Donkey Congo

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Donkey Congo
Species Gorilla
Weaponry Bazooka
Occupation Guerrilla Fighter
Origin Africa
Creator Luigi of the Pipes
Debut Gamehiker Member OG 2 (Mentioned)
Gamehiker Member OG 3

Donkey Congo was a guerrilla gorilla fighter who raised himself to be a master hunter.


Good Timeline

Donkey Congo was initially released by the Ushutarians in Gamehiker Member OG 2: On the Road Again to destroy the Gamehikers. However, got lost and wound up on the island that would later be known as GORE-LIGAN's Island. In Gamehiker Member OG III: The Search For Splog, Yami Yoshi and GORE-ILLA arrived on the island. Donkey Congo set up traps and hunted them down, but they ultimately escaped his grasp. Afterwards, Congo focused himself on hunting and killing all the OGers - hoping to end with the gorilla robot GORE-ILLA, whom he saw as the greatest of all prey.

In Gamehiker Member OG VII: The Undiscovered Subtitle, Donkey Congo returned after a long absence and was modified by EVIL Scientist Dude with a mechanical kneecap that really didn't do anything (except turn into a baseball-pitching machine at one point). He successfully captured Golem, Lupus and Luigi of the Pipes to use as hostages. But no one cared to save them, so they decided to join up with him as the B.A.D.G.U.Y.Z.. They wound up battling the sidekick alliance. Afterwards Donkey Congo was killed by the weapons of the angelic zombie ninja pirate dwelves because he didn't have a sidekick to shield him.

In Gamehiker Member OG X: The Shrack of Neely, his niece, Dixie Kenya, joins the Sweet Sixteen to avenge her uncle.

He was succeeded by a son, Donkey Congo Jr., who sought to avenge the death of the original.

Bad Timeline

Donkey Congo became a member of The Council along with other Gamehiker Member OG villains. His triggerhappy nature caused him to kill fellow Council members Caykzor and Cayken.


~There is a hunger, a searching... Yami and GORE are not alone. From the bushes emerges the face of a gorilla, not so much like GORE's and more like DK's. The fur under his mouth has gone grey. Around his head is a red headband. Across his shoulder is a bandolier covered with orange grenades. He wears a camo undershirt, light green pants, and black boots (don't ask how). One hand sports a rapid-fire coconut gun, the other a pineapple launcher. This is Donkey Congo in the light. He is understandably POed at getting forgotten in GMOG2. And all he wants now is to kill something and use its stretched skin to fix his bongos. He hunts...~
-Donkey Congo's introduction, GMOG III.

Lupus: *slinks out of cage* Listen, Stan. Can I call you Stan? I happen to be a villain too.

Donkey Congo: *glares*

Donkey Kongo: Wait, I didn't have a sidekick to cover. So why am I-- ~is killed by a million chakram-saw-chuck-cannon-axe-arrows at once~ I hate being a GMOG villain...
-Donkey Congo's death