The OGers: The Third Generation Page 2

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Author: SteveT

~One Month Later, in 16th Century Scottland~

Narrator: Once again, Wizzrobe stands before a lifeless suit of armor that looks a lot like SteveT.

ORANGE-gutang: So should we call it SteveT?

Elemental: I'd rather forget SteveT. He's a bit of a jerk.

ORANGE-gutang: Well, that's just because he didn't have a heart.

Elemental: Still, he's the opposite of SteveT. We'll call him.....TeevC!

Wizzrobe: I just hope I have enough magic left to get this armor animated.

Mimic MacShifter: Yeah, deactivating SteveT must've taken a lot out of you. Holding him still certainly wore the rest of us down.

ORANGE-gutang: Yeah, well, can you really blame him? I mean, I sure wouldn't want to be replaced.

Elemental: Indeed. I just hope this clockwork heart works.

Wizzrobe: It should, as long as you keep him standing up. If he lays down, the pendulum won't power the heart and--

Booming Voice: Hey! Wait a minute!

~Back in the gas station in the present~

Clerk: If this is a backstory flashback about you, why aren't you in this scene?

SteveT: Because the birth of my replacement was a very formulative moment in my life, whether I was there or not.

Clerk: So how are you animated again?

SteveT: Long story.

Clerk: I'd like to hear it.

SteveT: No. You're alrady wasted too much of this post. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm having a flashback.

Narrator: SteveT waits for the flashback to begin again, but it never does.

SteveT: Son of broke it.

Clerk: Flashback bombinators only last for so long.

SteveT: Bah...

Clerk: So if you won't tell me how you're alive, can you at least tell me why you're a villain?

SteveT: Simple. I killed TeevC and swore revenge on the Festivity Attenders for their insolence.

Clerk: No wonder they wanted you deactivated...but aren't they all dead?

SteveT: Well, the exact words of the oath were, "I hereby swear revenge upon the Festivity Attenders and any organization that even remotely reminds me of them, regardless of whether or not the resemblence is actually there, because the Festivity Attenders were an original creation unlike any pre-existing groups of characters."

Clerk: That's elaborate...

SteveT: What can I say? I was mad.

Narrator: The Flashback bombinator opens up, to reveal a scroll. Steve T picks it up and reads it.

SteveT: "You are cordially invited to attend the festivities of Duke Scottsborough's wedding." What? Where did this come from?

Clerk: The Flashback Bombinator brings items from your past into the present, to aid remembrance.

SteveT: I don't want this. This is the party we were at when they demagicked me.

Clerk: Too bad. Five dollars for the memories, twenty for the Bombinator.

SteveT: Curses. I may be a heartless suit of armor, but I have no choice but to pay for services rendered. I'll take two more of these Flashback Bombinators and....

Narrator: SteveT completed his purchase of various unknown objects. He left the gas station carrying them in a cardboard box labeled "Fragile Plot Devices. Handle With Care."

Author: Masamune

~On board the S.S. Dodo~

Masamune: What do you think of the ship gentlemen?

El Cent-Sorio: A bit old fashioned looking, but the technology is up to par.

Chibi-Devil: You can say that again.

El Cent-Sorio: Incidentally, how did it get named?

Masamune: Well, it's named after my old fri-

Narrator: Before he can begin what may have been a pivotal plot point, the ship rocks dangerously!

Masamune: Report!

Cataquackers: We're flying over Rocketsville, sir. That was a warning shot!

Bumptles: We're receiving a transmission!

Masamune: *pushes Bumptles out of the way and turns it on* Call off your goons!

TWO Operative: This is TRO Airspace. You are flying with unregistered numbers.

Masamune: You can tell your BOSS that this is the Dodo and he can kiss my ion trail!

TRO Operative: If you do not comply and land your ship, we WILL open fire.

Masamune: No Mecha-Sonics, eh? *turns to the others* Looks like someone's already been here. *turns back to screen* If you can land us, we're yours.

