Bodyguards in Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland

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In Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland, bodyguards can be hired to protect Tingle during battles and aid him with some puzzles. Most bodyguards are hired at the Bodyguard Salons scattered throughout Hyrule; the head Salona at each salon will take a commission during the hiring process, but will also ensure that all rupees are returned to Tingle if a bodyguard refuses to work for the sum offered. Only three bodyguards will appear in a salon at a time, though on the second and third continents the head Salona will offer to switch the line-up for another fee. Tingle can only hire one bodyguard at a time; hiring a new bodyguard while already under protection will replace the old one.

The bodyguards available at the salons can be divided into three categories based on their size (small, medium, and large), their personality (lazy, combative, and smart), and their location; a bodyguard cannot leave the continent he or she was hired on, though he or she will wait for Tingle to return unless he hires a new bodyguard. The combination of the first two categories leads to a total of nine character types, which are repeated from continent to continent under a different color scheme. In addition, there are three special bodyguards known as drifters; they can be hired on any continent, but do not appear in salons and are rarely encountered.

All bodyguards have three statistics based on Health, Strength, and Defense that determine their effectiveness in battle. Bodyguards battle in the same way that Tingle does; bumping into an enemy will surround them both in a cloud of dust during which the fighting takes place. If Tingle joins in, the bodyguard will fight more effectively and also provide the rare opportunity for a Tingle Chance. A drifter bodyguard can perform a special attack if Tingle is not in the same cloud as him, however. In addition, bodyguards are immune to environmental hazards such as spikes and bombs (though they will be stunned by them) and will automatically deflect projectiles directed at them. If Tingle freezes or catches on fire, they will run up to him and break him free or put him out.

Bodyguards can be healed with the various Tingly potions that Tingle can create; if a bodyguard loses all of his or her Health, he or she will lie on the ground and wait for Tingle to revive him or her with another offer of rupees (at least as many as it took to hire him or her). The bodyguard will remain until Tingle hires a new one or leaves the continent. Unlike the others, drifter bodyguards will not accept potions or renewals of their contracts and will leave immediately after losing all of their Health.

In some dungeons, bodyguards can be used to help Tingle reach secret areas and acquire Rupee Goods or other rewards. Small bodyguards can crawl into holes too large for Tingle to fit through and pull out treasure chests (these holes must sometimes be bombed open), medium bodyguards can pick the locks on doors, and large bodyguards can pick up and smash rocks blocking the path. However, no bodyguard is required to progress through a dungeon (save for Teddy Todo).

The following is a list of all bodyguards, including descriptions from the game:


  • Can I Have A Tissue?

ZuZu is a small bodyguard with a lazy personality found on the first continent.


Fee: 35 rupees
Health: 4
Strength: 3
Defense: 3
"Represents the third generation of Snotty Martial Arts Masters... Some fear for the school's future..."


  • Nursery School Brat

Titch is a small bodyguard with a combative personality found on the first continent.


Fee: 45 rupees
Health: 4
Strength: 3
Defense: 3
"His hobby is annoying grown-ups. He is a junior member of a certain secret society...


  • Super Guard Dog

Cano is a small bodyguard with a smart personality found on the first continent.


Fee: 65 rupees
Health: 4
Strength: 3
Defense: 3
"Specially-trained guard dog, Cano's bite is even worse than his bark!"


  • Clowning Around

Chuckles is a medium bodyguard with a lazy personality found on the first continent.


Fee: 105 rupees
Health: 5
Strength: 4
Defense: 5
"A forgetful clown who couldn't recall where his circus tent was... What will he forget today?"


  • Expert Swordswoman

Zonma is a medium bodyguard with a combative personality found on the first continent.


Fee: 125 rupees
Health: 5
Strength: 4
Defense: 5
"Her personality is somewhat sharp and her sword is her best friend..."


  • Open For Business

Mike is a medium bodyguard with a smart personality found on the first continent.


Fee: 135 rupees
Health: 5
Strength: 4
Defense: 5
"An ambitious businessman who heard there were rupees to be made being a Bodyguard."


  • Fighting Drummer

Generalissimo is a large bodyguard with a lazy personality found on the first continent.


