Harvest Goers '07: Ready Set Grow!

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The sequel to Harvest Goers '07, it was originally less complicated than the original, but it kinda became more complicated as it progressed.


During a sunday service, Vicar alerts the town of the upcoming Harvest Festival, which is sure to be fun. Vicar and Director then suit up as their Farmy counterparts, and stop random crimes that arent really farm type crimes. Vicar then is seen at the jail with Director trying to recruit Farmer Jon fpr a mission, or he would be hanged. Farmer Jon accepts, and they leave Director behind to guard the town while they are away. Vicar and Jon nearly steal Kirbys Time traveling DeLorean, but just as they are about to time travel, BOOM, Kirby and Rhyk stop them...... or at least try to. Rhyk uppercuts Scarecrow and he almost dies, But Jon saves him, and then turns on him using a giant Spring and sends Scarecrow hurdling in the sky. Jon takes off without him in the DeLorean to the past. He crash lands in Directors bar, and Doctor SteveT. (Know as Guardian Knight) Begins to patch him up. ESD the butler says that in order to reach Jon they will need a time traveling mushroom for the tractor that also time travels, but he needs to repair it. he story isnt quite over yet.


  • Golem originally had two separate timelines, which was frowned upon. He removed it later on.