~The person on the vidscreen is suddenly replaced by a reptilian fellow with spectacles and dressed in blue, complete with a pointy blue hat~

???: Masamune, you idiot! I'm not letting you trespass this time!

Masamune: TOO. DANG. BAD. ~flips off screen~

Cataquackers: S-sir, they're activating the turrets!

Lt. Snagret: Orders, sir?

Masamune: ~shoves Snagret away~ I'll take the helm, you idiot. Evasive action! Increase the power to the engines, things are going to get fun.

El Cent-Sorio: *quietly* He is reckless.

Chibi-Devil: But stupid. He will achieve our ends sufficiently.

El Cent-Sorio: One can hope.


  • Back at the Flying Monkey's crash site*

EVIL Scientist Dude: I just remembered a vital plot point! That chick from before IDed one of the pictures as her sister! She might not be far...

Bullwinkle: How will we find her while the ship's downed?

EVIL Scientist Dude: I could try out one of the Flying Monkey's transformation modes- tehy haven't been used for years, but if we're lucky...

  • The maniacal scientist operates some controls, and the arms and legs of the Flying Moneky creak as they shift position, until the monkey appears to be crawling on all fours. The arms and legs are pulled into a ship, leaving out the hands and feet outside. Wheels pop out from the fingers and toes.*

Mecha-Pinchy: It worked!

EVIL Scientist Dude: Yes, the Roving Monkey lives! Now let's find some OGers!

  • Bullwinkle blows the dust off his steering wheel and drives the Roving Monkey, which moves slowly on an old steam engine.*

GORE: Exactly how are we going to find these people?

ESD: Don't worry, I have a plan! (looks out window through binoculars)

GORE: Yeah, I'm gonna go take a nap. Wake me up when we're there or about to blow up.

  • So GORE sleeps in his quarters. But as he sleeps, he experiances a nightmare. GORE, younger, but bloodied and beaten. Crawling helplessly along the ground, surrounded by his fellow OG Sixers.*

GORE: No... they're gone... all gone!!

Dark Cloaked Figure: You still live? I could use men like you in my group, exterminating pathetic lifeforms such as those. (waves to the corpses)


  • GORE flies at the Dark Cloaked Figure and releases one last swing with his good arm, but he misses.*

Dark Cloaked Figure: You're too weak from your battle! Now as I created you, I shall destroy you!

  • Dark Cloaked Figure unleashes a powerful blast of energy at GORE. In the Roving Monkey GORE awakens suddenly, screaming and full of sweat. Finally he calms down and returns to his sleep, knowing taht the nightmare might return again.*

Author: SteveT

  • North of the Gas Station*

Narrator: Steve T, box of plot devices in hand, travelled north from that Gas Station to fulfill his evil desires.

SteveT (to himself): Now, since I have sworn vengeance on the Festivity Attenders and anyone remotely like them, I should really work on bringing those plans to fruitiion.

I suppose my only option, then, is to find a festivity and destroy it. Hmm, there's a town up ahead. Maybe I'll find something there.

Narrator: What Steve did not realize, however, is that this "town" he saw was indeed Rocketsville II. As he walked toward the city, he spotted a figure in the distance. He slowly moved closer to discover it was Ashley.

SteveT: Hey, aren't you that girl from the gas station.

Ashley: *waves hand* You don't recognize me.

SteveT: No, I'm pretty sure you're Ashley.

Ashley: Crap.

SteveT: You know, you never gave me an answer about whether you wanted to be my dastardly assistant.

Ashley: Well, that's mostly because I was hoping I'd never see you again.

SteveT: Well, that lack of foresight is why you'd only ever be my assistant, and not the evil genious that is me.

Ashley: Right...I'm going...*points in a random direction* I'd really appreciate it if you want in any other direction.

SteveT: But I was going to go ruin some festivities in that town up ahead and, well, it's not like I can carry all this stuff on my own.

Ashley: Well, I'm kinda busy not looking for my father at the moment.

SteveT: I see how it is.

Narrator: There was a long pause in which they stared at each other, Ashley's face twisted in annoyance and disgust.

