Madame Aroma

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Madame Aroma in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.
Madame Aroma
Species Hylian
Relatives Mayor Dotour (husband), Kafei (son)
Debut The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Madame Aroma is a character appearing in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask.


Madame Armoa was Mayor Dotour's wife and was in charge of the Clock Town performances as well as holding the title of postmistress. She faced some difficult obstacles in the month leading up to the Carnival of Time in Majora's Mask, when rumors surfaced that the moon would fall and destroy Clock Town. Her son Kafei went missing, and several performers are forced to drop out of the carnival. She called for an expert person-finder to discover Kafei. Aroma assumed that Link was the person-finder when he met her, and she gave him Kafei's Mask to use to identify him before sending him out in search of Kafei.

Aroma would not get results until the night of the third day, when she was sitting at the Latte Milk Bar. As part of Kafei's sidequest, she would receive emergency mail from Kafei, delivered by either Link or the Postman. If Link brought it, Madame Aroma granted him a bottle with Chateau Romani, and if the Postman brought it to her, she ordered him to evacuate town. In the 3D remake, she also gave Link a Fishing Hole Pass if the sidequest was repeated. In the game's ending, she was seen attending Kafei's marriage to Anju.


  • She has to be visited before 10AM on the first day in order to receive Kafei's Mask.
  • She is among the few characters in Majora's Mask to not be a counterpart of an existing character from Ocarina of Time.