The President

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The President of Hocotate Freight.
The President
Species Hocotatian
Affiliation Hocotate Freight
Debut Pikmin 2

The excitable boss of Hocotate Freight, the President sent Olimar and Louie back to the Pikmin planet to pay off Hocotate Freight's enormous debt. While they risked their lives excavating treasures, the President risked his own life by taking out a loan from a rather inhospitable banking company called All-Devouring Black Hole Loan Sharks, thinking it was Happy Hocotate Savings & Loan. He spent several weeks dodging the debt collectors by living under a bridge with a group of animals, getting kicked out by the government, living on grass and roots, and living in a tree until he was caught and held hostage until Olimar and Louie could pay off the debt. Once the debt had been repaid, the President went to the Pikmin planet with Olimar to see if they could get even more money and find Louie, during which time the President's wife returned from her vacation and took over Hocotate Freight in his place.


The President does everything he can to keep Hocotate Freight running, which usually isn't enough. He changes from abusing his employees to insulting his employees to bribing his employees within the span of a day, just to attempt to keep things going his way. They never do, and the company's probably better in his wife's hands... He claims to have been an explorer when he was younger.He suck buutIn the first cinenema,he called Louie a dolt.His nam is Shyaco.MIA ROCKS!!!!!!!THE PRESIDENT IS A BUTT SUCKER!!!!


  • When you press the Y button to switch captains, the President says "shacho", which is the Japanese word for the president of a company.