Fee: 200 rupees
Health: 7
Strength: 6
Defense: 8
"Likes nothing more than practicing his drumming, but is reliable in a battle."


  • Always Ready To Bat!

Bosco is a large bodyguard with a combative personality found on the first continent.


Fee: 220 rupees
Health: 7
Strength: 6
Defense: 8
"Enjoys playing baseball with passing monsters...using them as the ball!"

Mighty Muscles

  • Arms Of Steel

Mighty Muscles is a large bodyguard with a smart personality found on the first continent.


Fee: 230 rupees
Health: 7
Strength: 6
Defense: 8
"A man with impressive muscles and an array of bad jokes, bound to amuse children and irritate adults..."


  • Older But Not Wiser

Tonpei is a small bodyguard with a lazy personality found on the second continent.


Fee: 385 rupees
Health: 10
Strength: 9
Defense: 8
“The founder of the Snotty School of Martial Arts. A veteran, though his footwork has slipped somewhat…”


  • Kid Gangster

Chiro is a small bodyguard with a combative personality found on the second continent.


Fee: 400 rupees
Health: 10
Strength: 9
Defense: 8
“Elite Member of a secret society made up of nursery school students… Much better than that yellow kid.”


  • Don't Pat Him

Gnash is a small bodyguard with a smart personality found on the second continent.


Fee: 425 rupees
Health: 10
Strength: 9
Defense: 8
“Another graduate of an elite dog training program. Very loyal. Has very sharp fangs.”


  • Playing The Fool

Scarper is a medium bodyguard with a lazy personality found on the second continent.


Fee: 620 rupees
Health: 12
Strength: 12
Defense: 10
“Looks like he’s deep in thought, but he really isn’t thinking anything. A really cheerful guy…”


  • Newly-Wed Warrior

Victoria is a medium bodyguard with a combative personality found on the second continent.


Fee: 640 rupees
Health: 12
Strength: 12
Defense: 10
“Newly-wed, she became a Bodyguard to escape the dull life of a housewife. A real thrill-seeker…”


  • Ruthless Operator

Johnny is a medium bodyguard with a smart personality found on the second continent.


Fee: 660 rupees
Health: 12
Strength: 12
Defense: 10
“He’s got a cold heart and a mind as sharp as a razor. He’ll do anything for rupees…”


  • Marching Warrior

Ernesto is a large bodyguard with a lazy personality found on the second continent.


Fee: 1180 rupees
Health: 14
Strength: 13
Defense: 13
“Likes to use his enemies’ heads for drumming practice. Gets a good sound out of them…”


  • Battling Batsman

Cargo is a large bodyguard with a combative personality found on the second continent.


Fee: 1300 rupees
Health: 14
Strength: 13
Defense: 13
“This one is none too bright but he really knows how to swing that bat…”


  • Exceedingly Vain

Steroido is a large bodyguard with a smart personality found on the second continent.


Fee: 1500 rupees
Health: 14
Strength: 13
Defense: 13
“A man who is in love with himself. Good in a battle, unless he spots his own reflection…”


  • Daydreamer

Domingo is a small bodyguard with a lazy personality found on the third continent.
Fee: 1920 rupees
Health: 16
Strength: 15
Defense: 13
“An instructor at the Snotty School of Martial Arts. Has a worrying tendency to daydream during battles…”


  • Kid Leader

Dante is a small bodyguard with a combative personality found on the third continent.


Fee: 2000 rupees
Health: 16
Strength: 15
Defense: 13
“Youthful leader of a secret society made up of nursery school students. He’s an aggressive little fellow…”


  • Jaws Like A Vice

Gixx is a small bodyguard with a smart personality found on the third continent.


Fee: 2200 rupees
Health: 16
Strength: 15
Defense: 13
“The smartest of the three dog Bodyguards, he has taught himself to speak at night school.”


  • Having A Laugh

Tumble is a medium bodyguard with a lazy personality found on the third continent.


Fee: 3420 rupees
Health: 17
Strength: 17
Defense: 15
“Everything he does goes wrong, which in a sense makes him a genius among his fellow clowns…”


  • Start The Battle Diet!

Reddy-Steddy is a medium bodyguard with a combative personality found on the third continent.


