Enemies in The Legend of Zelda

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  • Aquamentus
    • Aquamentus is a dragon with a unicorn-like horn that serves as the boss of the Eagle and Demon Labyrinths. Aquamentus spits fireballs at enemies, but can be defeated by striking its horn enough times with almost any weapon.
  • Dodongo
    • The Dodongo is a dinosaur/rhino monster. One appears as the boss of the Moon Labyrinth. Three of them also appear in the Lizard Labyrinth. Dodongos walk around the boss room aimlessly and otherwise take no actions against Link. The key to defeating them is by tricking them into eating Bombs, as Dodongos dislike smoke.
  • Manhandla
    • The boss of the Manji Labyrinth, the Manhandla is a spinning plant creature with four claws. Diggdoggers also appear in the Snake and Lion Labyrinths. To defeat a Diggdogger, Link must destroy all of its claws with his sword or bombs. However, the Manhandla becomes faster and its movements more erratic each time it loses a claw. It is also possible to time the planting of a bomb jus right in order to destroy all of Manhandla's claws at the same time.
  • Gleeok
    • The Gleeok is a giant, multi-headed dragon who serves as a boss of the Snake and Lion Labyrinths, and a miniboss in the Dragon Labyrinth. Its main attack is to spit fireballs, and the only way to defeat it is by cutting off all of its heads. However, each head that is cut off will come to life and float around to impair Link until all other heads have been destroyed. The first Gleeok in the Snake Labyrinth has two heads, the one in the Dragon Labyrinth has three, and the final one in the Lion Labyrinth has four.
  • Digdogger
    • A giant one-eyed sea urchin is the boss of the Lizard Labyrinth. Digdoggers also appear in the Demon Labyrinth. The Digdogger is at first invincible and protected by fireball-spitting stone statues. But when Link plays his flute, the Digdogger will either shrink down or split into smaller Digdoggers. The smaller version of the Digdoggers are vulnerable to most of Link's weapons and are easily defeated.
  • Gohma
    • The Gohma is a one-eyed spider/crab creature who appears as the boss of the Dragon Labyrinth. Two additional Gohmas appear as enemies in the Lion Labyrinth. They scuttle back and forth and fire projectiles from their eye. Link can only defeat a Gohma by a firing an arrow into one's eye whenever the eye is opened. They come in two colors, the weaker red and the more-defensive blue.
  • Ganon
    • The Demon King appears as boss of the Death Mountain and the game's final boss. At first, Ganon turns invisible and attacks Link. Link must attack Ganon by swinging at him at his sword, which hurts him and temporarily turns him visible. After being hit enough times, Ganon will freeze in place. It is at this time that Link can finish Ganon off with a Silver Arrow.

Minor Enemies