Enemies in Wario: Master of Disguise

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Wario: Master of Disguise


  • Mad Hat Mk I
    • Cannoli's custom-built UFO. The lower jet engine keeps it aloft in even the most miserable conditions, but makes the thing rather hard to balance.

  • Mad Hat Mk II
    • A fierce deity that has guarded Cannoli's family for generations. Whenever Cannoli's desire for treasure hits the boiling point, this robot is sure to appear!

  • Sphinx
    • The Sphinx works at the museum, but spends all of his time goofing off and asking dumb riddles of everyone he sees. Plus he never pulls OT.

  • Head Honcho Carpaccio
    • Carpaccio used the financial might of his company to develop a morphing technology that turned him into an enormous blue head. Neat, no?

  • Poobah the Pharaoh
    • A physical embodiment of the long-dead desert king. Cold, uncaring historical types yearn to plunder his tomb and take his things for their "research".

  • Ka-Bloom!
    • This flower measures over ten feet in diameter and reeks of garlic and animal waste. It symbolizes death. And bad cooking.

  • Barfatronic Lavachomper
    • A device built to regulate the flow of magma, and also seek out and terrorize the occasional intruder. Why it looks so darn weird is anyone's guess.

  • Stuffy the Dolphin
    • The 64th ruler of the glorious Dolphinian empire. It is whispered that he once was known by another name, but all who attempted to uncover it have met a bad end.

Fluffy Dolphin.gif
  • Fluffy the Dolphin
    • A young Dolphinian with succession rights to the throne. Expect a fierce bout of regicide when the magic day finally comes.

  • Mad Hat Mk III
    • Using cutting-edge technology developed by his company, International Evil Concern Inc., Cannoli made his robot twice as powerful as before.

  • Carpaccio
    • A brilliant, pompous chemist, and the current president of Sigil Securities. He lives to find the Wishstone, but also enjoys fine suits from the best tailors in the land.

  • Terrormisu
    • This is the evil demon of legend that was sealed inside the Wishstone. Hubba hubba.

Minor Enemies

All Areas

  • Treasure Pest
    • A devious mechanical trap made to look like a treasure chest. it yearns to put a hurtin' on all who draw near to steal the sweetness within.

S.S. Caviar

  • Munchelangelo
    • This happy little mouse has been living high on the hog on a luxury liner. Too much time at the buffet has engorged his belly to epic proportions.
  • DaVincheese
    • These rats are the big cheeses on cruise ships. From food distribution to toilet privilege-granting, these hardcases run the show.
  • Ratfael
    • This little guy is always running about with rage-reddened face. Some say it's because of his insatiable jealousy of Munchelangelo.
  • Squabble
    • This chubby seagull has a taste for the good life. He circles luxury liners, hoping for a quick nibble on some rich, fatty passengers.
  • Galley Cat
    • This new crewman has just gotten his sea legs, and is eager to serve the ship's guests. He wanders the halls proudly exclaiming, "The customer is king!"
  • Pushy Cat
    • This veteran crewman is embittered by long hours, low pay, and incompetent upper management. He gripes about the eager new guy under his breath.
  • Spoonatic
    • These spoons, warped and twisted by hate, wish only to scoop out joy and happiness from the lives of others.
  • Slaughterfork
    • Forks dropped under the table and forgotten are twisted into these monstrosities by their own bitter resentment.
  • Jack the Knife
    • These dull and rusted knives are fueled by their own rage over a lifetime of butter-spreading and chicken kiev-slicing. Rusted and dull, they know neither remorse nor pitty.

Smithsnorian Museum

  • Officer Kicksworth
    • This guardsman is a bit overcautious. He's the jerk you see waving everyone else through a four-way stop and installing antilock brakes on shopping carts.
  • Sergeant Houndstooth
    • This snack-loving guard isn't fat... he just fills his uniform to bursting with candy of all shapes and sizes. That's why the dog loves him.
  • Dave
    • A regal canine who overcame his mutt roots to become a true police dog at the tender age of one (or seven in dog years). His pugilistic skills are a wonder.
  • Nigel B. Whistlbottom
    • This guard is descended from a proud family of watchmen who have been locked in a bitter struggle with the Cannoli clan since time immemorial.
  • Sir Lance-A-Lot
    • This robot camouflages itself as a suit of armor and waits for unlucky passersby. Of course, the disguise only works if you usually keep armor around the house.
  • Stankulus
    • The bronze statue of a long-lost athlete sports the world's finest armpits, which emit a fine mist that smells vaguely of cantelope.
  • Scare-oh!
    • A statue of the king known for building the greatest empire the world has ever known deep in the burning desert. His wife was known for a big schnoz.
  • Battle Salmon
    • A paper-thin fish that moves with the speed of 10,000 winds and sacrifices its own life to damage enemies. ...What a jerk.
  • Ramenses II
    • A statue of the world's first true ramen aficionado. All who opposed his crazed, noodley way had their best restaurants burned to the ground.
  • Horkus Porkus
    • The statue of a god who can look straight into the hearts of all men. Due to a tragic spelling error, most people call him "Phil."
  • Noobis
    • All who torment dogs, or at least refuse to give them table scraps when they beg and look cute, will be cursed by this statue in the afterlife.
  • Tooty Kamen
    • The man depicted by this statue was the kindest, gentlest ruler ever. Except for that whole "destroy my enemies" thing...
  • Lurchin
    • This emotionally fragile urchin hurts everyone he touches, no matter how hard he tries not to. He spends each night sobbing from nearly unbearable loneliness.