SteveT: sure you don't want to be my dastardly assistant?

Author: Luiigii of the Pipes

Ashley: -_- This conversation is over.

SteveT: But wait! I have a box of plot devices, and I'm sure there's one in here that could get you to join me! Let me just...

Ashley: Uncle Slort, can you finish the discussion for me?

Slort: *peeks out of Ashley's backpack* Gladly.

SteveT: You have a backpack?

Ashley: I found it in that box of plot devices.

SteveT: >_<

  • Slort jumps out of the backpack and walks up to SteveT.*

Slort: Hey... you know that girl over there?

SteveT: The one five feet away that I'm talking to?

Slort: Uh... yeah. The one who probably doesn't appreciate that I'm talking about her as if she's not here.

Ashley: I'm walking away now...

Slort: Anyway, she's kinda touchy about stuff like this. It's those raging hormones that teenagers get. Her's were never really suppressed by her parents, y'know...

SteveT: So, you're saying that I should ask her again next year?

Slort: Yeah! Yeah... *glances at Ashley, who gestures at him* Uh, make it two years. She won't be a teenager anymore then.

SteveT: I suppose... Hey, waitaminute. Haven't I seen you before?

Slort: I doubt it.

SteveT: No, wait, I remember. Well, not exactly. Here, let me get one of these Flashback Bombinators and--

  • Slort fires a beam out of his mouth that throws SteveT away into Rocketsville II.*

Slort: *runs over to Ashley* Jig's up. Hop on. My turn to carry.

Ashley: *sits down on top of Slort* I told you about him, didn't I?

Slort: *starts running east* You did.

Ashley: What was he talking about having seen you?

Slort: Back when Luigi and Splog and I were Party Goers, I imagine. Heck, I remember him back when Lugius and I were in the Ennead. He tends to attack organizations like these because, his exact words: "I hereby swear revenge upon the Festivity Attenders and any organization that even remotely reminds me of them, regardless of whether or not the resemblence is actually there, because the Festivity Attenders were an original creation unlike any pre-existing groups of characters."

Ashley: Festivity Attenders?

Slort: Dunno. I'd stay away from him, either way. He would have a grudge against your entire family, Lucas and Becky excluded.

Ashley: Maybe not.

Slort: Hmm?

Ashley: Well, those guys you helped me get away from earlier. They were saying something about starting another group of "OGers", and they showed me pictures of this uber-perfect predetermined group they were trying to find. Two of those pictures were of them.

Slort: Ah. That would make your entire family he has a grudge against, then. Do you want to go find them...?

Ashley: Nah. They know the way. Let's just go home.

Slort: You got it.

Narrator: Will Ashley turn her back on the Third Generation? Will SteveT recover from his fall into Rocketsville II?

SteveT: It's just a steel wound!

Narrator: Will anyone tell why Slort speaks English now? Probably not. Keep reading anyway.

Author: Masamune

Narrator: Meanwhile, Masamune and his gang are one the run from Rocketsville with TRO ships giving chase.

Masamune: We need more power to the engines!

Cataquackers: I canna do anymore captain, she's giving all she's got!

Masamune: Lazy fool! Help her then!

Cataquackers: Aye aye cap'n... *gets on the bike-like contraption with pedals and helps Goonetta peddle*

Lt. Snagret: They've opened fire!

Masamune: Raise shields!

Lt. Snagret: What shields?

Masamune: Eh?

Bumptles: You traded them for a ROB to compliment your NES collection that you recently buried.

Masamune: *tear comes to eye* I knew ye well NES...

Lt. Snagret: Hull breech on level 4!

Masamune: *sigh* So much for an epic battle. Yeesh, if they're gonna be mean about it, just cloak the ship.

Lt. Snagret: We don't have-

Masamune: Oh yeah, the recliner. Well dang. Shoot back or something.

Lt. Snagret: The missle bays are empty because-

Masamune: CURSES! Why do you let me sell these things!?

Lt. Snagret: You're the captain, sir.

