Lugius Caesar

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Full Name: Georgio Kovacs
Birthdate: 1648
Species: Human
Nationality: Italian
Creator: Big Al
First Appearance: The Ennead

At the turn of the eighteenth century, the Roman Empire had long been collapsed and the Roman Catholic Church was more or less the prominent body in the area. This did not bode well for one man.

He was Lugius Caesar, last of the Caesars.

Actually, he was a rather senile old man who talked to mushrooms. The mushrooms that he carried with him were in fact Slort and Splog prior to their transformation to goombas, but of course no one knew that at the time.

In the year 1700, Lugius left his family and friends and simple life as a gondolier and began dressing himself in purple and sending very angry letters to Pope Clement XI, insisting that since Lugius was a full year older than him he should surrender the land of Rome back to its rightful heir. These letters were greatly ignored.

When Lugius began sending threats of more serious action, the Church enlisted the ruler of the city where Lugius lived, Ironfist Stephano, to put him in an asylum (this was after asylums). Ironfist Stephano was not such a kind man, and decided instead to torment Lugius for the rest of his natural days.

Then the Ennead showed up. At the time only consisting of six, and searching the world for the recently revived Masamune, they were unaware that Ironfist Stephano had also been paid off by Masamune to kill them. Lugius managed to save them from Ironfist (who was killed by Masamune later), and joined them on their voyage to England.

Lugius stayed with the Ennead for the subsequent rise and fall of Vorpal the First, then left. However, he had then given up hope of ever claiming Rome, and decided instead to go to the New World. Via S-Space, he conjured up the Forest of the Pipes from his imagination and lived there with Slort until the end of his days (Splog was lost before this point).

Prior to becoming Lugius Caesar, Georgio had at least one child, from whom would gradually descend Luigi of the Pipes.