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Species Beorc
Class Berserker
Affiliation Crimean Liberation Army
Hair color Purple
Relatives Calill (wife)
Amy (adopted daughter)
Debut Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Largo is a playable unit in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and is the only playable Berserker in the game. He also appears in Radiant Dawn.


Largo was a powerful man who hailed from Begnion and traveled around Tellius to test his strength. He called himself a world-class berserker and apparently accomplished many great feats of strength. He also had some type of relationship with a mage named Calill, although the exact nature of their relationship was vague. Largo also dreamed of opening up his own pub one day and often carried around a notepad with him which he used to record his ideas for it.

He was first mentioned in "Chapter 14: Training", when Calill mused that he had wandered off somewhere while she was shopping. Largo later approached the camp of the Crimean Liberation Army in the Base Conversations of "Chapter 25: Strange Lands". He offered his services to the army in order to be near Calill and wanted the general to decide his fee based on his performance, similar to how Calill had auditioned to be in the army. Ike ultimately accepted him, and Largo was surprised to find he was the general. He then met with Calill, who was surprised to see him but also pleased. During his time in the Crimean Liberation Army, he saved up money from his fees to put towards his bar.

After the war ended, Largo and Calill decided to remain in Crimea and start an inn there, in the fruition of Largo's plans. Over the next three years, Largo and Calill were married and adopted a daughter, named Amy. He was also often visited by Danved, who seemed to be the same person as Devdan, a friend of Largo's in the Mad King's War (although Danved denied the connection). However, Largo lost his arm in an accident, which prevented him from fighting.

Three years later, Largo was seen in the "Calill's Shop" Base Conversation of "Chapter 3: Geoffrey's Charge" in "Part 2: Of Countries and Kings". He showed up to calm down the debate between Astrid and Calill, and he regretted not being able to help in the battle against Lord Ludveck. He was seen again in "Chapter 9: Marauders" of "Part 3: Intersecting Vows", when he attempted to rouse Makalov into action.

During "Part 4: Of Gods of Men", Largo was among the many people who were turned into stone statues by Ashera's judgment, although Calill and Amy were spared from that fate. He was restored after Ashera was defeated, and the epilogue mentions that he and Calill continued running their inn along with Amy.

Support Conversation Summaries[edit]

Largo is capable of having Support conversations with four other characters in Path of Radiance.

  • Devdan- In the first conversation, Devdan acts as a street performer for Largo and shows him a drawing called Nadved. Largo is unimpressed until he hears Nadved speak, at which he point he is excited. In the next conversation, Largo finds Nadved lying in the street and attempts to make the paper talk to him, but when it remains silent he then crumbles it up, but Nadved begins screaming. Devdan arrives, at which point Largo, filled with guilt, nervously runs away to hide the "body". Devdan remarks that it was his fault for showing Largo his trick, but at the same time says he can't tell Largo how it's done because it is a shameful secret. In the third conversation, Largo apologizes for crumpling up Nadved. However, Devdan says that he is Nadved's friend so he is able to bring him back by drawing a new picture, and he says that they are all friends who forgive each other. Largo is overjoyed at this, and Devdan then has Largo come closer to hear a message from Nadved. Largo does so and begins screaming.
  • Mia- Mia confronts Largo and compliments him for his muscles, then challenges him for battle. Largo suggests she do something more domestic then fighting with a sword because he wanted people to be more practical. But Mia misunderstands this as gender bias and leaps at Largo in battle. In the next conversation, Largo is bruised from battle with Mia and begs for Mia to leave him be, but Mia once again misunderstands this as sexism and attacks him. In the final conversation, Mia is impressed by the fight Largo put up, and he asks her why she pushes herself so hard. Mia says she has been fighting to prove that women could wield swords and had something to prove, and whenever she lost she blamed her skill and not her gender, and she would train harder to win next time. Largo then understands Mia's brutal beating of him and says he will train harder and then spar with her again.
  • Muarim- In the first conversation, Largo observes Muarim in action and is impressed at how strong he looks, then he offers to help him carry some heavy jugs. In the second conversation, Largo recalls his greatest display of strength he could remember and asks Muarim to do the same. Afterwards, he convinces Muarim to engage him in a strength competition. In the third conversation, they fondly recalled the strength competition in which they stacked heavy hams and eventually people on their backs. In the end the winner was uncertain since they did not determine which was heavier, the big piece of ham on Largo's back or Mist who was on Muarim's back. Muarim tells Largo that he is amazing not for his feat of strength, but because he brought everyone together and allowed them a moment to relax and laugh during the brutal war. Largo then offers to arm wrestle Muarim next time.
  • Tauroneo- In the first conversation, Largo muses about the army's diversity and never seeing so many people from different areas in the same army. Tauroneo agrees and mentions some former Daein soldiers in the army, and then Largo asks him about his favorite dishes and writes it down on his note paper. In the second conversation, Tauroneo wonders why he keeps staring at his paper, at which point Largo reveals his intentions to open his own pub. Tauroneo likes Largo's plans and they discuss various foods Largo could serve. In the third conversation, Largo comes to Tauroneo for advice when he can't think of a name for his pub. Largo's initial ideas are too weird or too long, so Tauroneo suggests he name it after something that is important to him. Largo suggests naming the bar Calill, and approves, guessing that Calill is some old flame of his. He promises to stop by the bar when it's done and Largo decides to serve him his favorite drink when he comes, still having it recorded on his note paper.

Largo also has an inbuilt Support bonus with Calill which boosts his chances of delivering a critical hit if she is nearby (and vice-versa).


Path of Radiance[edit]

Base Stats

  • Class: Berserker
  • Lvl: 7
  • HP: 52
  • Str: 21
  • Mag: 4
  • Skl: 21
  • Spd: 29
  • Lck: 12
  • Def: 10
  • Res: 3
  • Wlv: Axe A
  • Affin: Wind

Growth Rates

  • HP: 80
  • Str: 70
  • Mag: 5
  • Skl: 45
  • Spd: 45
  • Lck: 30
  • Def: 25
  • Res: 20


  • He is the only playable character in Path of Radiance who is not playable in Radiant Dawn.