Masamune: Argh. Fine, bring the ship down. Looks like we're going to be boarded, oi.


  • Nighttime. All is silent and calm in the desert save for the sound of the Roving Monkey's squeaking wheels slowly rolling through the sands. It wasn't much livelier in the actual ship- even the pilot was asleep at the wheel. Suddenly a spear flew from nowhere and pierced one of the tires- which blew up instantaneously. The Monkey's crew was awakened immediately. They all rushed to battle stations while EVIL Scientist Dude shouted orders. But by "all", I mean Bullwinkle the pilot, Mecha-Pinchy the super-strong lobster and GORE-ILLA the washed up fighter who's only good for cliched, yet sage, advice. Another spear hit the hatch of the now immobile Roving Monkey, blasting it open after a second of glowing. The figure's outline was seen moving through the smoke and came into the light of the battle station. He was a man in his forty's- black hair, mustache and blue jumpsuit with some cool-looking facial scars, twirling around a spear in his right hand.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Oh no... Vlad the bounty hunter?

Vlad: Aye. You know who I'm here for, and there's no use putting up a fight. Just give yourself up.

EVIL Scientist Dude: ...Mecha-Pinchy! Defensive maneavers!

Mecha-Pinchy: CRUSH!

  • Vlad casually continues to twirl the spear around as Mecha-Pinchy blindly charges him. An attempt to crush Vlad beneath his oversized claw is easily dodged. Vlad touches a point on his spear, and the head grows sharper, longer and slimmer. Vlad pulls it back and with a yell, impales Mecha-Pinchy on it. The spear tears through the layers of mechanical brilliance, overloading the lobster's body with electricity until it explodes. EVIL Scientist Dude would have let out a shriek of terror, were he still on board the ship. The netire crew had retreated through the upper hatch during Pinchy's diversion. Knowing his bounty was no longer aboard the Roving Monkey, he planted explosive spears throughout the ship and leapt from it as it exploded violently.*

Vlad: (squints) There they are!

  • Not too far away EVIL Scientist Dude, the photos crumpled in his hands, is running alongside Bullwinkle, who is pushing GORE in a wheelchair as fast as possible. But Vlad, using his spears as jumping poles, is quickly catching up to the trio.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: He's gaining on us!

Bullwinkle: Wait, what's that?

  • Another figure rides a landspeeder between Vlad and EVIL Scientist Dude. He leaps out of the vehicle and faces Vlad. Reaching out with both his hands, a shining light forms in front of his hand and grows extremelyy bright. Vlad is covered by the light and tries to shield his eyes.*


Light-Producing Figure: Take my speeder and leave, before he recovers!

  • EVIL Scientist Dude leaps into the pilot's seat without a word while Bullwinkle dumps GORE in the back seat and sits in the passenger seat. But something causes EVIL Scientist Dude to stare at the teenage boy- there was something familiar about him. When the Light-Producing Figure turned his face around to talk to the scientist dude, in fornt of the light his facial features became visible. A young man with a blonde mullet, very young- early in his teens, yet unusually tall. EVIL Scientist Dude gaped as he checked an identical photo.*

Light-Producing Boy: What are you waiting for? I can't hold him off forever!

  • As he speaks a spear just barely misses his head and lands harmlessly on the floor. Reluctantly EVIL Scientist Dude turns on the ignition of the landspeeder and drives away into the darkness, thinking that that will be the last he'd see of the boy, but knowing that that won't be the last he sees of the boy.*

Author: AaronGuy

  • Just outside the atmosphere of Earth, above what was/still is the United States... A small, sleek white ship exits out of hyperspace in front of the blue planet. Inside the spacecraft, a tall, broadshouldered humaniod sits at the controls. Though somewhat human in appearance, the individual is an Ulbrectus, an alien race from a galaxy far, far away.. The pilot, a male, has a visor over his green eyes to keep his shaggy black hair out of them. His ears, longer than a humans but certainly not long enough to be considered elven, stick out at right angles to his head. It's also worth noting that the gloves he wears are missing the fingertips to allow his long, clawlike nails to protrude.*

Ulbrectus: Open connection. *a small screen on the controls flickers on* Spyglass, this is the Demetria, arriving in the Milky Way system to observe debris from the destroyed Earth..

