Nintendo DSi Calculators

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AnimalCalculator.jpg MarioCalculator.jpg
Animal Crossing & Mario Calculators
Developer Nintendo
Publisher Nintendo
System DSiWare
Release Date Animal Crossing
JP February 25, 2009
US May 4, 2009
EU June 5, 2009
JP February 25, 2009
US June 15, 2009
EU July 3, 2009

The Animal Crossing Calculator and Mario Calculator are two DSiWare applications from Nintendo. They cost 200 points each and both have a Clock counterpart.

They function like a normal calculator and can display up to 13 digits. Different sound effects play when the buttons are pressed. On the Animal Crossing Calculator, the number will be announced in Animalese. On the Mario Calculator the iconic coin sound effect is heard. Sometimes special animations will happen when the solution is a sequential order or all matching numbers. Added functionality includes the ability to convert units to length, weight, volume time, area, speed, temperature, and age.