Enemies in Majora's Mask

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Each of the four main bosses wears an evil mask and protects an imprisoned Giant within the temples of Termina's four regions. Each boss also leaves behind their corresponding mask as their "remains". When Link returns to a temple he had already completed during a different three-day cycle, the boss will create a portal that will take Link from the entrance directly to the boss room for a rematch. The Giant's Mask and Fierce Deity's Mask can also be used in future rematches after Link obtains them (and the Giant's Man is also available for the first battle with Twinmold), which makes the rematches potentially easier. The boss's remains appear again on the Moon, where each of the four moon children wears one of their masks, and the masks also try to attack Link in the final boss room during the first phase of the fight with Majora's Mask.

  • Odolwa: Masked Jungle Warrior
    • Odolwa resembles a giant masked man who appears to have green skin and tribal markings across his body. In addition to his mask, he wields a sword and a shield that he uses to block most attacks, and in addition to normal sword swipes he can pull of his own swift spin attacks. Odolwa acted as the boss of the Woodfall Temple and seems to be the one who captured the Deku Princess. Odolwa's abilities included creating circles of fire to entrap enemies and he could also summon a variety of insect nuisances such as moths or spider-like creatures. Odolwa is swift enough to dodge most attacks, but he leaves himself open during points where he chants and summons insects. Link can stun him with an arrow at these points and attack him with his sword. Odolwa can also be damaged by bombs or by Link launched himself from a Deku Flower in Deku Scrub from from beneath him. Once he is defeated, he collapses and his body burns up in blue flames.
  • Goht: Masked Mechanical Monster
    • Goht is a large metallic creature that resembles a bull or an ox. It is unique in that it appears to be robotic despite the games' medieval setting. Goht is the boss of Snowhead Temple and is actually frozen within a giant block of ice within a room that has a circuitous tunnel. Link must thaw Goht out with a Fire Arrow to begin the battle. Goht will then stampede around the room and run down anyone or anything in its way. As it runs, it also drops bombs behind it and causes boulders to fall, and it also occasionally stops to fire bolts of lightning. There are two ways to take on Goht. One method is to chase Goht down in Goron form through rolling and then slam into it to damage it. The other way is to remain in human form and more slowly wear Goht down with arrows. Either way, Goht's body will slowly fall apart. After being defeated, Goht breaks down and charges directly into a wall that collapses on it.
  • Gyorg: Gargantuan Masked Fish
    • Gyorg is a giant masked fish with piranha-like characteristics that acted as the boss of the Great Bay Temple. It was located in a room filled with water that had a small platform in the middle. Gyorg's primary attack was to leap out from the water and over the platform in an attempt to take down Link. If Gyorg caught Link within its jaws, it would then bite and toss him around. Gyorg also eventually released a swarm of small fish (possibly its youth) from its mouth to attack Link when he was in the water. Gyorg had to be stunned by either arrows or the Zora boomerang. Link then had to dive into the water in Zora form and activate his electrical field to damage the stunned Gyorg. After beiing defeated, Gyorg flops onto the platform and shrinks down into nothingness.
  • Twinmold: Giant Masked Insect
    • Twinmold is a pair of giant worms that live in a wide desert area that acts as the boss room for the Stone Tower temple. The area is filled with large monoliths that are toppled over during the battle. They both primarily attack by leaping out from the sand, then they float through the air for some time before returning into the sand. Twinmold's weak points are their heads and tails. Link can attack Twinmold with arrows, bombs or swords for a more ardous battle. It is also possible to use the recently acquired Giant's Mask to attack Twinmold more directly and much more easily. Each worm disintegrates when it is defeated.
      • Note: Twinmold's name suggests a relation to the Moldorm, but it is much more similar to a 3-D version of the Lanmola.
  • Majora's Mask
    • The final boss of the game, Majora's Mask is battled in three different forms within the room. In the first phase, it was merely a floating mask that attacked by spinning around and had what appeared to be tentacles coming out the back of its mask. The mask can be stunned by hitting it in the back with a projectile, at which point it can be attacked with the sword. It later fires beams (which can be deflected using the Mirror Shield) and summons the masks of the four other bosses to help it, although they are easily dispatched.
      • Majora's Incarnation - For its second phase, the Mask transforms into a humanoid form. The mask becomes the chest of its body while it grows thin, spindly arms and legs, as well as a small head with a single eye. This form is known for being extremely manic, as it will run around the room at high enough speeds to leave behind after-images of itself, and it also performs a variety of dance-like moves while making a variety of screeching noises. The only direct attack of this form is that it will occasionally fire a barrage of energy bolts from its hands. Majora's Incarnation can be attacked with swords or arrows when it stops to dance and will then fall on its back, leaving it vulnerable to more attacks for some time.
      • Majora's Wrath - For its final form, the incarnation grows to become larger and more muscular. Its head also grows into a more proper head that has three eyes. Additionally, its arms become like whips that it uses to attack Link from a distance. Majora's Wrath jump around, but it is very slow compared to the previous form. Link can stun it using projectiles whenever it stops moving and then damage it using the sword or a Light Arrow. After enough hits, Majora's Wrath disintegrates into ashes.


