User talk:Masamune

From Gamehiker Wiki
Revision as of 11:38, 16 September 2007 by Masamune (talk | contribs) (→‎Game List)
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Ah, I am sorry for any damage to the wiki I have caused. This wiki needs a lot of help, and I was trying to help out. You guys should create your css and js monobooks first. You can also add a site notice at the top by editing MediaWiki:Sitenotice.--Knife 17:45, 10 March 2007 (MST)

Ah, well no damage was done. I was just curious as to what you were doing. I have the default css established for all the templates, but hadn't done anything to the Monobook css, except for what is kept in the actual server version. To be honest it had not occurred to me to set up a Wiki version to be editted.
As for the site notice, thanks for pointing out how that works. I'll keep that in mind once I figure out something to use it for.Masamune 19:27, 10 March 2007 (MST)

Front Page

First of all, I like your new front page. Well done, Masamune.

Anyway, I noticed in the First Party section, you have Intelligent Systems there twice. I'd recommend replacing one of them with EAD Tokyo, since that's the only active first party developer I can think of at the moment. -Wandering Shadow

Thanks for the heads up. Let me know if you think there are any other relevant boxes or links I should up there. Or you can do that by editting Template:GHWikielements. --Masamune 08:11, 27 March 2007 (MDT)

Featured Article

No problem. I'm glad you approve of my choice. --Wanderingshadow

Marth Image

I took the old image of Marth from Wikipedia. I'm glad you found a better image of him, because I didn't really like the one I found. ---Wanderingshadow

Game List

Hey Masamune! I would like to direct your attention to this page I created featuring all the Nintendo games that I consider Brawl-worthy (and therefore I think must be included into the wiki) for you to check and tell me if I'm missing any or you want to remove others. I used mostly gamefaqs and NinDB so it must be acurate, but anyway give it a checkout please so I can start creating game pages. I left out generic sport games (like Tennis, Golf, etc... unless specific characters appear or were created for them), arcades because I can't verify most of them and games based on Mangas, Anime, Cartoons, etc. Smash Brother 16:01, 14 September 2007 (MDT) Oh, BTW, will you update the wiki to allow sortable tables soon?

I don't see any immediate problems with the list, though obviously Japanese links should be redirected to their American counterpart. But that depends on your intentions of it for the site. What is the Game List going to do besides be a basis to work on pages from?
You'll have to tell me how to perform that update though, because that's a new one for me. -Masamune 17:13, 14 September 2007 (MDT)
My idea for creating the list was to state the goals of this wiki, which games should be included and which are not to be. I know that it's more or less stated in the Community Portal, but nowadays the lines between first/second/third parties is too narrow to see clearly. About the sortabe tables, I don't know myself, I just have seen that other wikis that I have edited suddenly had upgrades that allowed them, I think that if run an upgrade they will be imediatly available and I must say that I find them quite usefull. Smash Brother 11:12, 16 September 2007 (MDT)
I'll look into the sortable tables. But the Game List for that is a good idea. It should be worked into a kind of Project Page, which is something we need to have anyways. The only bad part about that page is how all the Japanese-only games were shoved off at the end. Was that intentional? -Masamune 11:38, 16 September 2007 (MDT)