Category:Anti-OG Six

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My anti-drug. This group was first formed in Hell during Member OG 4: GORE-ILLA's Quest, at a point when all the villains had been killed off for stupid reasons. The team was proposed by Dark GORE to oppose the OG Six. The original team was comprised of Lupus, Sephnity, Dark GORE, Koopa, Chaos and Dark Jim, who was recruited later.

After Dark GORE's death, MON-KILL was enlisted to take his place. The Anti-OG Six also had a new member (Sephnitu, replacing Dark Jim) in the first, non-canon Member OG 5. The Anti-OG Six's second, and so far last, canon appearance was in Member OG 6: VGF Moon, where they battled the OGers on Militia and framed them of being spies.

In Gamehiker Member OG VIII, an alternate Anti-OG Six is formed to fight the demon Yami and his OG Six comrades. It consisted of Good Timeline refugees Masamune, Murasame, Vorpal, Sapphire, Scruffy, and the Bad Timeline's Rhyk, with Kuria and Roy hanging out on the side.

Pages in category "Anti-OG Six"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.