Party Goers Book Project

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Start: February 2005
End: Discontinued
Timeline: N/A
Writers: Flutter, Luiigii of the Pipes, Vorpal, Yoshiman, Masamune, GORE-ILLA, Big Al, Golem, SteveT
Main Cast: asdfjkl;

Chapters in the Party Goers Book Project
Prologue - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11


A book project spearheaded by Vorpal (correct me if I'm wrong) that didn't quite get off the ground. The project was carried out in secret with a select group of writers (the above listed plus Sapphire and Elzie, with Ditto promising an epilogue) and referred to publicly as the Party Goers Bootleg OGs. Though incomplete, Big Al has taken up the project on his own--it can be seen here.

As the intent was to get the book published, some characters received changes to make them legally distinct and/or less complex:

  • Nintenfreak was renamed Phostheo (End in the current project).
  • Flutter was no longer a Koopa, though this change had already been made prior to the book.
  • Luiigii of the Pipes was renamed Lumei of the Pines (Loomy in the current project) and references to Jedi, Goombas, and Mario Bros.-esque fireballs were removed.
  • Yoshiman was changed into Guana Mann, distinctly not a Yoshi.
  • Masamune was renamed Marsharoon (but changed back in the current project) and Dodo was renamed Doodle.