Voice from Screen: Very good, Demetria. Begin observations.

Ulbrectus: Roger. *presses a button* Hm... that's odd... excess debris is nonexistant... traces of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon... it's almost as if- *looks up from the controls and out of the ship for the first time* ...erm.. Spyglass...

Screen: Yes, Demetria? Is there a problem?

Ulbrectus: Sort of. The planet that exploded was Earth, correct? Green and Blue, moderate size, a hole in the protective at the North and South poles?

Screen: Correct. We reason that it exploded between the years 2000 and 2005.

Ulbrectus: Then tell me what this planet I'm looking at is. *pushes another button to send a picture of Earth*

Screen: ...Impossible. The radiation from the explosion is still visible on our scanners. They trace back to this galaxy, to that planet.

Ulbrectus: Well, I'm telling you that there's either something wrong with the planet or your scanners, because that planet is right in front of me.

Screen: Very well. Your mission has changed. Observe the planet, and see if you can find anything about that explosion. Intelligent life was found there before the explosion, maybe there is still some there.

Ulbrectus: Roger that, Spyglass. Beginning entry of Earth's atmosphere...

Ship: *heats up as it goes through the atmosphere, flying just above what is now Rocketsville I.*

Ulbrectus: Hm... buildings, though shoddy, are apparent. Atmosphere is capable of sustaining life. All signs point to intelligence, but where is- eh? A transmission? *turns on the screen*

TRO Operative: Attention unidentified craft. This is Team Rocket Omega airspace. You are flying with unregisteted numbers.

Ulbrectus: This is Lieutenant Ramsey Tungsten of the Spyglass Organization. I am here on a mission of peace from my superiors to examine your planet after it's explosion.

TRO Operative: ...Explosion? Er, hang on a second. *screen goes blank*

Ramsey: Interesting. *button push* Spyglass, come in. I just spoke with a lifeform from the planet. He seemed... skeptical about the explosion.

Screen: I suppose your motives might seem strange. Please comply to all requests, but be prepared to leave if their intentions are hostile.

Ramsey: Roger that.

  • Back on the ground...*

TRO Operative 1: He said something about the Earth exploding. What do you think THAT'S about?

TRO Operative 2: Maybe it's a threat, and he's just waiting for this 'Spyglass' Organization to nuke us!

TRO Operative 1: No, he said it was a mission of peace... What should we do?

TRO Operative 2: Well... let's get him on the ground first. We'll see about what his plans are face to face.

TRO Operative 1: Good plan. *back to screen* Attention spacecraft. If your mission is indeed a peaceful one, please land your ship. Do this, or we shall open fire.

Ramsey: Very well.

TRO Operative: *to the other operative* He said okay! Oh, uh, we will retrieve you and bring you to our town.

Ramsey: ...Understood. *starts to land*

Author: SteveT

Narrator: SteveT crashed in an alleyway in Rocketsville II. Thanks to the brick wall that stopped him, his back was now very heavily dented. Thanks to Newton's Third Law, so was the wall.

SteveT: Good thing I don't have nerves, or that would have really hurt. Bah, where am I gonna find a blacksmith in this century?

Narrator: A sign that had recently been attached to the wall above SteveT fell into his lap.

SteveT: Eh? Scott Ishmael Smith's School of Medieval Blaskmithry? Good fortune.

Narrator: The door two-feet to the left of SteveT opened, and a red-haired, bearded man poked his head out.

Scott: Wutter ya do-in beatin' on me wall?

SteveT: Umm...long story involving a goomba and an energy blast. look familiar...

Scott: Och! The Family Curse!

SteveT: Family curse? must be the descendent of the guy who made me then subsequently replaced me with an incredibly annoying doppleganger.