Fee: 3600 rupees
Health: 17
Strength: 17
Defense: 15
“An ex-model keen to keep herself in shape, she developed the popular “Battle Diet”.”


  • Business Leader

Smith is a medium bodyguard with a smart personality found on the third continent.


Fee: 3700 rupees
Health: 17
Strength: 17
Defense: 15
“An elite Bodyguard who can be relied on to solve any problem…with his sword!”


  • Drum Machine

Roland is a large bodyguard with a lazy personality found on the third continent.


Fee: 6400 rupees
Health: 19
Strength: 19
Defense: 18
“Years of fierce drumming have made him second to none in punching power.”


  • Legendary Big Hitter

Arizona is a large bodyguard with a combative personality found on the third continent.


Fee: 6800 rupees
Health: 19
Strength: 19
Defense: 18
“Whether the enemy is big or small he’ll deal with them just the same. He’ll hit them for a homerun…”

Mr. Energy

  • Full Of Energy

Mr. Energy is a large bodyguard with a smart personality found on the third continent.


Fee: 7000 rupees
Health: 19
Strength: 19
Defense: 18
“A man who has worked out so much that his brain has been mostly replaced by muscle…”

Teddy Todo

Teddy Todo is the first bodyguard that Tingle meets. He is first seen outside of the Hero’s Shrine, waiting for someone to open the way; once Tingle has done so he rushes ahead of him and all the way to a gate that can’t be opened with his weight alone. After Tingle catches up, the two agree to team up and weigh the switches down, though Teddy Todo insists on being hired first. They continue through the dungeon until they reach the lair of the Death Bug; Teddy Todo will fend off the giant larvae created while Tingle deals with the boss, then both can collect the leftover rupees when it is dead. When they try to leave, Teddy Todo gets stuck and demands his share of rupees as encouragement to get out.

Tingle encounters Teddy Todo a second time in the Insect Cavern, where he has been hired by the pirates to collect the treasures within. Though Teddy Todo doesn’t join Tingle immediately, they do work together to progress through the dungeon. If Tingle finds the Mini Death Bug Chrysalis, he can present it to Teddy Todo at the end of the dungeon to get his help with the next boss, the Ultra Death Bug and its later form, Gargantu-Bug. After leaving the dungeon, Teddy Todo will eat the chrysalis and become powered up. He explains his story as a drifter bodyguard to Tingle and offers his protection at a discounted price…this time.

Like other drifters, Teddy Todo will randomly appear throughout the world after a contract is made with him. He announces himself when Tingle enters the same screen as him, and will wait a short time to be hired before leaving again. If Teddy Todo is battling an enemy without Tingle, tapping the dust cloud he’s in will make him pound the ground and stun all enemies nearby.

Mysterious Green Giant


Fee: 20 rupees
Health: 8
Strength: 6
Defense: 3
“Large green treasure hunter. Seems kind, but there is something suspicious about him…”

Hip Drop-tastic!


Fee: 7000 rupees
Health: 20
Strength: 20
Defense: 19
“Following in the footsteps of Ronny, he went solo and is now finally as powerful as he always dreamed…”


  • Hidden Blade

A drifter bodyguard with a smart personality, Yamori disguises himself behind ninja scrolls on every island of the First Continent except for Homeland Prairie. If he is located in all four areas, he will agree to a contract with Tingle. From then on, his scroll can be located throughout the world; finding it and speaking with him will offer opportunities to hire him.


Fee: 13000 rupees
Health: 19
Strength: 20
Defense: 20
“Quite literally, a cut above the rest. This Drifter Bodyguard doesn't suffer fools gladly..."


  • Power Of Meditation

A drifter bodyguard with a smart personality, Ronny is found meditating beyond Gooey Swamp and can only be accessed by a boat. He at first shows disgust for Tingle's greedy ways and claims his might is greater than Rupees... but when Tingle shows him enough Rupees, Ronny's greed takes over and he decides to roam the world, agreeing to work as a bodyguard whenever Tingle runs into him.


Fee: 20000 rupees
Health: 20
Strength: 20
Defense: 20
“An old friend of Yamori, this Drifter Bodyguard is the best of the best..."

Tingle Chance