Mega Man X (Author)

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One of the retro authors from the VGF days and a veteran Party Goers writer. He was perhaps one of the most comically evolved of the group. He seemed to disappear with most of the others around the time of the server crash. He briefly resurfaced in 2003 visiting VGF and Gamehiker's with intents of OGing but has not been seen since.

Author Characters[edit]


Party Goers[edit]


  • I remember seeing a spin-off OG on VGF that seemed to show his origin or something


from his reappearance at Gamehiker's

Well if it's ok i'd like to hang out here for a while. Maybe we could start an OG too. Or i could post in some old ones. BTW, what PG number were we to? 15 right? Or was it 16? I can't remember.

Zero: Ask them if they have tea!

Vectorman: Or happy face pancakes!

Talking WingCap Mario Toy: It's-a me! Mario!

X: Shut up! We won't be able to take over this place if you make so much noise!

People of the board: What did he say?

X: Er! Nothing! I said nothing....

Zero: I think he said we're gonna take this place over right X?


Hey thanks for all the welcomes! Well since so many of the old gang is here i'll just wait until the new boards come to post the new OG. I'm in no hurry anyways. Shame this place isn't more lively though....*Hears noises comeing from the board kitchen* What are you 2 doing!?

Zero: *Puts tea bag in boiling water* I'm makeing tea. ^_^

Vectorman: *Mixing pancake batter* And i'm makeing pancakes. :)

X: *Slaps hand into face* Idiots.....

Zero: And we're makeing enough for the whole board for all the nice welcomes they gave us!

Vectorman: You want some too right X?

X: .....Yeah sure.'re still both idiots.

Saph: Oh and you're not an idiot?

X: No i'm not! I'm the smartest person here!

Saph: Is that so? Well then! I have this football, why don't you come and kick it? I'll hold it for you. Only an idiot would miss.

X: Alright i will kick that football!

Narrator: Saph holds the ball in place for X. X gets a running start and charges at the ball and Saph. But just as X starts his kick Saph pulls the ball away makeing X fly into the air form his own momentum!

CensorMan: I wanna say something too!

Narrator: Then say something.

CM: I just did.

Narrator: Good for you.

X: AAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! *Flips in the air and lands hard on his back*

Saph: *Stands over X with a huge smile while holding the football* Gee, for a big evil villain you sure are an idiot. :)

Zero: *Points at X and laughs Nelson style* Ha ha! *Sips some tea*

X: *Lies on the ground not bothering to get up* Oh shut up.

OOC: Sorry for all that. I was board. XD;;