Scott: Och! 'E's recognized me! I was 'opin' yu'd stopped lookin' ferus!

SteveT: Yes, yes...your father gave me the slip. I'd been wondering where he moved to...Tell you what, I'll stop systematically murdering members of your family for revenge if you fix my back.

Scott: Aye, get in then.

SteveT: Yeah, let me just get my box of plot devices. It should be right...

Narrator: SteveT looked back and forth, but the box was not in the alley.

SteveT: Blast, my plot devices. I need to find them before they're used for evil--by someone else.

Scott: 'Ang on, now. You loste yer box o' devaeces and now you 'ave to go on a quest to faend 'em?

SteveT: Ironic, isn't it? I'd invite you to be my dastardly assistant, but I'm already sick of your accent.

Scott: It's fake anyway.

Author: Masamune

  • Elsewhere in the dark night, at Rocketsville, Team Rocket Omega officials surround the downed S.S. Dodo, armed with Pokeballs and bazookas and wearing classic Rocket Grunt uniforms. They silently awaiting the crew, while a similar squad led Ulbrectus towards the fortress like city hall, known as the Really Tall Hall. But back to the squad outside the Dodo.*

Minimum Wage Rocket Grunt: You have until the count of ten to come out, or your ship won't be sailing no more skies!

  • Inside the ship...*

Cataquackers: We're doomed! DOOMED!! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!!!!~!!!!#%$ DO-

Masamune: (slaps Cataquakers) Get ahold of yourself, whatever you might be! I don't know abut you, but as long as I can hold a weapon, I will still fight!

Others: Yeah!

  • So Masamune leaps of the S.S. Dodo, slashing violently and vigorously at the TRO soldiers, while the others watch from the ship.*

Lt. Snagret: Whoa, he's gonna sleep tonight!

Chibi-Devil: You can say that again!

Cataquackers: Uh, shouldn't we help him?

El Cent-Surio: If he is as good as he claims, he can take care of himself.

  • Ulbrectus sees the fight as he is led towards the Really Tall Hall.*

Ulbrectus: Hey, what's going on over there?

Minimum Wage Rocket Grunt 2: It's nothing, move along!

  • Back to Rocketsville II. After repairs, SteveT joyously skips out into the road.*

SteveT: Amazing! I feel great, my armor is more polished then ever before!

  • Suddenly, an out-of-control speeder comes from nowhere and slams into SteveT, driving him into the same wall and denting him more then ever before.*


  • EVIL Scientist Dude, Bullwinkle and GORE hope out of the speeder as it shuts down and falls on Steve's foot.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: Sorry about that! By the way, have you seen any of these people?

  • ESD shows SteveT the photos long enough for him to memorize all their faces.*

EVIL Scientist Dude: They're going to be the latest in a line of organizations that even remotely remind me of the Festivity Attenders, regardless of whether or not the resemblence is actually there, because the Festivity Attenders were an original creation unlike any pre-existing groups of characters.

SteveT: ...

  • SteveT cracks his armored knuckles as he slowly approaches the trio...*

Author: Luiigii of the Pipes

Slort: Ashley, wake up.

Ashley: Hmm... where are we?

Slort: It's morning. I figured that we could stop for breakfast before going the rest of the way.

Ashley: Where are we?

Slort: Ohio.

Ashley: It took you a night to run from Nevada to Ohio? You're slacking.

Slort: You're heavy.

Ashley: I'd smack you, but it's too much trouble to bend down. So where exactly in Ohio... are we...?

  • Ashley looks around and notices the city they're in.*

Ashley: Wait... I've seen this before... why are we in Rocketsville?

Slort: To get breakfast.

Ashley: Rocketsville?! We couldn't just stop in a town near here? We HAD to go to Rocketsville?

Slort: It's Cincinatti, but yeah.

Ashley: It's Rocketsville. You know they hate us here.

Slort: Yeah, so? They've got a little bistro at the corner of Ekan and Koff that serves the best coffee in the whole bloody world. I'm tired. I want the best coffee in the whole bloody world.