  • Gekko
    • Gekkos act as minibosses for the odd-numbered temples and are actually normal frogs that have been corrupted and transformed. They can run along the walls and ceilings, but they usually try to rely on other creatures. The first Gekko is a miniboss of Woodfall Temple and rides a Snapper. Link must launch himself from a Deku Flower in Deku Scrub form to flip the Snapper over and knock the Gekko off, at which point Link can attack it with his arrows. The second Gekko is the miniboss of the Great Bay Temple and remains within a Mad Jelly to protect itself. Link can even be pulled into the Mad Jelly, at which point the Gekko will pummel the immobilized Link and knock him out of the jelly. Link can freeze the Mad Jelly with an Ice Arrow while it is on the ceiling, which causes it to fall and shatter. Link can then attack the Gekko freely with arrows until the Mad Jelly reforms. After being defeated, each Gekko reverts into innocent frog form and can be convinced to rejoin the frog choir at the northern mountain by speaking to it with the Don Gero Mask.
  • Wizzrobe
    • Wizzrobes (misspelled as "Wizrobe" in the English editions) appear several times as recurring minibosses, primarily in the even-numbered temples. It resembles a strange-looking old man who appears to jog in place. He teleports between square pads and, depending on the battle, attacks with either fire or ice magic. The Wizzrobe creates illusions of himself as well in later battles, but the copies are all transparent. Link must find the real Wizzrobe and attack him with his sword or projectiles until he is beaten. Wizzrobes are battled twice at the Snowhead Temple, and they then appear at the Ancient Castle of Ikana and the Stone Tower Temple as well as in Ikana Canyon's optional Secret Shrine.
  • Wart
    • The "Wart" (which is translated as "Arrghus" in other appearances) is a large spherical creature with an eye that acts as its weak point. It is the miniboss of the Great Bay Temple. Arrghus slowly rolls around the room and is covered in a series of bubbles that also conceal its eye. Link must use projectiles to temporarily clear away the bubbles and attack Wart's eye. After it is hit enough times, the Wart will shake off the remaining bubbles and roll around the room at a higher speed until Link attacks its eye enough times to destroy it. Another Wart appears in the Secret Shrine at Ikana Canyon.
  • Igos du Ikana
    • Igos du Ikana and his two knights are battled at the end of the Ancient Castle of Ikana. They are all Stalfos-like skeletons who wear armor and wield swords. Link first must battle the two soldiers, who can be crippled by attacking them with swords like most Stalfos. They can only be permanently defeated by using Fire Arrows to destroy the curtains blocking the windows and then using the Mirror Shield to reflect light onto them, which burns up their bodies. Link can then fight Igos du Ikana, who has a similar attack pattern but can also detach his head and have it fly at Link to attack him. Igos also can breathe out blue fire. Igos can also be defeated by breaking his body and reflecting light onto it.
  • Garo Master
    • The Garo Master is an advanced version of the Garoh that wields two blades and initially appears in the Stone Tower Temple as a miniboss. Aside from normal fast attacks, it can provide quick counterattacks. The Garo Master can also disappear and then dive down at Link from the ceiling. Depending on the fight, the Garo Master's blades will have either ice or fire. Once a Garo Master is defeated, it kills itself with a Bomb due to the Garo law that they must die without leaving a corpse behind. Two other Garo Masters appear within the game, at the optional Secret Shrine and in the course of the Moon controlled by the child with the Twinmold mask.
  • Gomess
    • Gomess is another miniboss present within Stone Tower Temple. He is some sort of shadowy humanoid creature with glowing eyes who floats and does not seem to have legs. Gomess wields a scythe that he uses to attack others, and he also has a flock of Bad Bats covering him to protect his body. The bright flames from Light Arrows or bombs would scatter the bats, at which point Gomess was open to attacks from Link and could eventually be defeated.

Minor Enemies