GCPA Sidequests Part 3

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Canadian Detour- Featuring Lupine's Owl, Aeolus

by Scruffy, Que Pasa, Lupine, Stampede, That Krazy Dude and Lupine on September 9, 2005

*Stampede has a gun pointed at Nemo, but withdraws it.*

Stempde: Eh...I'll kill you later.

Nemo: Okay, good!

That Krazy Dude: *then shoots Nemo*

Lupine: I have a hawk now, a vicious one that enjoys eating various parts of Nemo!

Scruffy: Follow me!!!!!! (walks off ship)

That Krazy Dude: Fuck yo hawk!

Que Pasa: Where are we off to today, Cap'n?

Lupine: Me= 12-1000

Scruffy: Hmm, let me see.. (sinks)

Que Pasa: *follows Scruffy off the ship, is carried away by a shark*

Lupine: Yes.

That Krazy Dude: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh????????

Scruffy: Scruffy.....glug glug.......can't....glug.......swim.......glug glug glug

Nemo: Eh what the heck? *shoots himself in the head*

That Krazy Dude: I'll save you captain! *jumps in the opposite direction*

Scruffy: Hel....glug glug...p (floats to bottom to see Titanic, Ricky Martin, Atlantis, and the Power Rangers) AHHHHHHH!!!!!!


Lupine: :: kicks them away and then kicks Stampede:: Let's bet money and see how long they last, or until they notice the water is only 5 inches.

Nemo: Hey, let's go on an adventure where I die horribly!

That Krazy Dude: *grabs life preserver and goes back onto land*

Scruffy: (throws Nemo at Power Rangers)

Nemo: No, not them! Aaaaah!

*The shark is grabbed and has its head beaten off by... Henry Winkler!*

Lupine: I bet 1000 on 5 hours!


Lupine: (grabs on) You bastard. Today we end this rivalry! Aelous! (an owl appears)

Scruffy: Hey......I just noticed something. We're in a puddle.

*The crew goes back on land.*

That Krazy Dude: Potato?

Que Pasa: *shoves Lupine at Winkler and swims away*

Scruffy: (shoots bird) I got our next dinner! Chef, cook!

That Krazy Dude: Yay!!

Que Pasa: Potato? By Din you're right!

That Krazy Dude: No, by Don. Don King.

Lupine: :: grabs aeolus and flies off ship but the bird can't make it:: Aeolus!

*A giant sea potato roars towards the crew OMG NOSTALGIA*

Lupine: Noooooooooooooooooooooo! :: casts Aero on him::

That Krazy Dude: No!

Nemo: What does Jupiter have on it, bananas?


Lupine: Fuck you! :: grabs sword and blocks gun in true Vicious vs. Spike style::

That Krazy Dude: Nemo's trying to take my lines, dammit! I'm the random guy!

Nemo: But I am the dead dude!

Que Pasa: Then die!

That Krazy Dude: Are you trying to be Lupine who's trying to be me?

Scruffy: Damn, bird, I said stay down !(shoots it wit a 0.30mm armor piercing chaingun)

Stampede: Shut up Lupine, I already shot your damn bird, and I got its left wing! So get over it!

Lupine: No.

Nemo: Okay. *jumps off Empire State Building*

Lupine: ::points to Nemo::

Stampede: And cook that damn wing! I need food!

Scruffy: I got its torso! Who wants the head?

That Krazy Dude: Haha, you said head!

Que Pasa : The potato got the rest.

Lupine: Fuck you all! Fountis!

Scruffy: The bird had it coming.

Stampede: Hey, how did Nemo get on the Empire State Building, aren't we in Jersey? Or some other planet?

Nemo: It's simple really.. *collapes* Pichachew.

That Krazy Dude: No we're in Canada.

Lupine: :: a large barricuda comes:: Fountis = Latin for water. Barricuda = Fountis.

Scruffy: Stop speaking German, speak English!

Stampede: I never know where they are....*BOWS HEAD IN SHAME*

Que Pasa (10:04:16 PM): *Gary Coleman pulls the cap'n into the potato and escapes laughing maniacally*

Lupine: Fuck not again!

That Krazy Dude: CAPTAIN NOOO!!!!

Que Pasa: NO CAP'N!!!!

Lupine: Aeolus 2 who will be Aeolus One, follow!

That Krazy Dude: Aeolus is gay.

Lupine: Like your mom!

Nemo: Like its master!

That Krazy Dude: And Aeolus is starting to get old on his first day.

Scruffy: And god damn, not you again! (plants a mine in Gary Coleman, shoves Coleman in potato, and jumps off)

Que Pasa: Aw man, no rescue misson?

Lupine: I'm over using him, ehh fine.

That Krazy Dude: Yes you are.

Lupine: I got a job we all can like, him attacking Nemo.

That Krazy Dude: CAP'N'S SAFE!!!