Ashley: Quit pretending that you're doing this for food! Why are we here?

Slort: *looks away* Circles. Now, I believe it's your turn to carry. Mind letting me in the backpack?

Ashley: Yeah, okay...

  • Ashley opens the backpack and lets Slort climb in.*

Slort: I don't care where you go for breakfast... but that little bistro on Ekan and Koff would be nice.

Author: Masamune

~Inside the large TR building at Rocketsville which is by no means secret...~

Rocket Agent: Who are you!?

Masamune: Bob.

Rocket Agent: *slaps him* Who are you!?

Masamune: Jim?

Rocket Agent: *slaps him* Who are you!?

Masamune: Rumpelskitzkin?

Rocket Agent: *slaps him* TELL ME!

Masamune: Nuh-uh.

Rocket Agent: Listen, I know you're Masamune. I have your ID here. But if we're going to get this interrogation done, you have to tell me.

Masamune: Ain't happening.

Rocket Agent: Grrrr...

Rocket Underling: Sir! An unregistered humanoid and ... goomba-oid... err... thing have been apprehended!

Rocket Agent: More intruders! What are they here for?

Rocket Underling: Coffee, sir.

Rocket Agent: *clenches fist* Oh I'll give them coffeee... all the coffee they can handle!!!!!

Rocket Underling: Sir?

Rocket Agent: I was having an evil moment you idiot. Take this prisoner to the cell, I will be visiting ALL the intruders together.

Rocket Underling: Yessir!

Rocket Agent: *to self* And soon I will control Team Rocket.

Rocket Underling: You're still talking out loud sir.

Rocket Agent: You didn't hear that.

Rocket Underling: Oh, right sir. Wild imagination of mine, sir.

Author: SteveT

~Back in Rockestville II~

SteveT (aside): Bah, I'm dented. These guys remind me of the Festivity Attenders, even though they really shoudln't, and they just showed me pictures of even more people who will remind me of the Festivity Attenders. I should kill these three right now.

But wait, if I kill these three, the people in the photos won't remind me of the Festivity Attenders, and I don't get the pleasure of taking revenge on them...

Bah, I'll have to let these guys go this time. At least until I'm repaired.

EVIL Scientist Dude: I hate to inerrupt a long aside, but I can't help but noticing that you're cracking your knuckles and ominously approaching us?

SteveT: Eh? Oh, I'm sorry. Nervous habit. See, the left ring finger is grafted on and I can to close it with the other hand.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Oh, well I suppose that makes sense. Ish. So did you recognize any of the pictures?

SteveT: No, unfortunately. I'll keep a look out though. I promise that much.

  • Scott Smith comes running down the road*

Scott: Steve! I was on my way to lunch now that you're fixed up and--holy crap, you're dented again.

EVIL: Yeah...sorry about that, by the way.

Scott: I guess I'm eating a late dinner. Anyway, I found your box of Plot Devices.

SteveT: Bah, why don't you just give away all my secrets?

EVIL: Wait..plot devices? I don't suppose one of those helps locate people?

SteveT: Maybe. That depends on what I get out of it.

EVIL: A free ride to wherever I choose to go?

SteveT: Yeah, you better take me there. You're waiting until I get my dents fixed.

Author: AaronGuy

~In the Really Tall Hall...~

Slightly Better Paid Rocket Admin: Mayor, there's someone here to see you.

Magikoopa: ~lounging on his throne-like chair, playing an N-Gage~ I'm too busy to blast him, just throw him in the agitated suckerfish pit.

Rocket Admin: ...No sir, not THAT kind of visit. He's apparently from space. He wants to talk to you about something concerning Earth.

Magikoopa: ~throws the N-Gage over his shoulder~ Really? Well, this might be interesting. Send him in.

N-Gage: Mein Leiben! ~shatters on the ground~

~Ramsey enters the room, stooping slightly to get under the low doorframe. He stops a few yards from the throne, and bows slightly~

Magikoopa: ~smirks~ Heh, I like you already. So, what brings you here, spaceman?

