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  • Name: Daishogun
  • True Name: Project Living Weapon
  • Species: Robot (Humanoid)
  • Gender: Male Unit
  • Year of Birth: 1950
  • Residence: The Royal Palace of Planet Militia
  • First Canon OG Appearance: Member OG 6: VGF Moon
  • Physical Appearance: Appears to be a tall, yet normal-looking human wearing army fatigues. However, his clothing, boots and helmet are all actually parts of his metallic armored body. (Height: 7'0" Weight: 230 lbs.)
  • Friends: King Senso, SwordMaster, anyone with good qualities.
  • Enemies: Any enemies of King Senso.
  • Rival: Commander Hades
  • Evolution(s): None known.
  • Personality: Daishogun battles fiercely and is very loyal to King Senso, but is also vey nice and generous to those Senso has not programmed into him as enemies. Daishogun is utterly merciless against his enemies.
  • Special Abilities:
  • Flaws: Too nice for his own good.
  • Known Relatives: None.
  • Affiliation(s): Planet Militia
  • Cause of Death: Was destroyed with the rest of Planet Militia.
  • OG History: When King Senso had executed his wife and son, his only heirs, for treason, and without any backing at all, Senso was already working on a plan. A group of scientists, after years of research and failure in hidden Militian labs, had finally constructed a working artificial super soldier, as a result of "Project Living Weapon". The being was code-named Daishogun. Daishogun is perfectly loyal, and Senso used him to terminate all of his enemies. Daishogun was the judge, jury and executioner and made sure that Senso would remain king until the day that he died. But Daishogun also had a strong sense of justice and stll felt bad for some of his murders. But his friendship with OGer SwordMaster encouraged Daishogun to speak out against King Senso when he was about to flee the exploding planet without warning the civilians to evacuate in time. He was too late to save anyone, but he was at least able to overide his programming and talk off Senso before they were all destroyed.
  • BibliOGraphy: Member OG 6.
  • See also: King Senso, SwordMaster.


Daishogun: Heh heh…Don't worry. There’s a reason I’m known throughout the galaxy as “The One-Man Army”. I’ll give those Kradians a little demonstration of my Daisho Gun…heh heh heh…
-Such a cool guy

Dai: It's quite simple, actually. I'm not an actual living creature at al, but an artificial "super soldier" breeded on Militia- the first, and so far, only one. I was designed as Project Living Weapon. All the weapons and equipment I used during the previous battle were built binto me. Even these clothes are just built into my shell! Every one of my body parts has a unique weapon or accesory linked to it. My eyes have night vision and thermal sight, my ears pick up radio signals, my nose shoots milk, and my skin is heavily armored! And wait'll you hear about my private area...

Yami: (nervously) Uh, hey, isn't that Militia right there?

Dai: Oh, we're landing already! Don't worry, I'll have to continue on my private area while we're eating dinner!

Yami: Crap.
-Such a cool guy explaining his capabilities