Dr. Andonuts

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Official clay model of Andonuts
Dr. Andonuts
Species Human
Hair color Gray
Eye color Unknown
Base Winters
Relatives Jeff (son)
Debut Earthbound

Dr. Andonuts is a supporting character who appeared in both Earthbound and Mother 3, and he is known as the father of Jeff.


Dr. Andonuts was brilliant scientist who lived in a laboratory at Winters. Although he was kind, he was also somewhat absent-minded and was so devoted to his research that he ignored his family, particularly his son Jeff. He sent Jeff to the boarding school Snow Wood and did not see him for ten years. Andonuts himself had attended Snow Wood and was well-known there because of his accomplishments such as being the first leader of the Ultra Science Club. His inventions included the Instant Revitalizing Device and the Sky Runner.


When Jeff eventually came to see him, the doctor did not recognize him at first and then initiated awkward conversation. At that time, Andonuts was working on the Phase Distorter which could make traveling through time and space possible. It was not done, so he suggested Jeff instead try out his Sky Runner and that they get together again in another ten years. He also had other friends stop by his lab such as the Bubble Monkey and Big Foot, who sold him beef jerky.

Jeff was later able to have the damaged Sky Runner return to the lab. Dr. Andonuts then met Ness (somehow recognizing him immediately) and began spilling embarrassing factoids about Jeff before telling Ness to take care of himself and Jeff. He told them about a cave near Stonehenge known as Rainy Circle and suggested that they check it out while he remodelled the Sky Runner. He eventually finished fixing the Sky Runner so that it could fly to Summers, and he then resumed his other work after they left. Andonuts completed one of his other projects by making Brick Road into the Dungeon Man. Apple Kid also visited him because he wanted to help with the Phase Distorter, but both of them were captured by minions of Giygas, and they were imprisoned within the secret base at Stonehenge. Ness's group eventually rescued them.

Dr. Andonuts then began working together with Apple Kid and the Mr. Saturn on the Phase Distorter, despite Pokey having stolen their prototype. The last material he needed would be a piece of a meteorite that he could use to synthesize Zexonyte. Ness pointed out having seen a meteorite in Onett, and Dr. Andonuts wished him luck retrieving it., as he wondered what Onett was like in Giygas's hands. Andonuts was amazed by the mineral and was then able to finish the second version of the Phase Distorter with Apple Kid and Mr. Saturn. He advised Ness and his friends to be fully prepared before using the Phase Distorter. They then completed the third version after realizing that Giygas was attacking them from the past and took it to meet with Ness's group at the Cave of the Past. As time travel was impossible to perform using lifeforms, Dr. Andonuts decided to transfer their brain "programs" into robot bodies. He quickly made large, clunky robots which resembled them and which would carry their spirits to the past, but he warned them that there might not be a way to return to their bodies. Andonuts commended them for their bravery, as very few knew of their feats, and he felt fortunate to be present at the beginning of this fateful event.

With the war against Giygas over, the heroes returned to the present time and their bodies. Andonuts had worried about their wellbeing and wished that he could have also joined them as a robot. Jeff chose to stay with Dr. Andonuts, and they proceeded to work on new research together.

Mother 3

At some point in the future, Professor Andonuts was captured by Pokey and was forced to work on experiments for him at New Pork City. One such invention was the Absolutely Safe Capsule, which Pokey could use to protect himself during emergencies. Andonuts and the Mr. Saturns secretly made the device so that it would entrap Pokey forever if he ever tried to use it, and the professor did warn him not to use it but in a very small voice. Lucas's group first found him hiding in a trash can, and he warned them about the weakness of the chimera attacking them. He suggested using their dog as bait, although the monkey Salsa was able to perform the task instead. Andonuts decided that this was his chance to leave Pokey behind and begin leading others towards happiness. He was then chased by the dog, Boney, while trying to insist that his "bait" comment was just a joke.

Lucas's group talked with Dr. Andonuts in his laboratory, and he showed him some of his secret chimera projects that could be helpful to them for their current obstacle. Within the various areas of the Empire Porky Building, he attended the last DCMC show, and at the throne he told Pokey that he refused to work for him anymore, but Pokey seemed to ignore him. The professor showed up again after Pokey entered the Absolutely Safe Capsule following his defeat at Lucas's hands. Andonuts explained the true purpose of the capsule, which was to keep everyone outside the capsule safe from Pokey. He said that Pokey would be trapped in the capsule for infinite days and pondered that this might have been what Pokey wanted in the end. The doctor than had much fun rolling Pokey's capsule around.


  • His name is a play on "donuts" and could be read as "doctor and donuts". This is because of his love of donuts which is shown in his official art, and within the Earthbound he offers a donut to Jeff when they meet.
  • In Earthbound, his genius is compared to that of Einstein and Heisenberg.
  • The details of Dr. Andonuts's kidnapping in Mother 3 are unspecified, such as at which point after Earthbound it occured, whether he was taken to the future or if not how he could still be alive during the time of Mother 3.
  • He is notable as one of the few Eartbound characters to make a full appearance during the time of Mother 3 along with Pokey himself.
  • His hiding in a trash can during Mother 3 is a reference to a habit of Lloyd and his father from the orginal Mother.
  • In an unused line found in the text for Mother 3, he notes the resemblance of someone (most likely Lucas) to his son's friend. This refers to Ness and would also be the only time he refers to Jeff in the game.