Talk:GHWiki: Project Pokemon/Stub Help

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Revision as of 12:28, 5 June 2008 by Masamune (talk | contribs)
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  • The Pokedex information has a problem when it is too close to the infobox template. I suggest moving it to the end of the page. Ideally, we should keep all table-based content (moves, weaknesses, pokedex, etc) at the bottom above the navigation boxes and leave the actual typed out information at the top. In this way we prevent any formatting problems.
    • Oh, I didn't understood well the errors, for me all the data in all the pages appears to work fine but it's maybe only because of my configuration I suppose. I tried to order all the data in such a way that would describe first the specie and then work into the info that only hardcore gamers would need and casuals could just be looking for basic info like where to find. If I suggest something to cut that would be the Other media sections.
      • Well I'm not suggesting we cut anything. Just re-ordering it to minimize formatting problems.
  • Since there are so many unfinished Pokemon pages, perhaps we should replace them with a custom "Pokemon" stub. That way the stubs category can list everything else.
    • Already done that, it's "PokeStub" but need a bit of work in the Category section if you want to separate these stubs from the others.
      • I see.
  • On the infobox itself, I'm going to see about doing something different than the Fire, Water, Ice, etc icons to make them link to their respective pages. Maybe replace them with colorized tables of some sort or find a way to make the icons link to the appropriate pages rather than the image page. This would be a bit more appropriate.
    • Well, I left the + mark supposing that that would be enough to suggest "more about this type" kind of link. I have never seen an image in a wiki being a link to a page other than the info about that image. We could always revert it to plain text and add a color frame for each.
      • I've seen it on one Wiki. Of course it had the little icons that comes after external links. I even configured it on one of the other wikis I run. It's just a matter of enabling external images. But I think a frame would work better.
  • Male/Female gender icons? The actual unicode icons for both don't show up well on the default Wiki template. Images would work better.
    • No, I ment sprite differences, like some species have. I was thinking of doing a 2x3 or 3x2 table that would have Male-Front, Male-Back, Female-Front, Female-Back, Shiny-Front and Shiny-Back but that would need 493x6 png images and I'm not sure how much more bandwith you would like to dedicate for this series as it is already too much.
      • Yeah, I knew what you meant there. I was just throwing that out as a separate suggestion in general. As for how many images that would be... it's true that would be a lot. I'm not sure if, given the site's focus, we should go that in depth. But I'm not exactly hard lining that necessarily. There's plenty of storage space altogether on the site. I think in the end, we could probably do without the 'back' icons. They're not as necessary to illustrate the difference.

Otherwise this stub guide works very well. Very thorough, save for the possibility of reorganization of the pages. Thoughts? -Masamune 18:40, 4 June 2008 (MDT)

One more thing, about the fact that not more than 4 or 5 people are helping, is a little bit sad that almost nobody knows about this site (Engine searchs ironically leave more results about the body part than page names and most leave us up to page 5 or more) and even less people register. Shouldn't we be thinking about finding more people to lend a hand at least for details, like promote the wiki or something? Last question, do Burocrats have any special things that others don't? SBM 23:57, 4 June 2008 (MDT)
Very true, unfortunately. I really don't know of any good ways to attract people to do edits. Everyone seems to stick to places like Wikia, which in general have more articles, though Gamehiker's 1500+ articles tend to be more in depth than the myriad of one-liner pages you find on other Wikis. Of course, it's always possible I could see about arranging some link exchanges with the few Nintendo-related Wikis that aren't part of that horrible Wikia monster. Like MarioWiki, Bulbapedia, and At the very least, it would attract people to some of the excellent coverage we have on this Wiki that isn't anywhere else. (The Fire Emblem section, for instance, knocks the socks off any other Fire Emblem wiki. Same goes for the F-Zero entries). At least if we attract people through those from those sites, we might be able to score some converts. Of course, I'm always welcome to any ideas. -Masamune 12:28, 5 June 2008 (MDT)