Ramsey: I am Ramsey Tungsten, of the Spyglass Corporation. We are primarialy an organization based on collecting and analyzing data, but when odd readings that cannot be explained are recieved, operatives such as myself are sent out.

Magikoopa: Yes... And?

Ramsey: Last week, we picked up traces of radiation often linked with a type 3 combustion: an exploding planet. The readings all point to this planet, Earth, sometime around the year 2000.

Magikoopa: What?! You're talking nonsense, spaceman.

Ramsey: Our sensors do NOT lie. Now, I'm assuming you've been around for a while, so if you'll come back with me to my ship for some questions...

Magikoopa: Enough! I won't have my time wasted by some crackjob in a jumpsuit! Grunts! Sic 'em!

~A baker's dozen of Very Poorly Paid Grunts, armed with Bazookas, Nets, and Attack Pokemon, swarm out from the woodwork. Ramsey quickly bolts behind a pillar. Pushing a small button on the side of each of his gloves, a small blade and hand cannon hulk out of the sides of his left and right bracers, respectively.~

Ramsey: I don't want to use force. Call off your men!

Magikoopa: No way! I don't know who this Spyglass corporation is, but I answer to no one! Except my superiors. Which you are certainly NOT!

Ramsey: Very well.

~The Ulbrectus leaps out from behind the pillar, opening fire on the grunts. Those that duck and dodge the constant firing are gutted on the blade. Ramsey, however, has made a critical error.~

Magikoopa: ~spent his time charging up a large blast of energy~ Take this! ~fires at Ramsey~

~The bolt of magic splits into the traditional Circle/Square/Triangle offensive magic spell that is common among wizard koopas. As each shape hits Ramsey, there is a bright flash and a deafening explosion. Finally, the traveller from afar is crumpled up on the ground in a smoking heap, barely alive. The handful of living Rocket Grunts step towards him~

Grunt1: ...Is he-

Grunt2: Nah, he's still breathing. Let's finish em off. ~points his bazooka at Ramsey~

Magikoopa: No, hold on. If he's from Space, he must have some kind of technology. Those gloves of his, for one. Take any tools you find on him, then go see what you can do with his ship. If the security systems give you any trouble, just blow it up. ~looks down at Ramsey~ ...Just chuck him in the garbage with the defected Mechasonic parts...


EVIL Scientist Dude: Sure, I'll just go out for a walk.

Steve T: Are you sure? The guys around here are pretty tough on outsiders-

  • EVIL Scientist calmly strolls through town with no fear of Team Rocket attacks- after all, with his mad scientist getup and the 'EVIL' in his name, nobody would think of him as being anything other then a resident Supernerd. So he walks down to Persian Alley, the shadiest area of what once was Las Vegas. He quietly knocked on a primitive wooden door. A small piece of the door slid open to reveal a brown eye peering through to him.*

Unidentified Organism: Password!

EVIL Scientist Dude: Monkeysville!

  • The door eye-hole slides back shut. The sound of locks being undone are heard, and then the door swings open, revealing a Jamiacan woman with an eyepatch covering one eye. they embrace breifly.*

Mousie: Hey mon, welcome back!

EVIL Scientist Dude: Hey, Mousie. I need some info! Mecha-Pinchy and the Flying Monkey are gone, we're being hunted by Vlad, and do you recognize any of these people?

  • Mousie looks at the pictures and points to the picture of the light-producing boy.*

Mousie: I've seen dat kid.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Really?! Where???

Mousie: (jerks thumb behind her)

Light-Producing Boy: Hey, nice to see you again! By the way, my name's Aither.

EVIL Scientist Dude: Well... welcome to the group... how the hell did you get here?!

Aither: Well I thought you'd stop by here eventually. Your password came to me in one of those prophetic dreams a while back, and so I came here to wait for you and filled in Mousie on everything that's happened.

EVIL Scientist Dude: I guess that makes a slight amount of sense... at least I have one of the Third Generation. Maybe that plot armor guy can help me find the others...