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Full Name: Death, Bill Door
Birthdate: 17 minutes before the world began
Species: Anthropomorphic Personification
Nationality: Earth
Creator: Ditto
First Appearance: The Quest For Gillian Anderson...'s Heart

A parody of the Death that appears in the Discworld series of books written by Terry Pratchett. He talks in all caps (occasionally shrunken) unless another character (i.e. Thrakun) insists he stops.

Timeline History[edit]

Good Timeline[edit]

He has appeared in the Kwest series as a member of Team Thrakun. He joined up with Thrakun in order to reap the soul of Gillian Anderson, who was due to die. His efforts were stopped by Kester and Death departed the team, to be replaced by the God of Poverty in the second installment.


Harvest Goers '07[edit]

He also appears in the Harvest Goers '07 series where he has been forced to reside in Nothing due to Thrakun's refusal to be taken after death. He sometimes goes by Bill Door, as in the books he hails from. When he tried to collect the soul of a time-traveling Luiigii, he agreed to temporarily 'release him' as a time loop meant that Death would have to collect him an infinite number of times (a problem for Death, since he exists outside time). When Luiigii reneged on his deal, Death transfered Luiigii's soul into the dying Harvest Goddess in order to fix things up.

Although a temporary solution, Death discovered that Luiigii as the new Harvest Goddess had left Nothing in even worse state than before, making it so bereft of life that even Death could no longer tolerate it. He has promised to take 'extreme measures' if life isn't returned to Nothing, forcing Thrakun to actually begin farming, a tast he does not savor.


He is impersonated by Omega Glint in The Loophole 2.