHOT DOWN when asking for this simple request.

The Legend[edit]

In a topic I created after Golem suggested that I do that titled "What ever happened to Waluigi's Sexy Day?", I make the simple request. I had to create a topic because you can't just PM people on VGF, I guess. I e-mailed the admin who moved it, but I'm sure it's linked to some ancient account the admin never checks. The title is a variation of SwordMaster's topic, "What ever happened to the OGers?" This is what happened.

Author: TheKirbyOfDeath[edit]

Saria said she didn't delete it, so I'm assuming it's still around somewhere. I wanted to read it, but can't find it. I already tried emailing Saria, but haven't gotten a response so I figured I'd try posting a topic if anyone knew where it was. Thanks in advance.

Author: Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds[edit]

I moved it to the Admin Forum, so you won't be reading it any time soon. Wink.gif Sorry, man, but it got way too inapropriate for the site.

I didn't receive your email either.

Author: TheKirbyOfDeath[edit]

Ah, I used whatever system's in place on the site. Kinda confusing, actually, I wish I coulda just PM'd you. Could you like... send it to me or something? I'm sure you have access to my email. I'm just really curious as to what it was about.

Author: Valigarmander[edit]

Yeah, looking back it was pretty rowdy.

But still funny as hell.

Author: Chunky Kong12345[edit]


Originally Posted by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds (View Post)
I moved it to the Admin Forum, so you won't be reading it any time soon. Wink.gif Sorry, man, but it got
way too inapropriate for the site. I didn't receive your email either.

Would you be opposed to emailing me the contents? Or something.

Author: Chunky Kong12345[edit]


Author: Tazy Ten[edit]

I doubt she would want to unleash that sort of thing on the world.

Author: Metal Man[edit]

You shoulda archived it while you still could. Now Waluigi's Sexy day is gone forever! And your little dog, too!

...Something like that.

Author: Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds[edit]

No one's getting a copy. End of story.

Author: TheKirbyOfDeath[edit]

There another admin I can speak with? >.>

Author: Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds[edit]

They won't give you copies either.

Author: TheKirbyOfDeath[edit]

I don't think I'm being unreasonable, I just want to read it. It'll most likely be the last favor I ask of anyone here. So, can you or some other admin email me a copy, please?

Author: Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds[edit]

Nope, and for asking again, your topic's getting locked! Super!

You might think it a perfectly reasonable request, but you might as well be asking, "hey I heard there was some pirated software around here can you just email it to me", or, "I heard someone posted some porn on the forum can you email it to me". If it weren't for the fact that it's not worth my time, I'd go and delete it from the Admin forum now, anyway.

"End of story" should've given you the idea.


Author: Retro Metroid Literature[edit]

Awww, c'mon baby don't be like that. We all know when you admins say no you really mean yes. Gimme some sugar.

Author: Chunky Kong12345[edit]

(different sad face)


blah, only 15 posts. (different sad face) AGAIN
Last edited by Chunky Kong12345; Today at 07:50 PM.

What a Bitch[edit]

And that was it, really. As you can see, I was absolutely no match for her admin-powered e-peen. As you can also see, I was completely polite and reasonable the whole time, so this is almost an outrage. I think my favorite part was her letting me know that "if it weren't for the fact that it's not worth [her] time" she'd delete it. I guess deleting a topic is time-consuming >.> Well, despite the fact that this whole ordeal was a total wank, I got an fun story out of it, so... that's something. Also, in the event she deletes the topic, even though deleting topics are super time-consuming, I'll have this archive. Well, hope you enjoyed the legend.

The Original E-mail[edit]

Just in case you were curious as to what my original e-mail said.

Email Subject: Regarding Waluigi's Sexy Day

Message: Hi, I've been browsing these forums for a while now and joined a couple months ago and in the process I came upon a CYOA called "Waluigi's Sexy Day" ...or at least a topic in the OG forum ABOUT it. You said in the topic that you didn't delete it, although that was italicized, so I dunno what that implies. Since I don't know what that implies, I figured I could just ask you personally. So, if it's not deleted, where is it and how can I read it? I'm curious about its contents as the title suggests a silly CYOA that I'd like to read. Thanks in advance!

This still sucks :/

Time to infiltrate VGF, become an admin, and get that sucker?
If it's possible, yeah >.>

Some remnants[edit]
