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The Future of Planet Takora
Species Takoraian
Age 88
Origin Takora
Debut F-Zero X

Octoman is a racer in the F-Zero seres who races to win money for his homeworld. He is also a character in Star Fox Command where he is an Anglar bent on conquering the Lylat System.



A racer in the Grand-Prix, Octoman is a humanoid octopus creature with six arm-like tentacles and two leg tentacles. He pilots the Deep Claw, an F-Zero ship specially designed to accommodate his unusual body type. His race, the Takoraians, are at odds with most other sentient races and tend to be arrogant about their advanced intelligence.

As a Takoraian, he comes from a war torn planet that is at odds with the Milky Way Space Federation. As a result his homeworld is economically deprived, leaving the planet in an unstable condition. For this reason, Octoman joined the Grand Prix so that he could use his winnings to pay for the education costs of his children. The rest he plans to donate to the Takora government to build the economical state of the planet.

In the anime-inspired games F-Zero: GP Legend and Climax, Octoman is forced to join the Dark Million in order to keep the creditors at bay. His machine has since been improved by Zoda making it one of the fastest machines on the circuit.

Deep Claw

Deep Claw.jpg
  • Number: 08
  • Creator: Kurosuminov Universal Shipbuilders
  • Engine: OCT-108x2+ASHI-24x2
  • Weight: 990 kg
  • Body: B
  • Boost: B
  • Grip: C

The Deep Claw is a standard F-Zero machine that was purchased by the Takora government to be used by Octoman. Because the planet is not very technologically advanced, the only modifications made were redesigning the cockpit to make it easier for a Takoraian to handle. Because of this it is average in its abilities, making for an easy ride but has none of the advantages needed to win the races.

Star Fox



A minion serving the Anglar Empire. He is an octopus-like creature that generally pilots a standard fighter ship capable of resisting Venom's acidic sea. He acts as one of the base bosses on the final mission on Venom. He taunts his foe for being absolutely crazy to think that they can defeat the Empire. He's also quite the hothead and known to make stupid threats, often swearing by his 'eight tentacles' despite not having that many. He is however, defeated anyways.

During the Ending 1 or 4 paths, Octoman defeated Slippy on Aquas. He then was somehow able to brainwash Slippy, forcing the toad to battle against his allies. During the battle he piloted his Octopod ship and hid in various pods throughout the battlefield. Once he was defeated, Slippy returned to normal. In the Ending 7 battle, it turns out he is Zako's superior and although not present for the battle, taunts Slippy and Amanda irregardless.

Other Appearances

Video Games


  • His design is similar to the Octorok of Legend of Zelda fame.
  • His Star Fox Command ship (not the Octopod) is designed like the Deep Claw.