Sneezemore Cave

  • Snow Globe
    • The power of the Wishstone and a snowstorm created this monstrosity. It absorbs enemy attacks and uses that power to grow even larger.
  • Blow Globe
    • This enlarged form of a Snow Globe has mutated to a terrible size. Quake in fear at its freezy crystals!
  • Mr. Cheeky
    • This poor ape is old enough to need dentures, and yet still doesn't have the hang of the whole potty-training thing. Hence the undies and angry demeanor.
  • Slithervine
    • A carnivorous plant with genetic ties to the same ancestor that snakes descended fro. Once prey enters its territory, it will chase it relentlessly.

Pobah the Pharaoh's Piramid

  • K9 Cannon
    • A floor-mounted cannon in the shape of Noobis. It cares not for rights or liberties, preferring instead to blast away and ask questions later.
  • Sphinx Jr.
    • A cannon modeled after the Sphinx. Unlike his big brother, this cannon is dead serious about his job and protects the pyramid with gusto.
  • Bombat
    • An explosive bat born from an unholy union of ancient biotechnology and modern chemical warfare. These creatures patrol the entire pyramid, ever watchful.
  • Blamses
    • A cannon made of solid gold. Many a robber has tried to steal it, only to end up blown flat on his duff by the very treasure he sought.
  • Sarcopha Guy
    • This mummy got his name from the titanium-alloy sarcophagus he was discovered in. He's a bit bashful, so he doesn't get out much.

Ancient Waterworks

  • Thorn Weed
    • The Wishstone turned this plant into a hulking beast, but its spikes are so heavy it can't move without firing off a few of them first.
  • Seed Weed
    • The only thing on this male plant's mind is pollination. He shoots his plant seeds with reckless abandon in an effort to leave behind as many progeny as possible.

Sweatmore Peak

  • RoboUrchin
    • A babe of a sea urchin whose heart is still young and pure. But soon he'll be poking folks with the best of them! Only then can he call himself a man! Er... a man-urchin.
  • Snackeral
    • This fish has been turned into the ultimate weapon by unethical scientist-types. In its spare time, it enjoys war films and sushi.
  • Cyborca
    • A whale so manly, he lives in a pool of hot boiling lava. He spends his nights staring up at the starry sky and wondering if that was really such a good idea.

Blowhole Castle

  • Gooey
    • This kind ghost tries to appear wherever folks expect to see a spooky spirit. Haunted mansion? Abandoned slaughterhouse? He's your man.
  • Puffy the Dolphin
    • A dolphin who loves two things: shrimp and music. Years ago, he left the music scene to live as a recluse inside a scary mansion. And eat shrimp, presumably.
  • Buffy the Dolphin
    • A buff dolphin who sacrificed his hydrodynamical body for gigantic muscles. Recently, his movie career has taken a back seat to politics.
  • Sir Flap-A-Lot
    • A strange bird that wears crimson armor and flits about the mansion. Some think that this wee bird actually runs the place, but this is only a theory.
  • Rolltergeist
    • The world's most talented baker put his heart and soul into creating the world's most perfect roll, only to have it spring to life and flee his kitchen.
  • Stuffy the 5th
    • The fifth king of the Dolphinian empire had a short yet troubled reign, so his people commemorated him with this angry, angry statue.

Carpaccio's Lab

  • Sir Hop-A-Lot
    • This crazy robot patrols around on a huge pogo stick. It's got the hops, but maneuverability is a bit of an issue.
  • Sir Worth-A-Lot
    • If you go five years on the force with perfect attendance, you get a snazzy golden armor upgrade. Robots go wild over this stuff.
  • Sir Steal-A-Lot
    • Armor containing the soul of James, the greatest thief to ever live. Great at stealing, that is. Not quite so hot at the whole "escaping" part.
  • Mellow Kitty
    • This cat burglar has no interest in the true value of his loot. He just likes to stare at shiny things.

Allergia Gardens

  • Amphibigun
    • This small critter was designed to attack in the same way a frog catches prey with its tongue. Which is a pretty bad way to go.