Lupine: Now go!

Nemo: Lupine no.

That Krazy Dude: Anyway! Going on with the story...

::Nemo and bird disappear below deck::

Lupine: Yes, where are we?

Que Pasa: Somewhere.

*The GCPA find themselves wandering around Canada.*

Nemo: In your mom's house lol

Que Pasa: That's just about it. Canada sucks.

That Krazy Dude: Good point.

Scruffy: Nintendo World.

That Krazy Dude: Ah ha!

Nemo: Wait, Nintendo World?

That Krazy Dude: can we go to the Museum of Mario?

Scruffy: Sure!

Nemo: Yaaa! *gets stomped by Mario*

Que Pasa (10:07:06 PM): Instead of the navy we have to watch our for... THE MOUNTIES!!!

That Krazy Dude (10:07:20 PM): NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Not the mounties!!!

*Scruffy faints.*

Que Pasa: Now we must go on without our Cap'n.

That Krazy Dude: It's impossible!!!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The Mounties arrive.*

That Krazy Dude: The cursed Canadians!

Lupine: Fuck!


Nemo: I have no eyes, Lupine's stupid bird ate them.

Stampede: FINE, I'll shoot the rest of your fucking face!

Nemo: Yaaaah!


Nemo: Crap! *explodes*

That Krazy Dude: Yay!

Mounty Captain: ROBOTS IN DISGUISE EH (They all transform into fighting robots)

*Mounties look around at the bickering crew in confusion. One of the Mounties puts a handcuff around Nemo's ashes.*

Nemo: No, what will we do?

Lupine: I know! By my calculations they have one weakness.

Nemo: My laugh. No.

Lupine: ::kicks one on the nuts and throws a jar of pickled ducks at one::

That Krazy Dude: *reaches into pocket* Oh hey, I found my lightsaber!

*The MOunties go up in an atomic explosion*

That Krazy Dude: Time to go Star Wars on these Canadians!

Lupine: Too late!

That Krazy Dude: Awwww! :-(

Lupine: Pickled duck always works! In fact, it's tonight's meal.

*But the Mountie Cap'n emerges from the flames and transforms into a mechanical gorilla*

Nemo: Dammmit i was caught in the explosion!

Lupine: Shit!

That Krazy Dude: Gorilla!?!?! ? !

Lupine: Well-

That Krazy Dude: ?

Lupine: Um-

That Krazy Dude: !

Lupine: I won't run!

Que Pasa: He's from Beast Wars.

That Krazy Dude: Bring it!!!!!

Lupine: :: gets in stance::

Nemo: *Lupine flees*

That Krazy Dude: Where'd Stampede go?

Lupine: Let's do this!!!!! Nemo, don't compare me with you. I won't run ever.

Nemo: Of course not.

That Krazy Dude: Why don't you two stop bitching to each other and fuckin fight?

Nemo: Okay, okay!

Lupine: Fine!

*The Mounty Captain charges forward and starts slapping random pirates around with bacon WHICH IS ACTUALLY SOMETING ELSE IN CANADA.*

Mounty Captain: WHAT NOW EH

Lupine: :: kicks the gorilla in the face but breaks foot and then jumps around::

Nemo: *lets out screaming laugh*

That Krazy Dude: Hmmm... *stares from lightsaber to mop*

Nemo: *stunss him* Attack!

::Gorillaz run in::

That Krazy Dude: *arms his mop*

Lupine: We've handled worse!

Stampede: *LEAVES*

That Krazy Dude: STAMPEDE NOOOO!!!!!!

Que Pasa: *grabs a maple tree, fires it from the nose cannon at the Mounty Captain, covering him in syrup that slows him down*

That Krazy Dude: We've lost our cap'n and our marksman!

Lupine :: attacks the Gorillaz but hits Nemo killing him....again then leaves::

That Krazy Dude: *smacks the Cap'n Mounty with his mop*

Lupine: I must summon, a thing I said I will never do.

Nemo: What the fuck? Lupine, you are always the first to kill me.

Lupine: I know, it never gets old!

Que Pasa: We can do this! We just have to BE- *smacked to Mexico*

That Krazy Dude: NO FIRST MATE!!!!!!!

Lupine: We are fucked.

That Krazy Dude: It's me and these two sissies! Noooo!!!!!1

Nemo: Fuck you!

Lupine: But come on, we can do it! We have to find our fire! :: gorilla lights him on fire::

That Krazy Dude: This is it!!!

Nem: *tries laugh again*

Que Pasa: *completely forgets about everything and starts hanging out with Mexicans*

That Krazy Dude: (runs toward the Mounty with his mop and starts smacking him constantly)

Nemo: *starts totalk about random stuff in annoying fashion*

*The Mounty cries, turns into a car and drives away*

That Krazy Dude: Yay! Now we must find our first mate

Lupine: ::still on fire::

Nemo: Come on! Hop in my car! We'll pick him up.

