Forest of the Pipes

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The Forest of the Pipes is a small forest located near the southern border of Alberta, Canada. It was founded in the early 1700s, when Lugius Caesar, having left the Ennead, made his way to the Americas to avoid further conflict with the Church over rightful possession of Rome. On his way to North America, Lugius imagined a forest full of walking mushrooms and various other mythological creations. Through the magic of S-Space, the Forest of the Pipes was created.

Lugius remained in the forest with the then only a mushroom Slort until he died, but left notes of the area to his descendants in hopes that they would find it too. It was only recently reinhabited as Luiigii of the Pipes's family made a home there to avoid "that damned black plague (aka SteveT)."

EVIL Scientist Dude had a lab within the forest at some point. After he abandoned it, Luiigii turned it into a home for himself, and has formed a pseudo-town within the forest. Population is currently unspecified.

The walking mushrooms seen in the Forest of the Pipes were no doubt the inspiration for the Goombas seen in the Super Mario Bros. series of video games. Definitely not the other way around...