Keira Angeilis

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Full Name: Ashley Hanimar
Birthdate: 2012 (time travels)
Species: Angel
Nationality: Angel Land
Creator: Luigi of the Pipes
First Appearance: Some More Fanventures

One of the healers from Angel Land who helps the Fanventurers out when, in Some More Fanventures, they go to the Underworld to save Palutena and Mario Jr. She stays with the Fanventurers from then on. On a quest for her missing personality.


Keira is in fact the time-traveling Ashley that appeared in GMOGs 3-5. For whatever reason she went back in time but other Ashleys didn't, it makes perfect sense, moving on. After being babysat by Lupus and Fred in GMOGV, they attempted to give her back, only to later realize that they had given her back to an untimely demise. She was then reborn as an older angel with no memory of her former life. SUPER EXCITING!