That Krazy Dude: Yay! To Mexico we shall go! ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!

Nemo: Woohoo!

Lupine: ::left behind on fire::

Nemo: I get to drive! I think we forgot something... oh yeah Lupine!

That Krazy Dude: *throws water on Lupine and grabs him by collar of shirt and throws him into car*

Nemo: Let's go!

Lupine: ::in ball:: The tacos, oh the tacos!

*Que Pasa sneaks across the American border with his new friends- Ramone and Frederico*


Ramone: We'll be right here (puts a finger to Que Pasa's heart)

*Ramone and Frederico leave on a spaceship while Que Pasa waves goodbye. The car then drives up to Que Pasa.*

Nemo: Hello there! You ready, Que Pasa?

Que Pasa: *hit by the car*

Nemo: Sorry, that was my fault! You okay?

That Krazy Dude: *hops out of car and carries Que Pasa into the car* SHOTGUN!

Que Pasa: *unconcious and bleeding severly*

That Krazy Dude: *gets smacked in the back of the head by a shotgun*

Que Pasa: *beats Nemo with Krazy Dude's shotgun in his sleep*

Lupine: :still in trunk::

That Krazy Dude: (misses and hits Elvis)

Nemo: I still get to drive!

Lupine: Can someone let me out? The commies took my hat and Nemo's virginity.

That Krazy Dude: Oooooooooh!

Nemo: No they didn't, it was just a friendly visit!

Lupine: ...... The commies raped Nemo!

That Krazy Dude: So what now?

Nemo: No, we go to..... Jupiter.

*"Que Pasa" comes out of the bathroom and into the car*

Que Pasa: Whattup guys

Lupine: :: screams from trunk of car into a mike and then sings that Doo Waa Diddy song::

Nemo: Okay, where to?

That Krazy Dude: *sticks Wally in the trunk*

Nemo: Tear him apart

*They get into the car and drive into the sunset. Chessy music plays, sombreros magically appear on their heads and a bottle of tequila appears in Krazy Dude's hand.*

That Krazy Dude: Cool!

Nemo: Nice.

*"Que Pasa"'s eyes grow red as he transforms into the mounty. Mexican music starts to play.*

That Krazy Dude: NOOOO!!!!!!

Nemo: No!

Mounty: Didn't think it was that easy eh?

Nemo (10:22:31 PM): Damn it, I was driving!

*Real Que Pasa is still unconcioious and bloody in the backest of all places*

That Krazy Dude: *throws a newly formed donkey at the Mounty*

*The Mounty explodes violently.*

That Krazy Dude: Yay!

Nemo: Wow, didn't even hafta unbuckle my seat belt!

*then comes back*

Lupine: :: still in trunk with a hawk and raccoon fighting::

That Krazy Dude: (shoves mop up Mounty's nose and starts beating him over the head with a bucket)

Ramone: WE NEVER LEAVE A HOMBRE BEHIND!!! (crashes spacheship into the Mounty, destroying it for good)


Lupine: He was a good man...

Nemo: Poor Ramone, I knew him well for the 5 seconds I saw him.

Que Pasa: *holds Ramone's sombrero* Now I have to accomplish our dream for both of us! I will become the greatest swordsman so that my name maty be known even in Heaven!

That Krazy Dude: Oh well, better than Mexico.

Lupine: Nothing is better than Mexico.

Nemo: Hey, who let him outta the trunk?

That Krazy Dude: Aren't you supposed to be in the trunk?

Lupine: The car just fucking exploded! I'm lucky to be alive!

That Krazy Dude: Noooo!!!

Nemo: Nooooo!

That Krazy Dude: Nemo, save my burrito! *throws nemo into fire*

Que Pasa: *smacks the trunk door over Lupine*

That Krazy Dude: wtf?

Que Pasa: That tf.

Nemo: Hey, heres your burrito. It's a little burnt.

That Krazy Dude: Goody goody

*The burrito is unharmed while Nemo is burned beyond recognition and still on fire*

Nemo: Oh crap! *runs for life but falls off cliff*

Lupine: What did I miss?

Que Pasa: Girl-on-hirl action.

That Krazy Dude: Tilt-a-whirl action.

Nemo: Octupus action.

Lupine (10:28:35 PM): Not hot girl on girl action!

Que Pas: Next time we fight the mounty he shoul turn into a tilt-a-whirl!

That Krazy Dude: Yeah, a tilt-a-whirl that doubles as a cheesesteak!

Sausage Fest '06: The Golden Cheesecake Pirate Armada Movie

by Scruffy, Que Pasa, Lupine, Stampede, That Krazy Dude, No Name, Edwin and Mini-Myself (and a cameo by Patten McGroin) on September 16, 2005

Part I: Attack of the Simple Plan Clones

Part II: Old Enemies

Part III: Saget's Revenge