Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters

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Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters
Developer Nintendo R&D1
Publisher Nintendo
System Gameboy,
Release Date US November 1991
EU 21 May 1992
Gallery GH Gallery

Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters is the sequel to the original Kid Icarus and the only other game in the series. The game was built off the Metroid II engine, like how its predecessor was built off the Metroid engine.

The game was never released in Japan, even though the previous game had been and the game itself was made in Japan. Like the Metroid series, the Kid Icarus series had enjoyed more popularity abroad than locally.


Long ago, in the days when Gods and Men lived in harmony, Palutena the leader of Angel Land summoned Pit to her palace. She had been having terrible dreams that foreboded the rise of the demon Orcos. A demon so powerful that the soothsayer who spoke of it was stricken silent just by saying it.

In order to combat this demon, Palutena and Pit devised a mission that would prepare Pit to wear the Three Sacred Treasures necessary to defeat Orcos. He would start from the Underworld, pass through the Overworld, and continue up the Sky Palace until he had mastered all three treasures and conquered the fortress beasts that held them.


Due to being built on the Metroid II engine, the game feature similar gameplay. Because of this, both were the first in their respective series to feature battery saves in place of the old password system. In light of this, Kid Icarus II lacked the variety of game-enhancing passwords that the first game did.

As Pit progresses through the game, he is able to increase his power by defeating enemies and seeking out the god, Zeus. Through Zeus he can try and survive a flurry of Monoliths and earn three special tools that will increase his fighting prowess. He can also earn from Zeus arrows that will increase his power and life blocks, both of these depending on how many enemies he has slayed.

He can also shop at various stores to purchase items to help in his quest, such as chalices for health or the essential barrel to hold multiple chalices. If his special weapons are stolen, he can also buy them back at the Black Market, even if he has to put them on a Credit Card.


Although the game never had a follow up, the original game has been ported on two different platforms. However the changes in Pit's design in Myths and Monsters (the addition of laurels in his hair and blue eyes) were incorporated into his Super Smash Bros. Brawl appearance.